
Memories of You


The doctor talked with another guy called a psychologist.  They said there was something wrong with me. I felt perfectly fine, except for those tantrums when I tried to remember something. The doctor had to come up with a ‘solution’ to my ‘problem’. The psychologist asked me a lot of questions. He was rather annoying then helpful.  They were questions like:

How many fingers does a human have?

What shape is the world?

Is my jacket blue?

What is your name?

I was able to answer then all, except for the last one.

Why were you in a coma for 4 years?

I had no clue. In fact, at that moment, my mind went completely blank.  30 minutes of staring into his tired brown eyes, they came up with a ‘conclusion’.

They told my parents and that guy, Chanyeol, that it was true I fell down the stairs or that someone pushed me. The most important part was why didn’t I wake up four years ago?

It was because I didn’t want to. Apparently, something happened in the past making me not wanting to wake up. Although my health was perfectly stable when I was in the coma, my consciousness refused to awaken.  I sat there full of wonder.

“She is mentally frightened of something that happened in the past causing her conscious to forcefully erase the memories” The doctor explained.

“Moreover, whenever she tries to remember, her body will instantly collapse with her functions. Laura hasn’t fully erased her memories yet. If she were to do that, she would be dead now, but they are still in there somewhere.” The psychologist was examining my responses when he recorded me answer those questions.

My mother used her right hand to cover while she looked horrified. My dad had one hand on her knee. Chanyeol just stood there will big eyes. I couldn’t almost feel his breathing stagger.

“Don’t worry too much though, because she still had her common sense with her” And he did an awkward laugh that trailed off to my mother’s sobs.

I was curious. What happened that was so dramatic and traumatizing that caused someone to act like that? It must have been bad. More like a mental scar?

“This case is truly rare for people under the age of 60, but this only occurs when something really emphasizing happens”

“Unfortunately, your daughter would be better off not remembering what happened. There is a great risk of her life and wounds opening again to place herself in another coma” The doctor looked at me and then at my mother.

I wanted to know so bad now. Was this always a habit? For me to do whatever they told me not to?

My mind reacted quicker than usual. It was cooperating with me. I needed photo albums, diaries and practice. If I got use to it, my body wouldn’t completely shut down. I know I can remember, but I needed some help from some people.

My mother and father obviously wouldn’t want to lose me again, so they wouldn’t tell me anything.  I had to rely on Rhea and of course, the boy who knew me, Chanyeol.

I had to go home soon to find that book or…. I could pretend to remember everything and go along with it. Then everything will be exposed. Best. Plan. Ever. I am a genius. But I had to make sure my parents don’t find out, or I’m dead.

I knew either I fell down the stairs myself or someone pushed me. Something terrible happened in the past. While my parents Chanyeol and the doctors talked more about me, I took out my phone and texted Rhea. She was the first one on my contacts. Come to think of it, Chanyeol was on my phone too. Did I just add him? Who cares. I had some people on my contacts list, but only a few were marked favourites. Amy, Chanyeol, Rhea and Baehyun. I had to find these people and then talk to them.

I texted Rhea first ‘I still feel like after what happened 4 years ago.’

It was like a test try. Within 5 seconds, she replied ‘ You remember what happened?!?!?!’

‘I do, but don’t tell anyone’

‘Ok we will talk about this after when there’s privacy’

I closed my phone. Good start. All I had to do was to get as much information as I could and then fit them all in like a puzzle.

This was a mystery of my life and I was responsible to find out what it was. Whether if it means risking my life or whatever


Chanyeol’s POV

I was afraid something like this would happen. I didn’t really expect it, but it did. Based on Laura’s personality, she would want to find out what happened for sure. I didn’t want her to know.

It was too much of a risk of losing her again. We just have to start all over again.

Based on what I knew, Laura was really attacked y. When I kissed her in front of Amy.

I knew Amy liked me for a while now, but I never knew she was the girl to do this. Well I wasn’t positively sure she was the one who pushed Laura, but it was most likely her. And she even said she was Laura’s best friend and that she would be there for her whenever she needed her.

I wasn’t exactly clear of what happened, but this is more like a guess based on what I know. 

I had to protect her again. And this time, better.

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Chapter 3: Why Amy oh my sweet baby t i t t y s p r i n k l e s.