Chapter 15

Into a New World?

The next evening came around the corner quicker than expected. Jessica had already told Chunji and Chanyeol that Sunny was going to take them out for dinner. Chanyeol seemed to be rather fine with it but Chunji on the other hand, sulked the whole night. 


After Sunny's little rage yesterday, Jessica went home, feeling dejected and alone. She sank down into the couch and stayed there for a few hours. Chanyeol noticed her sad face and had went over to ask her what was wrong. She faked a smile and said she was completely fine. Chunji also noticed her expression and he had been nice enough to hand her a cup of hot chocolate and some cookies. Jessica accepted his offer greatfully and grinned at him. 


She, herself knew that she felt something different for Chunji. It wasn't exactly the same as Chanyeol. Sure, Chanyeol and her were better friends than her and Chunji but, with Chunji it was a whole different thing. She felt aware of all her actions when he's around. Her stomach flops around at the sight of him and when he smiles, she feels like she could just explode.


But then, she remembered how Sunny talked about Chunji. Sunny had said repeatedly that she has been in love with Chunji for years. Years was definitely longer than her developing crush for him. Sunny was basically obsessed with him and Jessica couldn't help but feel a little bit inferior. She felt scared. What if Chunji actually loves Sunny back? What would happen to her? She could and would run away but she had nowhere to go. What if they actually dated and Chunji invites Sunny to go and live with them. It is a huge possibilty considering Chanyeol and Chunji just casually offered her a place to live after a few minutes of meeting.


Jessica finished getting ready and went over to Chanyeol's room to check on him.


"Hey," she said as she went in.


"Hey, you," Chanyeol said, "What's up with the long face? You've been sad since you came back from shopping with Sunny yesterday. Did she do something to make you mad? Anything?"


Jessica sighed and sat down on his bed. "Well, maybe... I don't really know how to explain it..."


Chanyeol; who was fixing his neck-tie at the moment, looked at Jessica from the mirror and raised his brows. "What do you mean by that? Did she hurt your feelings? What did she say? You can tell me anything, I'm a trustworthy person. I'll keep your secrets."


Jessica frowned. "She just seems to not favour me so much, you know? It's like she only wants to hang out with me to get closer with the two of you," Chanyeol nodded sympathetically and she continued, "She said that she's in love with Chunji. And she has been for years already. She said she wanted to look her best for him tonight... She even scolded me for picking out the wrong dress for her."


"She scolded you?" Chanyeol's eyes rounded.


Jessica nodded sadly. "I don't know why but it just feels so wrong, you know? She's in love with him and I... I think I might be as well..."


"Wait..." Chanyeol said slowly, "What do you mean? Do you have a crush on Chunji, too?"


"I don't know yet," Jessica bit her lip, "It's just that every single time I see him, I feel so happy and butterflies are in my stomach. Everytime he talks to me, I feel like the happiest girl in the world. And when he smiles... I can't even explain the feeling." She sighed, "I just wish Sunny wasn't in love with him, too so this wouldn't be so complicated."


"Don't think about Sunny's feelings," Chanyeol said bluntly, "since she doesn't care about yours, you shouldn't care about hers either. And about Chunji, maybe you should try telling him your true feelings for him. I think you guys would look rather cute together."


"You think so?" Jessica blushed.


"Yeah," Chanyeol smiled, "I know so."


Jessica grinned back at him.


"So, what time are we going for this dinner again?" Chanyeol asked her, "Why do we even have to go anyway? I don't exactly feel like dressing up tonight!"


"Well, I think Sunny reserved a table for us at some kind of very exquisite and expensive restaurant so we can't leave her alone. I might be beheaded." Jessica replied.


"Hmm... interesting..." Chanyeol said, tapping his chin and pretending to be some kind of old wise man, "If she's so in love with Chunji and wants to spend time with him, why are you and I even going?"


Jessica thought about it for a moment and realized that Chanyeol was right. "Maybe if the meeting doesn't work out very well, Chunji could have us to talk to?"


"That's a possibility but, since when has Sunny ever been considerate?" Chanyeol laughed at his own statement. Jessica felt bad but laughed along anyway because it was a true fact.


The door opened and Chunji shuffled his feet in. His hair was still wet and his shirt was half-ed. "Erm... guys... sorry to interrupt but um... what time do we have to go?" Chunji asked.


"We have to go soon," Chanyeol said, "Like really soon. About five minutes soon."


"Five minutes?" Chunji's eyes widened, "What the hell? Why didn't you tell me we were going to go so early? I could've gotten ready faster! Now I've got wet hair and I need to blow-dry it. Do you know how long it takes to blow-dry and style my hair?"


"An eternity?" Chanyeol replied sarcastically, earning himself an elbow in the rib, "fine, sorry for the sarcasm but, I did tell you it was going to be early. Both of us did!" Chanyeol pointed to himself and Jessica, who nodded happily.


"Well, fine. I guess I'll just go do my hair now," Chunji said and turned around to go out of the room. Before leaving, he turned around and said to Chanyeol, "Hey, Chanface, I think I might need your help." Chanyeol nodded and went along with Chunji, leaving Jessica alone in the room. She got up from sitting down and stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself.


"Hmm... I feel like my hips might be a little bit too big," she said to herself. She toyed with her curly hair and frowned, "maybe I should get my hair cut short just like Sunny so Chunji would like me back," she thought. She continued looking at herself, pointing out every single little flaw on her body and thinking about how she should improve herself so that Chunji would like her back. 


In the other room, Chunji was pacing around nervously in front of Chanyeol. "Dude, what are you doing? Your hair is dripping wet and the floor's gonna get wet, too." Chanyeol said to Chunji.


"Wait, I'm thinking about something." Chunji said.


"What's it about?" Chanyeol asked. He giggled to himself because he felt like a therapist or someone important. Jessica had just told him her problems and feelings earlier and now it was Chunji's turn. 


"Are you dating Jessica or something?" Chunji asked bluntly.


Chanyeol raised his brows. "Of course not! Why would I date her when I know you clearly have feelings for her?! She was just telling me her feelings and problems earlier. And I'm not quite sure if I should tell you or not..."


"What feelings? Does she have feelings for you? Oh ," Chunji said.


"Whoah, calm your , man. Don't jump to conclusions so fast," Chanyeol said, "I'm sure she'll tell you when the right time comes around. And in the meantime, you should think about what you should tell her."


"You're right..." Chunji said.


"I am such a therapist!" Chanyeol suddenly squealed.


"What?" Chunji asked, confused.


"Oh, um... nothing..." 






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RatihFebrianti #1
Chapter 28: I still waiting for next chapter >\\<
Keep writing, author-nim >\\<
Chapter 28: Sunny-ah. What a brilliant plan have you done to my CHUNSICA ! Poor our Chunji~ ;P . Yahh , Sica gonna to leaves ? NOOOOO !! Please update soon , Author-nim :)
SoYou__Angel #3
Chapter 28: Aaaaarrrrrgh, want badly to kill Sunny!! Hate her so much! If she can listen to ChunJi... Poor ChunJi and Chanyeol.. Want to.know the next chapter please ^^
SoYou__Angel #4
Chapter 27: Lee Sunkyu aka Sunny!!! What the hell are you gonna doing now? you ing ... don't you just leave chunsica and Chanyeol in Peace?? haha..., She is really the type of girls that everyone hates LOL! i love your ff.., ChunJi and Jess are so sweet and look good together! Chanyeol is so kind and Sweet towards chunsica! ChunJi and Chanyeol!! total loving their friendship!! i ship them now... hope you keep writing please because i want to see what will happen when Jess will wake up? Does she will go back to her native country? what about her mother and the prince? so many question.. c:
Chapter 27: wow. i'm not amused at all-.- SUNNY CAN YOU PLEASE NOT =.=' fuar
yulkim #6
Chapter 26: finally you've update!!
ouhh sunny!! what a crazy plan do you've prepare to??
dont make jessica in any problem this time fufufu :3
i always put my careness on chanyeol poorness bwahahaha XD
keep updating!