Part II

A Sticky Sort of Love

Yuna hummed a tune to herself as she walked across the campus of her school into her classroom. It was the last day of school for the year, and the next day would be the start of her winter vacation. Yuna was extremely excited, to say the least. When she reached the corridor, she smiled to herself. She had a feeling it would be a good day.

Walking by the different classrooms, she spotted Chen in the one to her right laughing with some boys. He caught her eye and waved, and she waved back shyly as his classmates curiously looked towards the direction of Chen's gaze.

Yuna shuffled away towards the direction of her classroom with a last glance at Chen, then was about to turn to her left when she bumped into someone. "Oh!" she squeaked. "Sorry."

"It's okay," the voice said back to her. Yuna knew that voice. Surprised, she looked up to see that it was Suho smiling gently down at her. "You're looking happy today," he grinned. "Did you win the lottery?"

"Good morning to you too, Suho," Yuna grinned back. The unease she felt when she was around Chen's classroom was gone. Yuna didn't know why, but somehow Suho could always put her at ease.

The pair walked into the classroom together before taking their seats. When Yuna finished putting her school bag away, she turned to look at where Suho was sitting. She was hoping to chat with him for the first few minutes before class started, but he was busy writing something on his desk. Yuna figured it was probably last minute homework, because Suho had the habit of double, triple, quadruple checking his homework, and Yuna giggled before going over to his seat.

Suho was so engrossed with his writing that he didn't hear Yuna come by. She knelt quietly by his desk and tilted her head as she watched him write. When Suho's silver pen finally paused from scribbling across his paper, Yuna poked Suho on the cheek and he jumped slightly.

"Hey there," she chuckled. "Doing last minute homework?" Suho blinked blankly at her before his mouth widened and he scrambled to clear away the papers from his desk.

"It's nothing, I just-" Suho's words hung midair as Chen came rushing in, startling the both of them.

"You guys!" Chen yelled, out of breath from running so quickly towards them. "I copy..." Chen slammed his hands down on Suho's desk and huffed. "....copy...English...homework." He slumped down to his knees next to Suho's desk.

Suho snorted. "How are you so out of breath when your classroom is just around the corner?"

"Well," Chen tried to calm himself down, "first I ran over to the teacher's room to ask if the English teacher assigned homework, because one of my seatmates said she was. When I found out she did, I ran back here to ask for it."

"You need to be more responsible, Chen," Yuna laughed. Chen put his hands up in defeat.

"It's because his intelligence level is limited only to Starcraft and getting the highest score in karaoke," Suho smiled sweetly to Chen, who only glared back.

"Your sarcasm never fails to amuse me."

"So Suho does have a hidden evil side," Yuna muttered to herself. "Fascinating."

"Anyways!" Chen stood up abruptly. "Can I copy the English homework please?" Glancing back and forth between the two of them, his eyes rested on Yuna's pleadingly.

"Sorry Chen, but even if you did copy mine it would probably be all wrong," Yuna said apologetically. She turned to Suho. "What you were doing just now, was that the English homework? You should let Chen borrow it if you're done checking it."

"Oh," Suho gaped, "that actually wasn't the English homework-"

"Must have been a love letter then," Chen teased. "Suho's a romantic sap."

"I am not!" he protested with a grunt. "Just leave Chen, I'll let you borrow the English homework when I'm done checking it."

"You still have to check it?" Chen asked wonderously. "I'd be able to finish it before class-"

"Do you want your answers to be all wrong?"

"...I'll be back during break then."

Chen shuffled his way across the classroom to talk to another one of his friends, and Suho shook his head. Taking a glance at Yuna, who had been sitting silently next to him, he seemed to remember something before scurrying through his bag. He handed her a small silver device - her cell phone.

Yuna looked at it in surprise and took it in her hands. "Wow, you fixed it already? I barely asked you to fix it for me a few days ago."

"What can I say," Suho wiggled his eyebrows, "I'm a miracle worker."

Yuna threw her head back and laughed, then jumped forward and gave Suho a quick hug. "Thanks so much Suho! I'm going outside the classroom to text my parents to tell them it's fixed. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Once Yuna was outside, she realized that when she hugged Suho he smelt nice and warm, like vanilla in an air of a muscy masculine scent.

Yuna decided that she should hug Suho more often.

"So class, as you all know, you will be on vacation for the next three weeks." Their homeroom teacher paused as the class cheered, then continued on. "However, I will be assigning a project for you to complete over the break."

The class groaned, and the teacher took out a pile of papers and started passing them out. "It will be a group project, and you will be in groups of four. The directions are on the handout."

A student raised her hand, and the teacher looked at her expectantly. "Will we get to pick our group members?"

"You will be assigned groups based on your seating position." The class groaned again. "You know how to divide yourselves accordingly, now go get into your group with the three people sitting next to you. If the bell rings for break, please take the extra five minutes to get yourselves situated for the project."

Yuna's eyes widened, and she slowly turned her head to face the three people sitting around her. Just her luck, she had gotten the class's three most incompetent students in her group. The bell rang and the students stayed in their seats, chatting among themselves in their groups. The three boys in her group weren't paying attention to her at all; one had fallen asleep, the other was playing a game on his phone, while the third one was eating chips.

She sighed, and looked across the room at Suho. Chen was with him again, and the two caught her glance and waved. She gestured to the three boys next to her, and they grimaced as Chen mouthed, "Good luck."

Yuna mouthed a thank you back and grabbed her school bag, deciding to buy a snack to eat while she still had time. She opened the front pocket to quickly grab her wallet, then headed out the classroom door to walk to the nearest vending machine. Quickly scanning through her options, she pressed one of the buttons and picked one of the small cans of orange juice. Then she walked towards the classroom, sipping her juice and clutching her wallet in the other hand.

Seeing that Suho and Chen weren't surrounded by Suho's group members, she headed their way and plopped onto one of the nearby desks, putting her can down on the table.

"Hey Yuna," Chen said without glancing at her, "did you notice?"

She stared at Chen, puzzled, as he turned around and faced her. Seeing her juice, he picked it up and took a gulp. Yuna slapped Chen's hand lightly as he set it down. "Yah, get your own juice," she growled.

Chen waved his hand back and forth and shook his head. "Fine, fine, but did you notice my new hair?" He grinned and ruffled his hair.

"Oh, you dyed it?" Yuna said as she glanced at it. "It looks the same, though."

"No it doesn't," Suho said. "It's just because you're used to the color."

Squinting her eyes, she stared at Chen's hair, then at Suho's. "Chen, your color is similar to Suho's hair."

"What!" Chen smoothed down his fine hair. "It doesn't!"

Suho and Yuna laughed. "Now I can't tell you two apart from behind anymore," Yuna said cheekily. "Now both of you have that brownish-redish hair. And besides, you look better with black hair Chen."

Chen slumped down in defeat, then ruffled Yuna's hair teasingly. "Black hair for the lady, then," he grinned. Yuna grumbled and fixed her hair, and turned her attention towards Suho. He was staring off into space, and Chen and Yuna stared at him for a few seconds before Chen waved his hand in front of Suho's face.

Suho seemed to have snapped out of a daze, and Yuna giggled at his confused face. She heard Suho's stomach grumble, and he glanced at her juice and reached out for it. Yuna caught sight of this but merely blinked, and went back to look at Chen, who was talking to himself about having to go buy more stationary later. Just as Suho finished the last sip of the juice, the bell rang.

Chen sighed before he speeding off to his classroom. "I'll give you back your English homework after the next class. See you two later."

Yuna gave Suho a smile before returning to her seat. As she dug in her bag to take out her notebook, she gasped. There was a small can of juice and a sticky note attached underneath it right in her front pocket.

"Sometimes I feel down. But then I think of you, and I'm happy all over again."

Yuna clicked rapidly at her phone, biting her lip and looking at it desperately. It was Christmas Day, and her friends and classmates were throwing a party. Yuna was calling one of her friends from another school, trying to see if she can make it, but no one was answering the other line. Sighing, she rubbed her gloves together as her hands were getting cold, and she made her way to where the party was.

Opening the door to the karaoke room, she was blasted with warm air and loud music. Many of her classmates and friends were there, all coming from different homerooms and even different schools, and she made her way to an empty seat and put her bag down. Taking off her gloves, she smoothed down her bright red coat - her favorite, which she always wore for festive days like this - and sat down to eat some food.

People greeted her and waved, and she tried to put away her dampened mood to enjoy the festivities. First she looked around the room to see if she could spot any of her friends, then saw Suho making his way towards her. She waved gleefully and moved over from her seat, patting the space next to her.

"Hey, Merry Christmas!" Yuna smiled. "Where's Chen?"

Suho chuckled, and pointed to the front of the room where Chen was singing in the middle of a crowd of people. "He's showing off again," Suho shook his head. "He normally doesn't like showing off his voice."

"It's probably to impress those girls," Yuna said with a small voice, sighing. Suho glanced at her curiously.

Yuna shook her head, and, glancing at Suho, a smile spread on her face. "I almost forgot," she smiled sweetly, pulling her bag on her lap and opening it. She pulled out a neatly wrapped present with a shiny red bow on top and handed it to Suho, who was staring at it surprisingly. "Here. But don't open it yet, okay?"

Suho held it in his hands gently, and smiled at Yuna, eyes twinkling. "Thanks Yuna."

Putting the box down, Suho reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a box a little smaller than Yuna's. "I got you something as well," he said, taking her hands and placing the box in it gently. "Don't open it yet, okay?" he winked.

Yuna felt her face getting warm, and she quickly stood up and grabbed her bag. "I need to go to the restroom, I'll be back."

Flustered, Yuna sped out of the karaoke room and wandered down the hallway in search for a bench.

Stumbling upon a dark corner, she found a bench and plopped down on it, holding her hands to her warm cheeks. Suho was probably wondering what's taking her so long, and Chen probably didn't notice she was even there. Yuna sighed. She was always so flustered around those of the opposite gender.

She stared up at the ceiling and noticed in her peripheral vision that there was a door to her right. She leaned forward and turned to her right, and noticed that it was a women's restroom. Yuna blinked for a few seconds before chuckling to herself. She hadn't been looking for a restroom, but now that she found one she might as well go in and wash her hands.

No one was inside, and she quickly jumped over to the nearby sink. When she was done, she looked up at the mirror, made a face, and headed out. As she swung the door open, she noticed a figure writing something hurriedly near her bag. Yuna stood there, frozen, when she realized that the person was writing on a sticky note.

"H-hey!" she shouted. The person turned quickly, but because it was so dark she could barely see the person's face. The person went up to her and kissed her cheek lightly, then dropped the sticky note into her bag and ran. Yuna chased after the figure, but when she turned the corner she saw that the corridor was empty, and there was no one in sight.

Trudging back towards her bag, she grabbed it and quickly walked to a place where there was light. Yuna stared at the sticky note in her bag, and picked it up, and when she read what was on it she was ready to melt where she was.

"Merry Christmas♪. Maybe someday you can marry me instead~"

Yuna's face turned red again, and she curled her hand into a fist. She had been so close to finding out who her mysterious sender was.

Remembering the light kiss on her cheek, she felt her lips grow into a smile as she struggled not to jump up and down on the spot.

Just who was that?

As she walked towards the karaoke room, she tried to think back to see if she could remember any details. All she knew was that whoever it was, he (she assumed it was a boy) was taller than her, and as he ran to the lit corridor, she could barely get a glimpse of him having dark brown hair with a touch of red.

Yuna pursed her lips. Someone with dark brown hair with a touch of red.

It couldn't be-

Hearing a small clack on the floor, Yuna looked down to see a shiny silver pen under her foot. Picking it up and clicking it, she realized that it had the same kind of ink that was used in the sticky notes.

She had seen this pen before.

It was Chen's.



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Chapter 4: OHMYGOD O.O It's either Suho or Chen >.< My heart >.<
Chapter 4: OMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO authornim STOP you're driving us CRAZY T_T_T_T
HiLoHappiness #3
Chapter 4: arghhh, author-nim, please ended my misery!!! haha, who is the real stickey-lovely-notey sender????
Chapter 3: AAHHHH who does she like ?!?! >.<
foreverachild #5
Chapter 3: suho suho suho!!! our angel leader needs more love :3
Chapter 2: New reader..It's really a cute story..Update soon author-nim
Chapter 2: OMG, cute and cheesy at the same time "Merry Christmas. Maybe someday you can marry me instead". Haha, I do believe this is Chen's doing. I feel like he would be the only cheeky one to write something like that and then steel a kiss from her in the dark.

But omg, broody Suho is tugging at my heart. Does he like her too? A part of me hopes not because I don't want the trio to split because of jealousy...but then a part of me can't help but want to see drama OTL.

Lol but I feel like she's shown more attraction to Suho than Chen, so maybe, if Suho does like her, he'll have better luck with the girl than Chen? Idk, but looking forward to next chapter :)
Chapter 2: omomomomo it's CHENCHEN!!!
Chapter 1: This is the first fic I'm reading with Chen and Suho as main characters and I'm liking the way you portray them. I particularly love Chen's character, his playful teasing is so cute ^_^ Lol, I also thought of the Taiwanese drama "Fated to Love You" with the sticky notes. So adorable that Chen has secretly been giving her notes to cheer her up :)
Chapter 1: ohmygod it's chen :3