12 | I'm here

Queenka, Gangsters & the Kid
I'm here 

"Sohyun! Sohyun!" Yongguk shouted as he raced up to the black van that took Sohyun. But it was speeding fast and they got away. There was no plate number on the car. Gangsters, probably. Question was, which gang?

After a few deep inhale and exhale, Yongguk called the members and alarmed them that Sohyun was kidnapped and that he would be arriving home as soon as possible. In the meantime while he rushed to his motorbike, he let his eyes scanned the crowd for anyone suspicious. There was none.

He arrived home only to be greeted by Youngjae and Zelo, not to forget Lauren. Lauren cried when she saw him and ran forward. "Where are the others?" Yongguk asked as he lifted up Lauren in his embrace.

Youngjae replied, "they cannot stand waiting so they searched for her by their own."

"Appa, where is omma?" Lauren sobbed.

Yongguk had the same question bugging him. He didn't had an answer for it.Yongguk wished he knew so it would be easier to locate her. He hated seeing Lauren like this, it broke his heart. "Mianhae, appa is so sorry." He comforted her by patting her head.

"Will she be okay? She'll come back right?"

"She'll come back, appa will search for your omma." Yongguk wiped her tears.

"Promise?" She held out her pinky.

"Promise." He locked his with hers.

"Hyung, I asked around other gangs but majority don't even know her existence except some: Block B, BTS and Vixx. But even these gangs admit that all their members are with them when it happened." Youngjae said.

"Do you trust them?" Zelo asked Youngjae.

"I don't." Yongguk confessed. "Especially Block B. Both of you stay here, I'll search for her at Block B's."

"Appa, can I find omma too?" Lauren interrupted.

Yongguk glanced at both his friends and they shrugged. It was a decision only Yongguk was fit to determine. "Do you really want to?" She nodded. "But once you're done, head to sleep, okay?"

At least she stopped crying and Yongguk ordered the two boys, "Youngjae, you go with her and keep it short and around here only. Zelo, make sure she sleeps.

Youngjae and Zelo nodded. "Noted, hyung."  Zelo took Lauren from Yongguk and he added, "be safe, hyung."

"I will. Take care of Lauren. Don't take so long. She still has school tomorrow."




It was cold and I couldn't move. The men tied my hands and feet and also taped my mouth. The room I was locked in only had a queen size bed and a TV. I pushed myself up in a sitting position with difficulty and knocked my head on the headboard.

There were laughter outside the room, growing louder. I wriggled to set myself free from the knot. Those guys who kidnapped me, I suspected this had something to do with either my father or they were BAP's rival gangs. However, the BAP boys had been keeping a low profile after Lauren and I happened. Nevertheless, my only goal at the moment was to escape. Imagined how Lauren would react if she knew I was kidnapped? Yongguk, he must be searching for me along with the members.

The door clicked and three masked men appeared. One of them held a drink in his hand, he wore a bandanna to cover his identity. The other two, one wore a cap while the other a beanie. The beanie guy touched my face with the back of his hand and I flinched, turning my head away.

He tore the tape roughly and I shriek in pain. "Help! Does anyone hear me?" I screamed out those words.

He put a hand over my mouth, "Don't you dare, woman!" He warned me in a forced deep tone. "I'll release my hand but promise you won't yell again or we'll hurt you, get it?"

I nodded and he slowly removed his hand. "What do you want from me?" I hissed.

"Tell me where your father is." He demanded, tilting my chin up.

"I don't know where he is." I answered the truth. After I left the house, I thought of him once a while but as weeks passed, I didn't care about him. He was the one who kicked me out. Plus, he was rarely at home to begin with. I had lived my life alone without his concern.

"Don't lie!" The guy raised his voice.

"I'm not! I don't live with him anymore!" I barked, holding my gaze with him. His eyes , it was familiar like I had seen it before.

"Then where do you live now?" He questioned.

"It's none of your concern! What do you have against me and my father?"

He pinned me down on bed, pressing my shoulders as he warned, "You and your father will go down. So will your lover boy." He gestured over to his bandanna friend. He excitedly rushed over with the untouched drink. "Listen, we won't bother you anymore but if the police knows about us then you're dead meat."

"Let me go!" I struggled from his strong grip, kicking my legs aiming at his private part. "Damn you! Back off!" Tears formed in my eyes as terrifying thoughts came across my mind. They were forcing me to drink but I shut my mouth tight, turning my head left and right avoiding it. I prayed for someone to save me, be it Yongguk or any stranger. 

I bit the beanie guy's hand but he slapped me back. His bandanna friend took advantage and grasped my chin, putting the glass between my lips. He forced the liquid into my mouth by pulling my chin down and it flowed in. I choked on it. The effect was kicking in and I felt drowsy. My eyes were droopy and the last thing I remembered was a flash.




The ground beneath me was rough that it hurt when I moved. It was chilly and dark. I regained consciousness in an alley. The right sleeve of my shirt was torn and my ponytail ruined, leaving my hair unruly. Lying sadly on the ground was my phone, it's screen cracked and it didn't work. Looking at myself, I cried. I cried thinking that I had lost what I treasured.

Hugging myself, I braced myself to find my way back. I felt dirty. Men and their lust, the reason why I played with all the boys I had dated before. Even father cheated on mom, adding my dislike towards male in general. But it all changed when I met Yongguk. I started trusting, believed that some guys like him deserved a girl that was true to her feeling.

He was sceptical at me since the beginning, calling me a and assumed I was really one. But now, if it was true that I had lost it, would he look at me like he did after we kissed? Thinking about it made me insecure and I changed the direction I was heading. Thankfully, I was stranded in a familiar neighbourhood. I headed to my house instead of BAP's. 

I stood in front of my house. All the lights were off including the garage light which switches on every night. No one was home. Father must have knew people were searching for him and hid himself. I sat down in front of the house.  Hugging my knees close, I buried my face with my folded arms.

Little did I knew, I had fallen asleep. A middle aged lady tapped me on my shoulder and I flinched, waking up. "Dear, what are you doing here alone at a time like this?" She said in an almost whisper tone.

I stood up and put a distance between us as far as possible. I took a two steps behind, she took a step closer. At this point, trust was something hard to give. She might be one of those kidnappers or their spies. But I braved myself to ask only one question to her, "What time is it?"

She replied three in the morning and asked if I was okay. Not answering her question, I sprinted the other way round and left her. How many hours did I went missing now that it was three? They must have been worried especially Lauren. She must went to bed in a troubled state. But I couldn't bring myself to go back and put them in danger because of me.


I stopped short and looked around me for the source of the sound. I panicked and continued running. "Sohyun! Park Sohyun!" The voice got louder and I kept turning around. I ended up falling and scarped my knees but couldn't care less.

"Sohyun-ah! Stop! Please!" The voice shouted and in a matter of time, a body engulfed me in a hug.

"Go away! Get off me!" I resisted, pushing the person away with my eyes close. I was scared.

"Hey, hey, it's me. Sohyun, it's Yongguk. Look at me." He cupped my face and brushed the tears away. His rough voice, his thick brows and his almost chubby cheeks, it was really Yongguk. He secured me with his embrace and I buried my face in his chest.

"We've been looking everywhere for you. Even your daughter. Thank God you're all right." He said.

"You found me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Yongguk  my hair then planted a kiss on my forehead."I'm the one who's sorry. Sohyun, did they do anything to you?"

I bit my lip, suppressing myself from bursting into tears. I stayed silent. He knew something did happened because his fingers curled into a fist and he cursed. "Did they do that to you?" He shook my shoulders. "Tell me, who are they, what do they want and what they did to you!"

"I don't know!" I snapped. "I don't know what they did after they spiked the drink. They want to know where my father is and their faces were covered so I don't know! I want to go home."

Yongguk was taken aback at my sudden outburst but he remained calm. He bent down to my eye level and said, "you look ugly when you cry, queenka."

I managed a small laugh. "It's been 24 hours since you last called me that." Yongguk just smiled and hung his arm on my shoulder as we headed home together.

"I'll find who did this to you, okay? Don't worry." At first he wanted to piggy back me but I refused. I glanced up at him when he wasn't looking. He was tired. His eyes was restless from all the searching. Yongguk alerted the others to stop the search and come home.

"Oppa, is Lauren okay?" I was worried about her the most.

"She cried a bit but she's fine. She's a strong kid, Sohyun." 

"I know. I miss her already."


`author's notes!
Thank all of those who subscribed and commented! I can't believe this story has 1 subs. I'm so grateful and thankful. I wanted to post this chapter earlier but my grandfather got sick and this had to be delayed. I hope this is satisfying enough! Feel free to express what you feel below. I love you guys! Take care xoxo
​08/13 : I edited the last part. 
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Thank you so much for subscribing and commenting! Chapter 8 is up! I do hope to see some feedbacks! I love you guys :)


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Neanira #1
Chapter 16: It's been a long time, when will you update the story? Hmmm...
megoo1427 #2
Chapter 16: Hoping you will update soon~
taetaebaekkookiebaoz #3
Chapter 16: omg i loved this book so so so much pls pls ud i want to know what happened omg why do they have to be so cute and adorable in this story im so jelly~!! o my askagafjgakjdfhlasdajfhaslfjh pls pls ud soon i can't wait
bygxbyg #4
Chapter 16: yay done read, nice strory. pls update soon~ :)
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 16: I'm SO proud of her & how she responded to her dad! She found what she's been looking for all along w/ Yongguk, the boys & Lauren. But Yongguk confessing to her dad, much less protecting her from him was, wow! loved that part & then to end w/them snuggling, the feels! haha Thank you for updating, it will be sad to see it end, but excited to see how you work it out.
Oh my God! I really love this story authornim~ Thank you for the update
megoo1427 #7
Chapter 16: Thanks for the update~
Chapter 15: Omo! Is her dad back? Update soon please the anticipation is killing me!
Mounteen17 #9
Chapter 15: NEXT PLEASE
Mounteen17 #10
Chapter 15: NEXT PLEASE