When he forgets your one year anniversary together (G-Dragon)

BigBang Scenarios and oneshots

    You woke up extra early today to cook up all his favourite dishes for him. you aren't exactly good at cooking korean dishes but you had put in alot of effort into the dishes just to show your love. It was 7.30am in the morning when you reached his house. you knocked on the door but to no avail he probably wasn't awake yet. Luckily you had a spare key to the house.

    "JiYong oppa!~" you sang his name out aloud as you placed the basket of food that you had cooked for him on the kitchen table.

- no response -

    "Hmm..." you hummed as you walked upsyairs to his bedroom. "Oppa?" you called out as you peeped your head into his room.

     Only to find him snoring away with Gaho snuggled up beside him. You couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the adorable boys in front of you. "Yah! Mornin' oppa !~" you said in a sing song voice as you pounced on to him. He yelped in surprise as he fell onto the floor. 

    "Yah! Jagiya! What are you doing here so early in the morning?!" he asked alittle annoyed as he rubbed his temple with his hands.

   "Mianhae oppa.. i didn't mean to wake you up but you have to go to the studio at 8 so i didn't want you to be late." you said softly alittle dejected by his moodiness.

   JiYong climbed back on to his bed and signed,"I don't think I'll be going to the studio today. I'm way too tired."

   "Yah! Oppa! If your not going to the studio then that would mean we coul finally have some time together right? We should go out for dinner! " you said all excited that you finally get to spent a day with him after a month of promotions and tours. 

    "Haish !______-ah I'm having a hangover from Dara's birthday party yesterday night. I'm just really tired all i want to do today is get some sleep!" he snapped at you.

    He actually had the nerve to say that he was out partying yesterday at some girl's place whlie his girlfriend was alone at home thinking he must be working really hard at the studio, you thought .

   Then it hit you, "Wait so you really don't remember do you? You can remember Dara's birthday and get all drunk at her place but you can't remember that today's our first anniversary?!" you yelled at him tears b from your eyes. 

   JiYong looked at you stunned but before he could say anything else you were already out of his room and slamming the front door as you walked out of his house. JiYong ran down the stairs only to find out that you already left. He sighed and buried his head in his hands. " Urgh.. How could I forget my own anniversary?" he mumbled into his hands when the delicious aroma hit him. 

   He walked into the kitche to find the basket of food that you have cooked for him. "Great now i feel even more worst." JiYong said depressingly as he looked at the contents in the basket, all his favourite foods made out of love. JiYong pulled out his phone and speed dialled the only person he knew who was an expert at wooing a girl.


  "Seungri-ah I need your help!"



   Okay so you aren't the type of girl who cried over a boy. But with JiYong you would just become an over sensitive emotional freak. You just sat in your room the whole day blasting the volume of your TV on max. You checked your phone for the 100th but there wasn't even 1 miss call from Jiyong. Jerk, you thought to yourself as you tossed your phone on to the bed.

  That's it enough sulking around it's almost time to make dinner and you're starving. You were about to open the door. When someone knocked on it. 'wait! Someone is in my house?!' you thought panicking. "W-who's that?!" you asked trying not to sound afraid. There was a chuckle and a familiar voice said,"Your prince Charming of course!" 

  You opened the room door to find JiYong in a tux his hair neatly combed to the side. He held out his arm for you."If i could have the honour?" he asked seducingly. You gulped and hesitantly took his arm. He smiled his million dollar smile and lead you down the stairs. You gasped as you saw the candles lit up all around your house and in th middle was a table for two with delicious looking food and a bottle of champange on it . To top it of there was a banner that said,"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US BABY GIRL!"

  "Is this all for me?" you asked looking at him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. " I'm sorry. I forgot our anniversary. I want to make it up to you. Because I realised no matter how bad and how much disappointment i give you. You were always there for me. And I love you." he sealed it of with a kiss on your forehead. 

  You slowly started smirking and s your arms around his neck," You'll have to give more than just a kiss on my forehead for me to forgive you." you replied mischievously. He chuckled and pulled you in for a kiss. You were so in to kissing him you didn't see him open his eyes and give a thumbs up to seungri who managed to sneak out of the house before you puleed away from the kiss. 

  After all JiYong owed Seungri big time for setting up everything for the dinner including cheorgraphing what to say to you. I can only thank god for giving me such a great maknae. JiYong thought sliently as he lead you to your seat.













So there you go my first fic !!! hope you guys enjoy it XDD

Feel free to request scenerios that you want i don't mind making a story out of it just comment and subscribe :) 

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Gondance #1
Please update :)
Chapter 13: I'm crying that was like the fault in our stars so beautiful.
Chapter 14: - by the way. Isn't daesungs birthday on April 26? Lol
Chapter 14: - daesungie <3 hehe
Chapter 13: Youngbae Oppa.......... :'(
Chapter 14: doraemon costume xDD
Chapter 13: I know right? I ADORE that song! Love the picture. Where/When was it taken?
Chapter 13: Wow!! You made me cry! It's not fair :( my god this is sad :'(
Chapter 12: Owww so sweet haha I liked it,your friend is a good author and YEIII!!!! I want to read the next chapter already my Cute oppa ;)))
Chapter 12: Your friend is a great author. I so love her story!