Never let you go

Let him go

Daehyun stared onto the floor not knowing how to react. All this was so sudden and it was hard to keep up with what was going on. His best friend loved him. Why couldn’t Yongguk tell him sooner? Why now? He realized that Yongguk was still holding his hand so he shifted his hand making their hands break apart. He looked up at Yongguk and he could sense sadness in Yongguk’s eyes. Their eyes didn’t leave each other until Daehyun looked away. “I…I need time” Daehyun turned and decided that walking away would be the best option. Yongguk just sighed and turned the other way to walk to his class. He had to give Daehyun time to think since this confession came up so suddenly.


Both sides were walking separate ways, and both had a lot on their minds. Daehyun wanted to turn back to look at Yongguk but he couldn’t. This was exactly why he didn’t want them to start a relationship, if anything happens then their friendship would get ruined. He treasured their friendship too much to let it break apart. They can never go back to how they once were. Suddenly he picked up his pace and began running, he needed to see Minwoo. Tears slid from his eyes and a lot of students were staring at him.


He tried to ignore everyone and once he caught up to Minwoo his heart stopped. Minwoo was kissing that pretty guy, the trust that he had for Minwoo suddenly disappeared. He walked closer to them and once Minwoo noticed his presence he broke off the kiss.


“Dae, I-”


“You told me you two were just friends. I didn’t mind that you two were holding hands but kissing. Friends don’t do this to one another” Daehyun cried even more. He was an idiot. He should have listened to Yongguk to begin with. Minwoo never loved him. He was just using him for his own benefits. He didn’t understand why he didn’t see it from the start. Maybe he shouldn’t be in love, love was so painful and he couldn’t bear with the amount of pain radiating.


Minwoo tried to walk closer to Daehyun and grabbed his hand but Daehyun pulled away. “You lied to me. I can stand your insults and when you yell at me but I cannot stand your lies”


Minwoo didn’t bother to try to make Daehyun feel better anymore, he just let out a smirk, “And you didn’t lie to me about you and your best friend? You think I don’t know anything going on between you two?”


“Yongguk was right…you are a hypocrite. Did you ever love me?” Daehyun’s voice got silent because his tears took over. His heart was aching and he clenched to his chest wanting to fix his broken heart. Love was painful.


“No. I have never loved you. You are the worst lover. You cannot fill me with happiness or pleasure. Honestly Dae, dating you was a waste of my precious time. I only dated you for your damn body” suddenly Minwoo felt a slap contacting his face. He just smirked while holding onto his red cheek. “Come on Dae, be honest with yourself. Who would date you for another reason? You are just a pretty face”


Daehyun felt his legs giving up on him as he fell onto the ground. Tears spilled from his eyes, he was such a fool. Yongguk shouldn’t call him naïve, he was worst than naïve. He was an idiot. Minwoo just looked at Daehyun’s pity state and sigh, “Suit yourself. We are over” he pulled his pretty boy and they walked away together leaving Daehyun on the ground, absorbing all his pain alone.




Yongguk was debating whether or not to come inside the dorm. He was afraid that Daehyun was there; they were so awkward right now. Suddenly he pushed his annoying thought aside as he opened the door, no one was here. His first thought drove to Daehyun is hanging out with his boyfriend. He sighed and plopped down onto the bed while staring at his ceiling. Was he stupid to confess to Daehyun like that? That confession might lead them to be awkward with each other now.


He walked around the dorm not knowing what to do. This was happening a lot lately. He looked around the dorm and walked to Daehyun’s bed. A small smiled formed on his face as he sat on the bed. He saw frames around with the two of them together. Picking up the frame, he had a wide smile on his face filled with some little tears on the bridge of his eyes. In the photos he was always making a cool face while Daehyun did poses like sticking out his tongue and acting cute. He didn’t understand why he didn’t feel anything for Daehyun before. Daehyun was precious.


His heart was aching because he knew that it is too late now. Daehyun had someone else. He should have grabbed ahold of his chances while he still had it. He held onto his cell phone wanting to dial Daehyun’s number but on the back of his mind he tried to push aside such thoughts. He cannot be the third wheel in Daehyun’s relationship. As long as Daehyun was happy, he should be as well.


He fell onto Daehyun’s bed to rest, not knowing he also fell asleep with the picture frame still in his hand.




“Yo it’s Yongguk. I’m not here right now so please leave a message” Daehyun shut his cell phone when he came in contact with Yongguk’s voicemail again. Was this how Yongguk was feeling when he didn’t pick up? Was Yongguk also mad at him and now is avoiding him?


Daehyun kicked the rocks on the ground. His tears were dried but his eyes were puffy, it was obvious that he had been crying. He managed to just go back to the dorm. Maybe Yongguk was reading his magazine again.


He opened the door and was greeted with silence. He sighed thinking Yongguk is probably out on campus or something. He walked into his room, and the first thing he saw was a figure on his bed. Yongguk was sleeping on his bed with a frame in his hand. Daehyun walked closer and noticed that Yongguk probably fell asleep without knowing, that’s why he didn’t even have a blanket on.


He smiled when he saw the frame that Yongguk was holding. It was the picture they took when they realized they were going to become best friends. Yongguk was probably reminiscing these moments and fell asleep without knowing. Daehyun slowly placed the blanket over Yongguk’s body and admired Yongguk for a moment before walking out of the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out Yongguk’s food. His first thought was that he should eat it, but he slowly placed it back in the fridge. Maybe he should cook for Yongguk? But Yongguk would only , and he will never live it down.


About 2 minutes of hesitation he finally decided he would cook.


While making food for Yongguk, he started to smile again. He already knows Yongguk is going to give him bad comments so he added a bunch of salt into the food while grinning. “You are going to regret picking on Jung Daehyun” Daehyun smiled when imaging the look on Yongguk’s face.


It was like Yongguk knew it was a sign because he woke up when Daehyun finished preparing the meal. He tried to hit his head knowing he is going to get a major migraine if he kept sleeping like that. He heard noises in the kitchen and knew that Daehyun was home. He dragged his lazy body out and was greeted with Daehyun’s smiling face. Seeing Daehyun like this made Yongguk forget he had a headache in the first place.


“Hyunnie, when did you get home?” Yongguk groaned. His voice was even deeper than usual.


“A while ago” Daehyun replied, “But since someone was occupying my bed I couldn’t sleep”


A flush appeared on Yongguk’s face knowing Daehyun saw everything. He just tried to ignore that thought and walked closer to Daehyun, “Are you making meat?”


Daehyun nodded while picking up a piece with his chopsticks, “Try one. I made it for you”


Yongguk gladly took the piece from Daehyun. His first thought on the taste was that it was disgusting and super salty. It was like Daehyun poured the whole container of salt into the meat. , no wonder Minwoo threw Daehyun’s food away before. Daehyun can’t cook for . A grin formed on Daehyun’s face, he knew Yongguk was going to say something bad, “How is it?”


Yongguk tried his best to swallow the disgusting piece of meat, “Uh it’s delicious. I want to have more”. Yongguk wanted to make fun of Daehyun like usual but he also wanted to appreciate Daehyun’s effort at the same time.


Daehyun’s eyes widened, was Yongguk serious? He took a piece and placed it in his mouth. The second that it made its way in his mouth he spat the meat back out into the trash. “Why would you call something like that delicious? It’s grossss. I added so much salt to prank you for always making fun of me and teasing me”


Suddenly everything made sense to Yongguk, Daehyun did that on purpose! He charged at Daehyun and pushed Daehyun onto the floor while tickling the guy. “How dare you! You brat!” Yongguk yelled and Daehyun laughed even more.


“Stoppp it Yongguk. It ticklesss” Daehyun giggled while trying to kick Yongguk off of him.


“You need to get a punishment brat. How dare you!”


Tears fell down Daehyun’s eyes and finally he managed to kick Yongguk off of him. “I just wanted to get back at you. I didn’t know you would compliment that ” Daehyun giggled.


Yongguk felt so embarrassed. He only complimented because it was Daehyun that made it. He was just happy that Daehyun made something for him. Yongguk tried to look away to avoid Daehyun’s eyes but Daehyun tried to follow Yongguk’s gaze once again. “Tell me Yonggukie, did you only complimented because you felt bad for me?”


“No. It was because you made it. You can make me crap and I would probably still eat it”


Daehyun felt a happy sign in his heart. He can always put up with Yongguk’s teasing, but when Yongguk was complimenting him, it really made his heart flutter in happiness. “Yongguk-ah. W…When did you start to like me?”


“When I realize that Minwoo took away the most important person in my life” Yongguk didn’t want to hide anything anymore. He was going to be bluntly honest with his feelings. He had to make sure Daehyun knew everything and so he doesn’t have to regret anything in the future.


Daehyun felt touched, “T…There isn’t anything good about me. Minwoo broke up with me. Even if we were to get together, you would feel miserable with me”. Those comment made Yongguk surprised, why would Minwoo break up with Daehyun? Daehyun was definitely one in a million.


“Why did he break up with you?”


“I…I caught him kissing that guy. I confronted him about it and we argued. Eventually he told me he only wanted me for my body, you were right all along. He doesn’t love me” Yongguk wrapped his arms around Daehyun to comfort him. Yongguk wanted to go punch Minwoo in the face for doing that to his best friend. How can someone be so heartless?


“I knew that guy is a bastard. I told you, I don’t give wrong nicknames”


Daehyun just tried to laugh at Yongguk’s comment but deep down he was still sad when the topic of Minwoo came up. Suddenly he felt Yongguk hold onto his hand, “You are the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. You are more beautiful when you smile, so don’t give a guy an advantage of putting a frown on your face”


Daehyun wrapped his arms around Yongguk’s neck embracing him, “You are so nice to me. Yongguk-ah, give me a week. I…I will tell you if I want to start over again”


Yongguk nodded, “I can give you a year if it means you will say yes”


“You are being so corny now!”


“I guess I’m a corny man in love”


They both laughed. At that moment Yongguk felt accomplished. He was glad that he got a chance to confess to his best friend. Now he just has to wait for Daehyun’s answer.




Daehyun finally knew his answer as he smiled and ran to his shared dorm. When he got inside it was dark, he didn’t understand why Yongguk closed all the curtains either. He walked closer and suddenly he was greeted with a very handsome Yongguk, Yongguk was dressed in a tuxedo and his hair was pushed back. This is the first time Daehyun has ever seen Yongguk dress up, and he had to admit, Yongguk was beyond handsome.


“Beautiful darling, can I have the honors of bringing you out to dinner?” His sentence caused Daehyun cheeks to turn red. “I know I can’t be as romantic and cheesy as your ex, but I know that when I do something for you, I’m sincere about it”


Daehyun nodded and kissed Yongguk on the cheek, “I will come back after I change”


Yongguk felt hot from inside. Did he really get Daehyun to kiss him? Even if it was just the cheek his insides were bottling up with happiness. Once Daehyun finished changing they went on their romantic date. Daehyun leaned against Yongguk’s arm while holding it. He never felt so happy before. He knew that around Yongguk he can be comfortable and Yongguk will not judge him, maybe but not judge him. Once they made their way to the restaurant, both of them sat across from each other, with a candle between them. Daehyun looked around admiring the beauty of this restaurant.


“I…I would have been fine with a simple dinner. This is so fancy and extravagant” Daehyun wasn’t sure how Yongguk had the money to pay for this. It was extra fancy with beautiful lights hanging above them.


Yongguk scoffed at Daehyun’s comment, “When I bring my lover out for dinner. It has to be special, so it will be a night to remember”. Daehyun flushed as he looked at the table so Yongguk cannot see how shy he was being. This is the first time they have been so formal around each other and not clawing each other eyes out.


His thoughts were interrupted once he heard a familiar voice from a table not that far from his. He turned his head and saw Minwoo with the same pretty boy. Daehyun wanted to avoid their eye contact and Yongguk noticed it as well. Yongguk wanted to charge over to Minwoo and beat the guy up but he had to remind himself that he was on a date. He shouldn’t bloody his tuxedo. 


Once their food came out Yongguk began with his teasing, it will not look right if he wasn’t teasing Daehyun. “Don’t eat so much. I don’t want to be in debt”


Daehyun’s face scrunched up as he kicked Yongguk’s leg from under the table, “How dare you!”


Yongguk laughed, “Just saying. When you take out a spoiled brat to eat, the brat eats everything. My bank account might call me tomorrow because of the lack of money”


Daehyun stuck out his tongue, “I guess I will eat more then. Jerk”. He began stuffing his face and Yongguk laughed at the cute sight. He was happy, happy that he had a chance with this boy. Daehyun might have a lot of flaws, but Yongguk still loved him nonetheless.


The dinner was going well until he heard a voice come towards them, “Hey Dae, how are you beautiful?”


Yongguk wanted to crush the bastard for flirting with Daehyun but he refrained himself. Daehyun just ignored Minwoo while eating his food. “Oh ignoring me now huh? I knew there was something going on between you and your friend. I guess I was right. So tell me, when did you lose your ity to him?”


Yongguk slapped on the table drawing all attention towards him. Daehyun gave him a look to not start a fight in a public place so Yongguk obeyed. Yongguk got up and paid for the food but once he got back he saw Minwoo grabbing Daehyun’s wrist very tight. “Tell me, is he better or me? Come on Dae. Tell me the truth. I can take you back if you truly want it”


“Let me go!” Daehyun yelled while pulling his grip away. Once he got Minwoo to let go of him, he grabbed the drink he had on the table and poured it on Minwoo’s face causing everyone around them to gasp. Yongguk was surprised as well, he knew Daehyun was feisty but not this feisty. He is starting to like this side of Daehyun. “You are a jerk. Why would anyone return to trash when there is treasure in front them? Cut yourself some slack Minwoo and stop being so cocky. Also wipe that grin off your face. It’s disgusting” Daehyun spat out startling everyone, including Minwoo. He was too speechless to do anything. Daehyun went over and took Yongguk’s hand, “Lets go”


Once they walked out of the restaurant Yongguk laughed so loudly. Daehyun thought he was going die from laughter. “Stop that Yongguk. You look like an idiot”


“I never knew you had that side Hyunnie. I mean I know you are a brat but I never knew you had the guts to do something like that” he decided to stop talking when he saw Daehyun sent him a glare. While they were walking again, Yongguk managed to grabbed Daehyun’s hand locking their fingers together. It stayed like that for a while until Yongguk walked Daehyun to the school campus. They stood on top of the highest building on the campus while staring at all the lights from buildings away from them. “This is beautiful” Daehyun commented while staring at the night sky on top of them.


“Nothing is as beautiful as you” Yongguk knew he was being cheesy but he was also saying the truth. The light in Daehyun’s eyes is the most beautiful. Daehyun felt his cheeks turning red again, he hated when he was shy around Yongguk. Since Daehyun wasn’t saying anything, Yongguk decided to speak, “So what’s your answer?”


His question came up so suddenly that Daehyun didn’t comprehend it. “What answer?”


“You said I have to wait a week to get an answer from you. So what’s your answer?”


Daehyun sighed as he turned to Yongguk so they were both looking at each other. “Ask me” he said cutely. He thought his answer was obvious when he kissed Yongguk on the cheek, but Yongguk still needed it to be official.


Yongguk grabbed both of Daehyun’s hand. He let out a small chuckle before straightening his voice, “Would you like to be my boyfriend? I promise I will try my best to love you. I don’t care if you can’t cook for , I will still love you”


Daehyun laughed a bit and leaned over to give Yongguk a quick kiss on the lips, “Yes. I would love to be your boyfriend”. Yongguk felt his face also turn a shade of red. It was his first kiss with Daehyun. He wrapped his arms around Daehyun’s waist pulling Daehyun in for another kiss, this time a longer one. Daehyun opened his mouth as Yongguk stuck his tongue inside the hot cavern, both battling for dominance. Daehyun felt fireworks when kissing Yongguk. It was so different from kissing Minwoo. Yongguk was gentle and made him feel so special and protected at the same time.




“Honey, answer me” Daehyun said while walking back to their dorm, “If problems comes up between us. Will we ever return to best friends like we were before?”


Yongguk thought for a minute and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend shoulder. “No matter what, we will always be best friends. I will treat you a hundred times better than that bastard. Like my precious diamond, even if you are rusty with numerous flaws, we will learn how to grow together. If you are sad, I will be there as your best friend, if you need someone to protect you, I will be your lover. I will always be with you”


Daehyun felt a tear drop down his face and right when he tried to wipe it away so Yongguk couldn’t see, Yongguk caught on immediately, “Why are you crying baby? God, we just got together for about an hour and I already made you cry. , I at being a lover”


Daehyun shook his head, “No…I’m crying from happiness. I love you Yongguk. Please don’t ever let me go” Daehyun hugged Yongguk tightly while leaning his face onto Yongguk’s chest.


“I promise. I will never let you go”


~The End~




AN: Gee this was a long chapter. But I hope everyone enjoyed it, I added a lot of mushy BangDae moments haha. I enjoyed writing this; even thinking ‘I wish my bf was like Yongguk’ LOL. I’m such a hopeless romantic. Thank you for your support everyone ^^v

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bangdaebak #1
Chapter 3: Omo, this is so sweet, I'm getting a tooth ache and heartache from this huhu

Thank you for writing xx
k0j3t4 #2
Chapter 3: Read this again, over and over yet, liking it over and over again. Hohoho~
Chapter 3: O.M.G ! Yongguk Is So SWEET I Want A Boyfriend Like HIM ! I Really Like This Oneshot && Im A Hopeless Romantic Too Lol :)
So beautifully written TT__TT bangdae ftw!
eliass #5
Chapter 3: Damn i need a sequel of this, pleease :3 this was just too awesome to be true
Chapter 3: OMO this is so cute and fluffy!! n_n
make a sequel, a rated one /dirtysmile xD
i loved~ ^^ chu~~
Chapter 3: Author, you have given me cavities. Curse you! /shakes fist in the air/ D:< But in all seriousness, that was really sweet. X3 Cheesy Bang and Feisty Dae. Best combination ever.
omg omg. bangdae is like my fav otp and its fic is kinda rare ;w;
then i went through bangdae tag on aff and found this!
reading this made me squeal so loud ;;;;~~~;;;;
thank you for writing this. rainbows are everywhere hehe
im sorry for leaving you a short comment ;v;
Chapter 3: Oh. my. gosh.