The thing about selecting a Partner (part 1)

It's Complicated


Aish... how should I approach her...? I mean obviously the person she is in love with is Eunhyuk Hyung... but... but... she must be so upset right now... Kris thought to himself. He was really unsure of what to do. Sure! He does want to be partner with Sooyoung. But on the other hand, he was really unsure of how she felt. He knows that she would rather her friend to be partner with the guy that she loves, than make her friend feel hurt. On the other hand, if he partners her, it will be kind of similar to letting Sooyoung “use” him, a replacement that is. He don’t mind, he really don’t he decided. For her, he will do anything.

While Kris was debating with himself, Eunhyuk started to move towards Hyoyeon... Is he coming for me? Hyoyeon thought. But right at that instant, it seems so that she was proven wrong. A girl ran in between them – her senior apparently, Victoria unnie. She is pretty and really good at dancing... there’s no doubt he will pick her... The thought ran through Hyoyeon’s mind. Tears start to well up and they threaten to fall. She knew she had to get out of the room as soon as possible! Hyoyeon grabbed her bag and started running for the door.

Sooyoung was there, still struggling with herself when she saw Eunhyuk walking in their direction, this is it. She silently mumbled inside her head. Just then, Victoria sunbae walked from her original position near them towards Eunhyum, stopping him in his tracks. Right, it’s neither me nor Hyo huh? It’s her... She’s pretty, really good at dancing and smart. Sooyoung thought to herself. Pangs of jealousy, anger and sadness gushed through her. HYO! Sooyoung mentally screamed. Remembering how her friend must have also seen what happened, her thoughts suddenly began to race with fear. Fear that her friend have been deeply hurt. A flash caught her eyes a little moment later. Hyoyeon had grabbed her bag and was making a dash for the door. Goodness! How could I have not noticed! Sooyoung scolded herself silently in her head. She bent down, grabbed her bag, and dashed after Hyoyeon.

After rounding his conversation with Kris, Eunhyuk set off towards Hyoyeon. Will she agree to be my dance partner? He wondered to himself. I’m sure she will! He jumped for joy inside his head. Well...never did he understand that destiny was out to . Victoria, who was just metres away from Hyoyeon’s left moved from her position. She needed to assk Eunhyuk something; not to be her partner that is. But... Just... Something. She giggled to herself as she approached Eunhyuk. He stopped.

“Vic? Yes?” He asked.

“ Hehe... I...” Victoria started; but before she said anymore, a figure ran past her and Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk nearly shouted after her. But no words came out.

“You’d better chase after her.” Victoria concluded.

“It’s ok...” Eunhyuk replied

Kris saw it all! How could he have not. It was that unfortunate moment when he had already decided to go up to Sooyoung and ask her. The look on her face and the events after. How unlucky is that. Maybe it’s just not the right day you know... She needs time to adjust to what had happened. And she needs to make sure that her friend is alright. I’ll just go ask her tomorrow then. Tomorrow will be a better day. Kris told himself.


Hyoyeon ran. She ran without a destination. She ran, became dry; she ran, her legs grew sore; she ran on and on, but the tears just won’t stop flowing. The more she run, the more tired she became. Until finally her legs gave way, and she fell sprawling to the floor. It’s only the second day since I got to know him. How? How did he have such a big impact on me? Hyoyeon asked herself. Funny isn’ t it? Talking about love at first sight; I’ve fallen so deep already. I am just another junior of his. Just another junior...

“HYO! YOU OK! ”Sooyoung shouted from behind her. Upon reaching Hyoyeon, she dropped to her knees and pulled her friend into a hug. “Shhh... It’s ok... Baby girl it’s ok,” Hyoyeon only cried more. After a good ten minutes, Hyoyeon’s crying subsided into sobs.

“Soo... is he really a playboy? Why? Why did it hurt so much when Victoria unnie went up to him? It’s not like it meant anything right? Soo? Ottoke?” Hyoyeon forced the sentence out, hiccuping every now and then.

“It’s ok Hyo, it’s ok. Everything will be fine.” Sooyoung cooed. To be honest, she was at a lost too. What should she do, she knew not. The truth is, she was upset too. But she can’t cry! Her friend needs her. She was upset about Eunhyuk not picking her. But more importantly, she was upset over the fact that her friend was hurt. So badly hurt because of a guy. Hyoyeon has never cried before. She’s always all smiles and cheerful. Seeing her friend like this, she was really at a lost of what to do.

After a while more, Sooyoung pulled Hyoyeon. It was about six in the evening already. The two best friends decided to have dinner together. Afterall, Hyoyeon’s eyes were still puffy and they needed time to settle down.

Dinner was quiet, unlike how it would normally be; with Hyoyeon’s chatter at the table and the laughters. The awkwardness between them was unfamiliar. But Sooyoung decided that her friend would really appreciate the peace and therefore she kept quiet. She didn’t quite know what to say either; and considering the fact that her friend had just recovered from a series of events, she decided that if she didn’t know what to say, she shouldn’t say anything.

She is that friend of yours, the one that you will really want to protect. Even if she doesn’t consider you the bestest of her best friends, you’ll always jumped in and defend her. Have you felt this way before? You can’t even bear to hurt her. Protecting her was the top priority.

Have you felt that before? That sense of duty? The type of helplessness that Sooyoung experience, when your best friend is hurt and yet, you can’t do anything to make her feel better. What’s more, she was the one who always make the lemonade for you when lemons were thrown at you. Sooyoung felt really helpless... ...



Hey guys! I have no idea why I Victoria was the name that came to my mind... well apparently she is older than Hyoyeon and she is a good dancer! Don’t dislike her in my fanfic k LOL But obviously you guys wouldn’t (: She’s so nice~ Pretty please give me comments (: Thank you for sticking with me (: AHHH STEPHANIE IT'S FINALLY UP! And I am sorry... for this really short chapter... it's suppose to be double in length but I have homework T.T So.... what's that something that Victoria wanna ask? >;D

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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
KamiliaBBC #2
Chapter 5: ehhh~~yeahh~~we will see more moments coming frm them later on~yay~yay~
ouch~i hope Soo n Kris get out frm the friend zoned..hurt seeing Kris stays as a bestie with Soo~well,Kris~be a man n strt courting Soo~dnt juz stp to the bestie relationship..
Chapter 5: Bestie??? not nice well... update SOON!!!
Chapter 5: Bestie???? Kris are you just gonna settle for Bestie???? Lolol ;)))))
Chapter 4: What just happened? O_O and Hyuk! Why didn't you follow her?!?!?! T___T
Chapter 4: Awwww that's so saaaad ;( *SQUEALS* Hehe KREAASE! Just ask her! Haha.
Eunhyuk you're so slow look what you've done LOL.

Hmm I'm thinking Victoria wanted to ask him something like... Coffee O______o I don't know haha.

How is Eunhyuk going to ask her now?! After the incident...
Chapter 3: Poor Sooie T__T I really hate it when this situation comes up :/ the other friend sacrifices while the other is oblivious D: Thankfully, Kris is there for Soo :">
KamiliaBBC #8
Chapter 3: Ooh..Kris know what SY think...?dnt worry Kris,SY will love u,one day..just wait.SooKris,fighting!!Ninjas FTW!!
Hmm..Seems like EunHyuk and Hyoyeon is making a good progress..wish u luck..HyoHyuk,fighting!!
Update~~ ^^
Chapter 2: Forgot to say, hehe.
You're welcomes unnie.
Star_Dust #10
Chapter 2: Do update soon!:D