The Sepecial One

Memories of You


Crying. Crying. Crying was basically all I heard for the whole day. I just left Rhea on the couch sniffing away texting someone. She mumbled something about someone coming here. This house gave me a familiar feeling,but everything was so new to me. Bored, I walked up the stairs sliding my hands up the handle as I went up the stairs. This was a pretty house. I liked it. 
The first door was where my parents were proven by the sounds of weeps and such. The second door had 'Laura' on it in nice fancy cursive writing. I don't know why I hesitated to turn the door knob,but I did. 
The inside of it was cozy and warm. Book were everywhere. There was one thick book that caught my eye. When I removed it from the shelf, I realized this wasn't a book. It was a photo album. The front was in light green with signatures surround it. My head started to ring. 
I flipped to the first page and it was just blank.
Then I turned to the second one. It was a picture of two girls and a boy. They were holding up peace signs with their fingers, happy and innocent. It took me moment to realize the girl on the left was me. Then everything went wrong.
My mind went black and there were 'things' just popping up. It was like thunder and lightening inside of my head. I fell to the floor, pulled on my hair and started screaming because this time, the pain wouldn't go away. My eyes were completed focused on the picture trying to figure out : When? Where? Why? 
I heard footsteps and then a bang to the door opening. I was still screaming. Then it calmed down it heavy breathing. I laid on the bed an my vision got blurry. They put the photo album away and called someone. I heard the faintest sound of an ambulance and then I completely out.
Chenyeol's POV
I was almost there. Minutes away from seeing her away. Then I got another  call. 
"Hello?" I heard an ambulance on the other line.
"Laura had some breakdown. She's on her way to the hospital" It was Rhea. 
And without letting me reply, she hung up. 
It was frustrating for me to concentrate with my driving.
Is she okay?
What happened this time?
Questions literally spun in my head. Then everything cleared up when I pulled up at the hospital lot. I ran, without slowing down, into the hospital. 
I asked the nurse "Laura Fan. I am part of her family" 
She looked at me for a while. She probably doubted if it was a lie or not, but I think she believed me when she noticed how heavily I was breathing.
"Floor 7 Room 3H" She 
finished off with a slight smile. "I saw your debut" 
Without risking any seconds, I ran and ran till I reached floor 7 room 3h. I stopped there preparing myself of what to say and do. It was then until heard her parents and the doctor speaking. 
"I've confirmed that this breakdown was the result of stress" The doctor examines his papers.
"We have to take Miss Laura to a physiologist to determine her mental health status." 
I heard all of this through a 2 inch door. I hadn't even walked in the room yet and I saw a glimpse of her. She's grown to be a beautiful woman. But the look on her face really shocked me. It was like she had no idea if she was alive or dead. Just a blank expression with her eyes fixed on the wall. I let out a sign then turn the knob. 
"Chanyeol..... Rhea's gone home for now sweetie. You can see Laura for a bit. The doctor says she needs her rest" Her mom had gotten tired and old. 
The new wrinkles beside her eyes showed how much she cried for Laura every night. Her face was less cheery. My eyes moved on to the girl, no, lady in front of me. She hasn't even noticed I came in. Still staring at the white wall. 
Would she remember anything?
Would she at least remember me
Now was the time that I would find out. 
I pretended to clear my throat which was an obvious motive to 'ahem' during this situation. 
Not a single response. She stayed still, sitting on the bed looking as if she was .... Dead. Lifeless cold eyes.
What have they done to you, Laura? 
Where is the cheery girl that I used to know?
It was like she read my mind or something. I got so fixed into my thoughts I didn't notice she said something. 
"Not here" were the words I could hear her voice say. 
"What?" I was confused, she couldn't have read my mind right? 
"Rhea's not here" There was that giant rush of hope that filled my chest. 
" You remember Rhea? Do you remember me?" I was hopeful that she would say yes. 
It took her a while to answer me question. She looked back the wall. Her dark eyes were like giant black marbles. You couldn't see much light in her eyes. Mysterious. 
Her answer surprised me and got me to almost burst out into tears. The way she said her 'yes' made me wonder if she knew what I was talking about. But still, she remembered me and Rhea. It was good enough right
Laura answered yes she remembers me. In monotone. I doubted her answer for a second,but she really does remember me. I knew it. I would be the special one she would never forget. Never had one words made me so happy in my life before. But when I was about to jump up into happiness, her face didn't change. Her expressions were all the same. Eyelids dropped and looking at the wall. Wasn't she happy to see me? 
"Are you sure you remember me?" 
She nodded and looked at me this time. It was the rest of her answer than almost mad to cry. It was like someone dug a deep hole in my heart and I was jumping into it. 
In my head all I repeated was 'Please remember Chanyeol please' The hopes were destroyed by her words.
"You were that boy on T.V this morning. I remember you." 
She remembered me by the boy on T.V. She remembered me as something she saw only this morning. 
I was the boy who was with her for 18 years of her life including when she was in her coma. I was the boy who she told her secrets to. But now, to her, I was nothing more than a singer and dancer she found out about this morning. 
I closed my eyes and looked up to the ceiling. My breath staggered. Why did I think I was the special one
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Chapter 3: Why Amy oh my sweet baby t i t t y s p r i n k l e s.