Imagine ft. Daehyun from B.A.P



—-So for this imagine…you’ll be talking in korean XD—-

-huff huff- ‘Crap, I’m super late for my tutoring session,’ you thought to yourself as you were running.


“Teacher, you’re late,” Daehyun said while pouting. Your heart skipped a beat. No, no calm down_____. A hot guy like Daehyun must already have a girlfriend. Even if I like him, he’ll never like me back. You frowned as you recalled what happened 2 days ago.

—2 Days Ago—

“Milk? check. Eggs? check,” You were listing things off as you walked back home. Man, it to celebrate your birthday alone. -sigh- Hmm? Isn’t that Daehyun? “Dae-” You were cut off by a VERY attractive female’s giggle….Wow they look good together. You felt like your heart was being squeezed as you saw them holding hands. You quickly walk back to avoid bumping into them.


“Teach, hey_____,” You snapped back to the present.

“Is something wrong?” Daehyun asked worried. You shook your head.

“Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine. Now Let’s get started on English,” You said, straining a smile.

—-minutes later—-

“Ahhh, why is english so hard?” Daehyun said while stretching.

“Hey now, no slacking off,” you said pouting. Daehyun laughed.

“Hey_____, how we switch things up a bit?” he said as he came closer.

“Wha-What do you mean?” You said as you felt heat rising up to your cheeks. Your heart thumped loudly.

“How about I’ll be the one who teaches?” He said in perfect English. You stared at him dumbfounded.

“What? How? You can speak in English?!” You said, mouth hanging wide open. Daehyun laughed and goes to touch your face and closes your mouth by cupping your head in between his hands.

“Wha-what can you teach me anyways, face it I’m smarter than you,” You said and then cursed yourself after that sentence left your mouth. Why did i do that you thought.

“Love,” You laughed and said that it was so cheesy.

“Are you trying to pick me up?” You joked knowing that it’s not gonna happened.

“Yes, is it working?” Daehyun laughed. You stared at him. Why, why would he hit on you? Daehyun sensing your confusion took this moment to his advantage to kiss you. You were surprised  but you kissed him back to.

“Wait, don’t you have a girlfriend?” you said pulling away from him. “It’s not nice to do this to her.”

“What are you talking about?” He said confused.

“I saw you guys walking 2 days ago, holding hands.” You said, tears threatening to spill.

….”Oh her? She’s just my classmate. Why, were you jealous?” he said mischievously. ” Don’t worry, I don’t like her, She has a boyfriend.”

“Then why were you holding hands?”

“Oh, she was giving me something, it may have looked like we were holding hands from far away.”

You looked at him suspiciously. Sensing your suspicion, Daehyun threw his hands in the air. “Fine.” He went to his backpack and took something out. “I was gonna give this on your birthday but seeing as it’s tomorrow and that you think i’m lying, here.”

You opened the box and inside was the most beautiful necklace you’ve ever seen.

“Happy birthday, and I love you,” He said while wiping tears off your cheeks.

—-Boy this was a really long imagine :O—-

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kann4d #1
Chapter 3: Can I trans your Imagine about Daehyun to vietnamese with full credit???