When you fall for your best friend (Daesung)

BigBang Scenarios and oneshots

    It's already 12.30am. Daesung is still not home yet. You continued pacing around the house. Dialling his number only to be send to his voice mail. 

    Yes, Daesung and you live together, well that's cause he's too scared to live in a big apartment alone. And since his hyungs stay in their own apartments he asked you-his best friend- to move in with him. 

    How can you say no to Daesung when he goes all cute and adorable with you. Finally you heard the door bell ring and ran to open the door. Daesung pulled you into a tight bear hug and buried his face into the crook of your neck.

    You swallowed and your heart started to beat faster. "Y-yah Daesung Oppa! Where have you been? What's wrong?" You stuttered a little but kept your tone firm.

    When you felt something wet on your neck you realised that he was actually crying. This fact made you panick. You pulled him inside and locked the door.

    You sat him down on the couch and made him face you." Spill it. What happened?" Daesung stared you for a moment longer before looking at his hands. 

    "There's this girl I like. But I donno if I should tell her how much I love her. She's my everything but what if she doesn't feel the same way about me and it ruins our friendship? What ir she feels disgusted? What if- "

    You put your finger on his lips and looked into his eyes. Inside your heart is breaking into a million pieces. You have always loved him more than just a brother. But you never had the guts to tell him. But seeing him so upset, it hurt even more to see him this way.

    "Oppa I think your the most handsomest and caring person in the entire world. And if you really love her that much then you should tell her how you feel about       her before its too late. Trust me you'll regret it if you don't tell her i know i do.." you whispered the last part to yourself.

    Daesung looked at you nervously," You really think so?" he asked not convinced."Yes oppa I'm very sure that girl is the most luckiest girl in world. I'm so jealousof her. By the way who is she ?" you asked smiling trying not to look like your falling apart inside.

    This time Daesung smilied,"THat's a secret. I'll tell her tomorrow. Then you'll know who she is."

    You gave him a soft smile and brought him to his bed where you tucked him in and made him sleep. Daesung has been through alot for someone his age. He is a very good person like an angel indisguise who didn't deserve alot of the things that has happened to him. But at least now he'll be happy with that girl. You have been with him through thick and thin. You have seen him being pushed to the edge and back and watched him get upwith his two feet and come back stronger than before.

    This was what made you fall in love with him. But you could live just by knowing that he was happy even if it is with some other girl.


 -----  The next day-----

   "So what are we doing here?" you guys were up in your old tree house that you guys used to play in when you were young.

    "Remember yesterday I told you about that girl I liked alot?' Daesung reminded you as he gazed outside the small window."I've finally decided to confess to her." He turned around to face you his face serious.

    He walked up to you his face inches away from yours and your heart started to beat faster. " You've always been there for me when I lost my first tooth, when I had my first heartbreak, when i fell down after school when were nine and you bought me ice cream, when I first debuted, when my accident happened, when I was at my most depressing moments, when I released my first single. You were always there cheering me on with a smile. You were the girl I was talking about last night the one i was so afraid that only loved me as a brotherand not a lover.

    But now you yourself gave me the courage to confess to you. I love you and only you. I'll take whatever that comes but I know nothing can take you away from me not even faith itself." He finished off searching your eyes.

    Your eyes became eary and you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. You've always dreamt about how it would feel to kiss his soft lips.

    When you pulled away he was smiling, Ican't believe you troubled yourself so much you pabo I love you too!" You said smiling as you leaned into him for another kiss....
















There you go guys !!! XD I'm so sorry for not updating in like forever but i promise there will be Valentine's Day specials coming out soon so saty tuned!! This story is for all the girls out there who fell in love with thier bestfriend but never had the guts to confess.... HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR GUYS HAVE A BLAST!!! XDD

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i promise they'll be up in three days or so.. :)


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Gondance #1
Please update :)
Chapter 13: I'm crying that was like the fault in our stars so beautiful.
Chapter 14: - by the way. Isn't daesungs birthday on April 26? Lol
Chapter 14: - daesungie <3 hehe
Chapter 13: Youngbae Oppa.......... :'(
Chapter 14: doraemon costume xDD
Chapter 13: I know right? I ADORE that song! Love the picture. Where/When was it taken?
Chapter 13: Wow!! You made me cry! It's not fair :( my god this is sad :'(
Chapter 12: Owww so sweet haha I liked it,your friend is a good author and YEIII!!!! I want to read the next chapter already my Cute oppa ;)))
Chapter 12: Your friend is a great author. I so love her story!