Imagine ft. Tao from Exo



——This is my first ever imagine…take it easy XD——

You were walking along the beach, staring blankly into the sea.


“HEY_______!” You turned to see who was yelling your name. Then there he was running towards you.

“Tao?! what are you doing here? I thought you were busy working.”

“After you called…I-I just had to see you.” Tao said quietly. You blushed. He stood in front of you and lifted a finger to your face, from your cheeks to your lips. You blushed even more, turned around and walked. You hoped that Tao doesn’t hear your heart thumping loudly in your chest. You felt Tao’s arms encircle your waist.

“Where are you going, beautiful?” He whispers softly into your ear. You felt his warm breath and his soft lips slightly brushing your ear. You shivered under his touch.

“Are you cold?”

You shook your head but you felt Tao hug you tighter. You turned and looked at him.

“What? It looked like you were cold,” Tao said innocently. You smiled.

“Ah, there’s that smile I’ve been waiting for,” He said and kissed you.

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kann4d #1
Chapter 3: Can I trans your Imagine about Daehyun to vietnamese with full credit???