Part Two

What You Mean to Me

Kris wanted his help to find someone. And who was this someone? Lu Han. That was whom Kris wanted to find. He refused to tell Zitao why though; all he said was that he hated him, and for Zitao, that was all he needed to know at that moment.

 The younger boy wanted to find Lu Han as well, or perhaps he just wanted answers to the questions that had piled up over the past year and a little, so he agreed. About a week later, Zitao found himself back in the city that he had grown up in, and had run away from. They moved into a small apartment overlooking a park, and he couldn't help but wonder what he had gotten himself into.

Pretty soon after that, he was introduced to Sehun, who was going to help them find Lu Han and get the truth out of him. Kris had apparently offered him happiness, whatever that meant.

Kris began spending most of his time out, and Zitao was alone more often than he would have liked. He spent most of that time just staring out into the park, wondering just what it was that he was needed for and if he had misinterpreted Kris’ feelings for him. He hoped that he wasn’t just being used. Sometimes he would go out and just walk around for a couple of hours, but there were places that he would always avoid, namely the university, and other places he thought Baekhyun might have be.

Other times he found himself tailing Sehun, trying to figure out just what the other was doing; if he was actually being helpful. There had never been any results, until that one rainy day. Zitao had been following him, remaining inconspicuous, when he saw a very familiar someone running through the streets, and there had been no doubt in his mind that that was Lu Han. That idiot Sehun could finally be useful, Zitao had thought.

Zitao wanted answers, but he decided to remain patient, wait it out, he would get his chance. And that chance did come, but more than three months later. Lu Han just happened to appear in that park that he spent most of his days just staring at. Somewhere in the back of his head, he wondered where Sehun was, but he knew that this was a chance; perhaps he could finally show Kris that he was better, more trustworthy, than Sehun.

Lu Han was just sitting there alone, and staring into space, when Zitao appeared to him though, he started and his eyes widened in shock; he had obviously not expected to see him. The taller boy sat down next to him and the words just started tumbling out, but then his tone became accusatory. When Lu Han mentioned his lover, Zitao knew that he spoke of Sehun, and he knew that he had been right all along. He managed to convince Lu Han to stay the night; partially for his own selfishness, and partially for Kris. So when Kris came back that night, Zitao told him about Sehun and Lu Han, except the other had passed it off as a lie, that Sehun was just playing with Lu Han’s feelings.

And Zitao, even after all of that, knew nothing; none of his previous questions had been answered, and more and more were piling up on top of that. That night, when Lu Han was still in the next room, he decided he needed some sort of reassurance. Kris seemed angered by the other's presence in their apartment, so while he was brooding, Zitao kissed his lover.

The response at first was anger, and he tried to push him away, but then he relented, and the rest of the night melted away into a blur of pleasure that left Zitao at ease again. When morning came though, everything was back to the way it had been, and he could only watch in horror as Kris had stabbed Lu Han over and over. He wanted to save Lu Han, but he didn't want Kris to be angry; conflicted didn't even begin to describe what he was feeling. When the doorbell rang, he was relieved but distressed; he felt bipolar, for lack of a better way of putting it.

The person at the door was just a door-to-door salesman. Lu Han took that moment to escape, though, and Kris ran after him, leaving Zitao alone with the very confused man at the door. He paid him off to make sure he didn't say anything before closing the door, completely exhausted.


Soon enough, it got to the point that Zitao simply could no longer stand the silence and the lack of action on his own part. So when Kris went out one day, Zitao went out as well. Knowing that Kris had gone to talk to Sehun, and that Sehun wouldn’t be home, he took advantage of this to sneak into the younger boy's house, he knew everything about Sehun. Everything that Kris had been willing to share, anyways.

He didn't dare knock or press the doorbell, so he decided to try the doorknob, and to his surprise, the door wasn’t even locked. Quietly and slowly, he entered the house, not closing the door completely to avoid attracting Lu Han's attention with the noise.

"Sehunnie?" Zitao winced as Lu Han's voice called out, so much for being silent. "Is that you?"

Zitao said nothing as he continued to creep ever closer. At the end of the hallway, he peeked around to see Lu Han standing at the bottom of the staircase and looking around. Slowly, he stepped into Lu Han's line of sight and just looked at him, taking in his disheveled hair, and slightly wrinkled clothes that were too big for him. Zitao winced inwardly at the scar on the other’s shoulder, which was quite visible; it was obvious, though, that Lu Han had just woken up.

"Lulu…" He said slowly, hoping that Lu Han didn't hate him.

"Zitao… why are you here?" The other's voice was far too soft and hesitant, and Zitao couldn't help but feel that he and Kris may have caused irreparable damage to the older boy. "Are… are you here to finish what Kris started?"

"No," Zitao swallowed thickly. "I just wanted to talk to you… I just wanted to know why…"

"Hello? Is anyone home?" That voice was so familiar to Zitao, but he couldn't quite remember whom it belonged to.

Faster than Lu Han could open his mouth to speak, Zitao rushed forward and clapped a hand over the other's mouth, not allowing him to speak. Lu Han struggled against him as the footsteps of whoever had just arrived approached.   

"Hey, Lu Han, we brought some food…" Zitao would have recognized that voice anywhere, and it stirred up feelings within him that he had been sure were long gone.

"Baekhyun…" He whispered just as said person stepped into view along with Chanyeol.

For a long moment, Baekhyun and Zitao just stared at each other, and the taller boy could see the same feelings reflected in the other's eyes. And then Baekhyun was walking towards him, after dropping what had been in his hands onto the floor.

“Zitao please let go of him!” The older boy pleaded as he reached forward and tried to pry the other’s arms from Lu Han. “It’s me that you want, right?”

Zitao released his hold upon Lu Han almost immediately. He turned, placing hand upon Baekhyun’s cheeks and captured his lips in a deep kiss before he could really comprehend just what he was doing. Chanyeol gasped loudly as Baekhyun just froze, not kissing him back but not moving away either. Eventually, it was Chanyeol who pushed Zitao away from Baekhyun, his eyes hard and dark, standing in front of his boyfriend in a protective stance.

"Channie… I-"

"Stay back, Baekkie," Chanyeol's voice deepened, if that were even possible. "And you need to stay away…"

"I believe that he can make his own decisions," Zitao replied hotly. "I saw it in your eyes, Baekhyun, I saw your feelings… you still feel what I feel."

Chanyeol's eyes narrowed at those words but still kept the same position. When Baekhyun didn't say anything, Zitao took that as a confirmation. Clearly neither of them had ever really gotten over the other. And in that moment, Zitao was taken over by a bout of anger as he charged forward, intending to hurt Chanyeol, or at least knock him out of the way. And he did so, sending the taller boy sliding across the floor. Baekhyun let out a gasp before pushing past Zitao and towards his fallen lover.

“Channie!” He gasped, as he placed a hand on Chanyeol’s head, over the place that had just been hit. “Are you okay?”

Chanyeol nodded weakly, smiling up at the other. Zitao found that he honestly could not stand the way they were looking at each other, so he walked over to them, fully intent on separating them, with whatever means necessary.

Before he could land a hit or anything though, Baekhyun pushed his lover out of the way and took the full brunt of the hit, straight to the head. He fell on to the floor, a hand placed over where Zitao had just kicked him. Zitao's anger flared when Baekhyun took that hit, and before anyone else could do or say anything else, he attacked again. His feet and fists continually connected with Baekhyun’s small form, Chanyeol tried to stop him while simultaneously trying to protect his lover, but kept being pushed out of the way.

"Please, stop!" A harsh cry from Chanyeol snapped Zitao out of his angry state. "Please… I thought you loved him…"

The younger male froze as he stared down at Chanyeol holding the bruised and unconscious Baekhyun in his arms. Zitao's entire body was now shaking, ashamed of himself.

"I'm… I'm sorry…" He said, his voice barely audible.

And deep down, he realized that a part of him actually hated Baekhyun for leaving him, and that had just been an uncontrolled release of those feelings. If he had really only wanted to hurt Chanyeol, then he knew he would have stopped after the first couple of hits.

Abruptly, he turned away from the two lovers and made his way back to Lu Han, who had barely moved; it seemed that he had been too in shock. Roughly, Zitao grabbed the other by the arm, dragged him upstairs and tossed him into the nearest room, before locking the door behind them.

"So, Lulu," He said as he squatted down next to Lu Han. "What, exactly, does Kris want with you? What did you do to him?"

"I don't know!" The older boy cried out, unshed tears b in his eyes, looking up at Zitao fearfully. "I really don't know…"

The younger boy could tell he was lying though; clearly he knew, and he knew very, very well.

"Tell me," Zitao whispered menacingly as he drew a small blade out of his pocket and pointed it at the other. "Don't make me use this."

Zitao growled lowly as he lashed out with the small knife in his hand, cutting Lu Han's arm open. He didn't stop there though; he was so desperate for answers that he was willing to go to any length to get them.

"Zitao!" Lu Han's shriek filled the room, and he finally stopped, breathing heavily, staring wide eyed at the other. "I don’t know what you want!"

“Don’t lie, Lulu,” Zitao held his knife close to the other still, ready to use it when necessary. “You know exactly what I want. I want information, and I’m going to get it!”

And then his knife was cutting deeply into Lu Han’s arm, slowly, making sure that he felt every small movement.

“Come on, Lu Han, tell me so I don’t have to hurt you more.” Even as he said this, his knife was digging even deeper, almost close to hitting bone.

“I don’t care what you do to me!” Lu Han spat in his face, as defiant as ever, though his face was still twisted in pain.

"Lu Han?!" And then Sehun was pounding on the door, screaming his name. "Please open the door!"

"Oh, how wonderful," Zitao mused, a smirk appearing on his lips.

He stood up and went to the door before opening it. Sehun was there, staring at him, startled, and for a moment, neither of them moved. Then in one fluid movement, Zitao pulled him into the room and locked the door behind him.

“Lu Han!” Sehun attempted to run towards him, but Zitao pulled him back and into an arm lock before pulling a gun out of his pocket, and undoing the safety before pointing it at Sehun's head.

"Tell me, Lulu," He stated calmly; he had really hoped that he wouldn't need to resort to such methods. "Tell me or I'll kill him."

The next while was a blur now that Zitao thought about it. He vaguely remembered Lu Han begging him not to, and at some point he had fired the gun, but he was pretty sure that he hadn't wanted to. And finally, when Sehun was lying on the floor bleeding, did Lu Han finally give in and tell Zitao what he had wanted to know.

"I… I killed his brother…" He said in a harsh and rushed whisper. “I... I swear it had been in self-defense though!”

"So, Kris was right," Zitao mumbled to himself, his eyes widening, having expected this but at the same not. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

And then he turned and left, unable to stand being in that room anymore in the face of all that he did just for answers. As he walked down the stairs, his gaze travelled to where he had last seen Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and they were still there, Chanyeol still cradling his unconscious lover. Zitao sighed deeply before just leaving; the damage had been done, and there was no taking it back.

He didn't tell Kris about what he did, he wasn't sure if the other would approve, and what he might do about it. He had acted without permission, after all. Not that he listened to everything Kris said, but he rarely acted against him.

Somehow though, Kris still knew; it might have had something to do with the blood on Zitao's clothes or maybe Sehun had said something. Either way, Kris was actually happy with Zitao's actions; weakening the enemy, he had called it. So within the next few weeks, Zitao found himself in front Sehun's house again with Kris, who was determined to end things this time. This meant that either him or Lu Han was going to end up dead.

During the entirety of their confrontation with Sehun and Lu Han, Zitao's mind was on Baekhyun; he hoped that the smaller male would stay out of this, but he couldn't help but wonder if he was okay. He was left out of it until Kris asked him to keep Sehun away from Lu Han. And for a long moment, his gaze was still upstairs, thinking about the smaller boy that still held an iron grip over his heart, before doing as he said. There had never been an actual plan, but he had hoped that there wouldn't be a need for any pain, just talking, but Kris had shattered that the moment he started being violent. Although he had hoped against all hope that there wouldn't be a need for bloodshed. That too, was shattered when Lu Han's scream sounded loudly through the house; Zitao could feel his hairs stand on end.

At first, he was too in shock to really register what had happened, but then Baekhyun appeared, leaning against the railing, screaming Lu Han's name, and then he was running, as fast as he could, up the stairs and pulling the other into his arms and holding him as close and as tightly as possible.

"Shh," Zitao whispered, smoothing back the other's hair before placing a kiss upon his forehead, as Baekhyun leaned against him, crying. "It's okay, Baekhyunnie."

"Lu Han…"

Sehun was with Lu Han now, not that Zitao was really paying attention to anything except Baekhyun. At some point, Kris just left, without a word. It was over. Lu Han had saved his life. A life for a life. Zitao backed away the moment Chanyeol appeared, which wasn't long afterwards. As the taller boy comforted his lover, Zitao took the opportunity to just leave, as wordlessly and soundlessly as Kris had been. Glancing back once on his way out, he caught Chanyeol giving him a thankful look, the younger responded with a nod. Zitao then actually left, prepared to never see that house and Baekhyun ever again.


For the next couple of months, Zitao and Kris tried to settle into a somewhat normal life; Kris even began trying to be a better boyfriend to the younger boy. They both looked for work, but neither found anything. Eventually, it became clear that the events of that night were still weighing heavily upon both of them; at that point, it was more than obvious that it was time to leave.

Zitao took a moment to go inform Sehun and Lu Han of their decision. Not that it was necessary, but he decided it would be best for them to know that the people who had hurt them were leaving. And he made it brief, he informed them and turned to leave; the last glance at Baekhyun made this trip worth it.

The two of them left town the very next morning. They had originally planned upon going back to where they had first met, but they found themselves into a slightly larger town, found a nice apartment and settled in there instead. The next few months passed pretty smoothly, they both found a good enough job to support them and it seemed like everything would be okay.

One day though, a letter showed up in the mail from Baekhyun. The two of them had been keeping in contact, somewhat, after an email from the other, saying that they should, and Zitao could never say no to Baekhyun. And, of course, when he had asked for his address, he had given it without so much as a second thought.

The regret didn't come until he had opened the letter and found a card, and on the card, in elaborate writing, were the words:

You are cordially invited to Byun Baekhyun and Park Chanyeol’s wedding.

Zitao’s fist tightened around the fancy card paper that those words were written upon. Why would Baekhyun even invite him? He threw the invitation aside, and then pulled a letter out of the same envelope. The letter was written in a very familiar handwriting; the sight was heart-warming and it brought tears to his eyes.

Dearest Zitao,

It’s been a while. How have you and Kris been? I know that perhaps we didn’t end on the best of terms, but I still think of you as a close friend; I understand if you don’t feel the same way.

I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m even inviting you to my wedding, and to be honest I’m not completely sure why, but I think that I need you there. I have been with Chanyeol for almost four years now, and I’ve thought about you during these last four years more times than I would like to admit.

I regret a lot of the things that I have said to you, and part of me wishes that I were with you instead of Chanyeol, but I’m not. I’m terrified, Zitao. I’m terrified that my and Chanyeol’s relationship is going to fall apart like ours did, and I’m terrified that he may get sick of me and leave. It had almost happened once before, although that had been a misunderstanding.

I’m sorry for dumping all of this on you, and I’m sure you probably don’t really care, but I need you there, Zitao, your presence would just be incredibly reassuring. If you decide that you really do not want to be there, for whatever reason, then I respect that decision.

Well, I hope to see you there, Zitao, because it would really mean the world to me if you were.


Zitao didn’t want to go; he didn’t want to get in the middle of this. Part of him wanted to just claim Baekhyun as his own again, but he knew he couldn’t just do that. He reread the letter, and a third time before stuffing it back into the envelope and dropping it on to the table on top of the invitation.

The wedding was in two weeks; he had time to gather himself and make the right decision, and maybe talk to Kris.


“Zitao, you’re here!” Baekhyun exclaimed before excitedly pulling him into a hug. “I was terrified that you wouldn’t come…”

The taller boy responded by hugging him back, and all doubts that had clouded his mind previously vanished. It was clear that this had been the correct decision. For a moment, his focus drifted back to Kris and he saw that the other was just standing there, like he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. Zitao pulled away from the hug first, still smiling.

"I'm just so happy to see you here!" Baekhyun exclaimed, his eyes becoming little crescents. "Thank you, Zitao, truly."

"Hey, don't mention it," Zitao said, sneaking another look over his shoulder at Kris. "I'm happy to be here."

Baekhyun smiled wider.

"Hey, shouldn't you be getting ready?" Zitao asked, gently prodding the other in the shoulder.

"Yes! I'll talk to you later! Make yourselves comfortable."

He was running backwards, still waving at them, and Zitao waved back weakly. Baekhyun stopped when he crashed into someone behind him. The person was about the same height, with wide eyes, dark brown hair that was pushed back, and in a black suit, Zitao didn't recognize him, but he seemed to be someone's best man just based upon how he was dressed and the fact that he was back there. Baekhyun waved at Zitao once more before finally leaving.

Zitao sighed before turning back to Kris seeing that the other looked really uncomfortable.

"Hey," The younger boy said, gently touching his arm. "Let's go find a seat."

Kris nodded slightly before motioning for him to lead the way. Luckily, they had arrived quite early and most of the other guests had yet to arrive so they were able to get a seat fairly close to the front, second row, more specifically, and right next to the aisle.

The wedding venue was small, just enough for their closest friends and family. The walls were white, and the room was filled with red and white streamers with flowers everywhere; clearly they hadn't meant for this to be completely formal. At the front, where the stage was, there was a banner that read: Congratulations Baekhyun and Chanyeol! May you be happy together forever! Zitao felt a little bit of jealousy at that; part of him was still jealous of them, and he wished that he were the one that was getting married to Baekhyun.

There were muted conversations going on all around them, but Kris was clearly not in the mood to talk much, if at all, so Zitao just placed an arm across his shoulders comfortingly; this was going to be a long day for both of them.

At that moment, Chanyeol came out of the back, flanked by two others, one of them Zitao recognized as Sehun, but he didn't recognize the other. Chanyeol was dressed in a fitted black tuxedo, with a skinny black tie, highlighting his long legs and shapely form, and his hair was a deep brown that was parted slightly to the side. For a moment, Zitao understood Baekhyun's attraction to him.

Chanyeol seemed to be looking everything over for a final time, as he gestured around and commented on things, and the other two with him would respond. When he seemed satisfied, he hugged them and then disappeared to the back again. As Sehun and the other male started walking back, he caught Zitao's gaze, and he smiled at him before rushing away. Zitao still felt guilty for his actions of more than a year ago, but he knew that he had been forgiven and the past should be left in the past.

At that moment, the piano started playing a soft ballad and everyone that been standing before moved back to their seats. Everyone turned their head to the back as the wedding march began playing. Two people slowly came out, one of them was the one that Zitao hadn't recognized with Chanyeol earlier, and the other was the one that Baekhyun had bumped into. At the front, they shared a quick kiss before walking to the left and right respectively.

Next, were Sehun and Lu Han, still looking as happy as ever, wearing grey and black suits with matching tie and bow tie, respectively. They did the same as the previous two, a kiss before parting. Finally, Chanyeol came out, a petite woman on his arm, who was most likely his mother. She wore a dress that was a light blue and past her knees, with many layers of sheer and opaque materials, and she was quite a bit shorter than him, barely up to his elbow. They looked quite content just walking next to each other. At the front, they exchanged kisses on their cheeks before she returned to her seat.

This meant that Baekhyun was going to come out now and nothing could have prepared him for what he saw next. Baekhyun walked out with a very slim woman on his arm, but Zitao barely noticed the woman. The smaller male was dressed in a tuxedo of pure white, with a neat bow tie at his neck, his hair was combed neatly to the side, and there was just the slightest bit of eyeliner on his eyes.

Zitao's eyes followed him, and stayed squarely upon his form, his heartbeat quickening, as he was reminded of when the two of them had first met. Simply put, Baekhyun looked like an angel, and Zitao had to use ever ounce of willpower in him to not run up and kiss him. When he finally forced his eyes away from the other, he noticed that Chanyeol was staring at him in a similar fashion, except if he kissed him, people would cheer, most likely. At the front, the woman and Baekhyun exchanged cheek kisses and she also returned to her seat in the front row.

Stepping up to the front area, Baekhyun smiled brightly at Chanyeol. The officiant, who looked to be no older than the two of them, cleared his voice, and opened the book in his hands.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in the bonds of holy matrimony," He read, in a clear voice, slowly and deliberately. “Let’s begin with the vows.”

"Byun Baekhyun, my Baekkie," Chanyeol said, his eyes squarely upon Baekhyun, a soft smile on his lips. "I had pretty much said it all when I had proposed to you, so I will say it again. You are my light, my happiness and you make my life worth living; there is no one else in the universe I would rather spend my life with. Despite the times we've argued, and the times where I almost hated you, or felt betrayed by you, we all know that that's natural between couples, and despite it all, I want to be with no one but you. I love you, Byun Baekhyun, and I will love you forever."

Baekhyun had tears in his eyes as he reached forward and grabbed both of Chanyeol's hands.

"Park Chanyeol," The smaller male began, squeezing the other's hand softly. "Channie, I… don't know how to say this. I was at a darker period of my life, I had many regrets, and I was looking for excuses, I was looking for something, anything, a spark. And I found it, you, Yeollie, you were and still are that spark. You make me laugh, you make me feel loved, you showed me the positive side of life, and these last three years that I've been with you were perfect, nothing could have made them better –almost.. The arguments made me realize that nothing could tear us apart, the misunderstandings showed me that we were truly meant to be and the times that I almost hated you, just showed me that we're both human, that there's no such thing as perfection, and I was never looking for perfection. All I wanted was a relationship where we trusted each other, where we loved each other, where we made each other happy… and you gave me all of that, Yeollie, and more. I love you, Park Chanyeol, and I promise to love you forever."

Zitao felt his heart clench at those words; so that was how Baekhyun had really felt about their relationship, apparently he hadn't been enough to make the other happy.

"May I have the rings, please?"

Sehun and Lu Han stepped forward for Chanyeol and Baekhyun respectively, handing them each a ring.

“Do you take each other?” The officiant asked, tears in his eyes, and a wide smile on his face, replacing his previously emotionless features.

"I do." Chanyeol said first, happiness written all over his face, as he reached forward, taking his lover’s left hand and slipping the ring on to the ring finger. “No question about it.”

"I do." Baekhyun answered directly afterwards, grinning from ear to ear, and there were unshed tears in his eyes as he too slipped the ring onto the other’s finger.

The entire time, they were looking into each other’s eyes; their love for each other written clearly upon their faces.

"If there's anyone here that feels that these two should not be wed, please speak now."

Zitao was shaking in his seat. There was a selfish part of him that still wished to have Baekhyun as his own, and that part was tempted to stand up and stop the wedding, to yell his own objections. He stayed seated though, because he lacked the courage, he couldn't do it.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you legally married. You may now kiss the groom."

Chanyeol didn't even hesitate a moment before kissing Baekhyun deeply and romantically. Zitao couldn't help but be jealous of their relationship; he wished that he and Kris could be even half as close as they were. Cheers erupted from the rest of their guests and people stood up, clapping. Baekhyun and Chanyeol stood at the front, their arms around each other, and matching wide grins on their faces; they probably couldn't be happier if they tried.

Another kiss was shared as people gathered around, yelling for the bouquet to be thrown. Baekhyun laughed, delighted, as he turned his back to them, making exaggerated throwing motions. There were some whines, almost begging Baekhyun to throw it already.

Zitao didn't know who caught the bouquet; he wasn't even sure if Baekhyun even threw it. He found that he couldn't stand another moment of all of this celebration and excitement; coming to Baekhyun's wedding had been a mistake after all.


End of part two


Omg, this part is so overdue, and I am so sorry OTL I can't believe it's been almost half a year, that's just so ridiculous, that I can't... and I'm so so so sorry for the terrible quality of this part after so long OTL please don't hate me ; A ; um... some parts of this may not make sense if you haven't read the original fic... 

Thank you so much for all the people that subscribed after just the summary and part 1! and your kind comments! I love you all <3 

So until part three, the final part, of this fic. It'll be longer and better than this part, I hope... and posted much much sooner! I swear OTL The next thing I'll be posting on here will be Chapter 10 of my Can Love be Classified fic, so check it out if you haven't yet? ^_^ <3

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I am so sorry for not updating ; A ; I promise that I am currently working on the next part and I will try my hardest to post it as soon as possible! thanks!


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varsharaja #1
Chapter 4: oh my poor taozi baby!i was rooting 4 hs happy ending with kris! it was tragic bt beautiful! an amazing cryfest indeed! u amazingly potrayd the relatn between baek nd tao! the sequel was indeed awsome.!
varsharaja #2
Chapter 4: oh my poor taozi baby!i was rooting 4 hs happy ending with kris! it was tragic bt beautiful! an amazing cryfest indeed! u amazingly potrayd the relatn between baek nd tao! the sequel was indeed awsome.!
varsharaja #3
Chapter 4: oh my poor taozi baby!i was rooting 4 hs happy ending with kris! it was tragic bt beautiful! an amazing cryfest indeed! u amazingly potrayd the relatn between baek nd tao! the sequel was indeed awsome.!
Chapter 4: Aaah~ this left me kind of empty. The ending wasn't fair for Baek and it wasn't fair for Zitao... u_u sad foreva
Chapter 4: kris is like.,dead?really?n no explanation about tao's reaction or smth?but kris?kris.?kris? /whines
Chapter 3: wait what happens to them now???? what?? wae is baekkie--and kris????? what???? cant those ty people wait till tao got the money urgh
Chapter 2: like like~~~~ I pity Tao...he's one of my 3 biases in EXO....and I understand how he feels..It stabs your heart...
Chapter 2: ouch...anyways i like it :)
Chapter 1: uf!! I can't wait for the next update~~!!