
Please Love Me Back
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A/N: Italicized words are flashback :> They are also in RED.


Author's Pov


You and Yunhee are at the mall.

"SHOPPING AT LAST!!"Yunhe chimed excitedly.

"YEAH"you also did those weird hand movements.

You walked in different stalls and boutiques when you found a gem.

"THIS."you said as you ran towards the store.You held up a Bigbang T-shirt and smiled widely.


"so...You really are a fan of Bigbang?"She asked you.

You nodded and went to the counter to pay for the T-shirt.

"Well.."She said "ME TOO" as she took another shirt and paid for it too.

"Heheh OH MY GERD"the both of you said earning a weird look form the cashier.


"how about this?" Yunhee said as she picked a dress "or this?"

"the both is really pretty but I prefer the first one."

"I think it is really pretty too"

"say you have changed Minhee"She told you.

You stared at her with your big eyes "Why?"

"well you don't really like dresses at all and now you are wearing it"she told you.Then she saw a familiar stall . "remember that store?"she asked you.

You looked at the store and you had a flashback

"Are you alright?Your sweating too much..You cant really stand pink so let us get out from this place"She said as she paid her dress directly and rushed out from the store.You excused yourself and quickly run off to a CR.You quickly ate two painkillers and sighed in relief.

*why is this always happening to me*

You went back to Yunhee who looks so worried.

"Are you alright?"she asked once again

"Are you alright?"Yunhee once again said. She said it for like 5 times but you had a little flashback.

"What is that place?"you asked her "and the significance of that place to you?"

"well it is the last store we shopped on before you had that illness" She said sadly. "I remember you and I laughing and shopping happily last year"

Her tears are already pouring out.

"I did many bad things to you" She said "I even took your best friend's attention to you since I like him "


*Why can't they see th

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Chapter 1: Come back here just to re-read this lovely works of yours❤️ And I just roftl seeing the meme lol ?
Missmaya #2
Chapter 50: For a moment I thought she will end up with Luhan and that's made me sad. So glad to see that she ends up with Kris. Love it <3
biankita_27 #4
Chapter 15: Hot angry bird is just perfect for her ^_^
biankita_27 #5
Chapter 9: I feel sad. Poor Minhee.
hanyz1 #6
Chapter 15: i hope she will be with the angry good looking bird guy
Chapter 51: Finished this in two days! Cute fic XD
Chapter 50: Haha;;; they're so sweet although they keep bickering all days
kimskylar #9
I decided to give this fanfic a try :)화이팅ㅇㅇㅇ ㅋㅋㅋ
livihwang #10
Chapter 51: I love your storyy <3 ^^