Breaking The Rules

When The Gymnast Met The Basketballer

[Alright,alright.I know my exams are like under 5 more days BUT,I felt really cruel leaving you guys hanging on the previous chapter.I decided to update (yay!).Enjoy~]

Luhan's heart felt like it's been stabbed in a chest by a thousand knives.Sounds exaggerating?,Not to

him.So many thoughts were swirling in his head,clearly driving him nuts.Of course he wasn't that stupid to

not understand the situation that was happening. He knew it was about her father.Her phone a.k.a

Yunho's phone kept ringing early in the morning.Luhan saw the caller ID."Mr Han".He didn't want to pick it

up because he didn't want Hye Jin to get into trouble.The one thing he needs to know now is,what did Mr

Han told or do to Hye Jin until she refuse to talk or see him anymore?.Deep in his heart,he wants to take

care of Hye Jin.He had this urge to protect and love her since the day of that fateful encounter,a.k.a Hye

Jin's suicide attempt on the rooftop.After that day,he realized he arose a sensitive issue,making Hye Jin go

all emotional,so he apologized the next day.He never knew that he would feel like this towards her,ever.To

Luhan,she was this stuck-up and rude person on the first day he met her.But as he gets to know her,he

realizes that there are things she doesn't talk about much which Luhan finds it really sad.It shows she

doesn't have friends.Luhan knows how it feels to not have friends.Back in kindergarden days,Luhan was

constantly being teased by the other kids for being poor.It was until he reached Elementary school where

he met Chanyeol,his soon-to-be best friend back then.Then,he met the other 11 boys in his first year of

High School.Other than that,he never had friends.He was really grateful that he met Chanyeol.The way

they met was rather sweet,really.It happened during one of the recess times,Chanyeol had forgotten to

bring his lunch and he didn't have money.He saw Luhan eating alone at a table so he went to sit next to

him.They exchanged greetings and well,you know how Chanyeol is right?.The rebel and bully.He told

Luhan that if he gives him his Lunch,Chanyeol will be his friend.Being the kind-hearted person Luhan

is,Luhan gave all of his food to Chanyeol eventhough he was hungry himself.Chanyeol didn't expect Luhan

to give the food to him,seeing that Luhan is very poor.From that day on,Chanyeol claimed to be Luhan's

best friend and would always help him when Luhan needs him.They were 12.Luhan was never really good

with girls in terms of dating or flirting.He liked being friends with anyone,doesn't matter what gender,He's

comfortable with it.Once he reached High School,he received many awards for his basketball,the same

goes to Chanyeol too.They both received full scholarship to Busan Sports High School and they attended

the school since February of this year.Luhan met Hye Jin earlier this month,which is March.Hye Jin started

to be coached under coach Jungyoon since February this year too.Coincidence?.I think not.Luhan is in his

room right now,staring at his maths worksheet which he's suppose to do but his mind kept reminding him of

Hye Jin every single second.What she said to him....they were harsh words,but Luhan knows her too well

to actually believe in such an act.It looked like as if Hye Jin was about to burst into tears any second in

front of him.


And he hated that.


He doesn't like to see her sad,depressed,down etc.She's always been like that since the first day he met

her and and he knew it was time to change.Change is good.He wants to be the reason she smiles

again.But then he realized Chanyeol said the same thing before.


"I could be the reason she smiles."


But of course,Chanyeol was only joking and fooling around like he always does.Luhan knows his best

friend too well to think he would actually have feelings towards Hye Jin.I mean,he's only Chanyeol.




Hye Jin's dad has an important meeting later in the evening around 8pm.Hye Jin has a plan.It involves rule

breaking of course.She always wanted to unleash the bad girl in her but never had the chance because

she never had any motivation,whatsoever to do it.Somehow,she found her motivation

now.Luhan.Goodness gracious.She thought that she would never live to see the day when she would

actually will officially break the rules that was set up by her father.It was all because of Luhan.She would

lie if she said that she doesn't have a crush on him.The truth is,


She has a major crush on him.MAJOR.


But of course,being the stubborn she is,she's not the type to give in into her feelings so easily

though.She won't tell him.Maybe,Never?.She doesn't have any plans on telling him.Yet.But of course to

her,the traditional way is always more respected.It's more,Cinderella-Prince Charming like.A guy confesses

to a girl first.But of course she has thought about the consequences like,would he like her back?,does he

like her back?.She doubts it.Maybe he was just being nice to her because she was some charity

case,because she was loveless.Her heart aches to think that maybe Luhan treats her nice because he's

sympathetic towards her.She hates gaining sympathy from other people.It makes her seem like she's

weak.And she's not.According to her anyway.She did her homework and drifted away in a light sleep.She

woke up to the sound of alarm from her clock.7.20pm.Time to shower and elope I mean run.After she had

showered,she changed into a long sleeve off shoulder top and jean shorts.She tied her hair in a loose

ponytail and brought her wallet with her.Once her dad had left,she went to find Yunho and ask him to send

her to school.Yunho was hesitant at first,but soon he gave in,seeing that she really need a friend around

her age to talk to.Yunho drove her to school and gave his phone with her in case she needed.Yunho

dropped Hye Jin at school.Hye Jin quickly dialed Luhan's number.How did she know Luhan's

number?,Luhan saved it in Yunho's phone.Hye Jin thinks Luhan did it when she was sleeping or

something.It's suppose to sound creepy but if it involves Luhan,it's not she claims.She feels like puking all

over herself for being so mushy and lovesick .She's never been like this in her entire life.


Hye Jin's POV/Your POV

"C'mon Luhan pick it up,pick it up".



Damn it,his voice.Sounds so y on the freaking phone!,

"Oh,Hi Luhan.It's err,me.Hye Jin."

My gosh,I sound stupid.

"Hye Jin?,What's wrong?,Is everything alright?"

"Damn it,I totally forgot I pushed him away earlier after school like some rude .He most probably will think I'm some bipolar maniac."

"Everything's alright.Could you come to school now?.I really need to talk to you.".

"More like I really need to see you.but,whatever sounds fine."

"You're in school?!,alone?!,stay where you are and don't go anywhere,alright?!".

"What am I?,freaking 5?!."

"Yeah,of course."

With that he hung up.Seriously though,I get it,I'm like 2 years younger than you but still!,don't treat me like I'm freaking five years old.I'm 16.Treat me like how a man would treat a lady.


Damn it,that sounded really wrong.


I waited for like 5 minutes I think?,I don't know.I don't wear a watch,remember?.Then it started to pour.


Really heavily.


A few minutes later,Luhan came dashing towards my direction in the bus stop.


He was freaking wet.


His hair was all over the place and oh my crap,I think my eyes have lost it's ity just by looking at Luhan's white shirt which was soaked with water,making it transparent.


"Hye Jin?!,Are you okay?!".He asked in panick as he eyed me from top to bottom.I know he was doing that to check up on me but,well,my dirty mind tells me otherwise.


"I'm fine,Luhan".I assured him while gently putting his wet hand away from my shoulder.


"Why do you want to see me?".He asked,voice now soft.


"Before that,look at you!,You're all wet and it's all because of me!,I'm so sorry,I-".

"Hye Jin,why do you want to see me?".He cut me off and repeated the same question,stressing it more with his manly voice while looking into my eyes deeply,searching for an answer.I broke off the gaze by looking somewhere else.It's too much to handle,seriously.


"I,I need to talk to you".I replied in a soft and vulnerable tone,stammering my words.


"About?".He asked,voice now soft again.


"Us." I said in the most softest voice ever.


"What?".Of course he couldn't hear me.


"Nothing".I said finally.I looked up to him,his face looks unsatifised with my answer.


"Nothing?!,Hye Jin,I came all the way here,thinking you have something important to tell me!I was so worried of you when you called me earlier,do you know that?!.I'm expecting much more than a nothing!." Luhan raised his voice a little,looking as frustrated as ever.


It was the first time ever I saw him got mad.


Eventhough he wasn't shouting or screaming at me,It was scary.It was like,he could burst in any moment at me but he chooses not to.




"Follow me.". I told him and ran inside the school.


"Hye Jin!,Where are you going?!". He shouted louder because the sound of the heavy rain and thunder was drowning his voice.But he followed me anyway.


I stopped at the entrance of the gym,in front of the basketball court Luhan always play.I was soaking wet omg.Thank goodness I didn't wore white.I brushed my hair away from my face when I heard his foot steps coming closer to me.I turned to look at him at the right time when he arrived.I smiled.


"What are you thinking,Hye Jin?".Luhan asked in a curious tone.


"You'll see".I replied cheekily.I took out my now wet wallet from my pocket and placed my hand in it to find for a key.I took it out and showed Luhan proudly.


"Is that the key to the gymnastics hall?,where did you get that?!".Luhan asked,shocked.


"Well,I am my coach Jungyoon's favourite student,right?.Coach Jungyoon trusts me,so she gives me the extra key to keep incase she wants me to practice on my own." I told him matter-of-factly while unlocking the door with the key.


"I doubt that you're gonna be practicing now." Luhan stated ironically while eyeing me from head to toe.Oh no,please Luhan.Don't do that.I get it,I'm wet but please don't freaking do that!.


"Of course,not silly.I want to break in." I told him after I've unlocked the door.


"You're serious?".He asked,surprised.


"Yup.Do you want to know the real reason why I called you?".I asked him,facing him with my wet and unattractive self.


"Please,tell me". His eyes begged.


"Because I want to talk to you,no one else.Just you.Me and you.Okay?".I told him,sincerely.He smiled.


"Well,why didn't you say so?,Let's break in." Luhan replied,flashing his perfect teeth before walking inside the hall.

This boy.


You guys owe me loads for updating 5 days before my exams!,I expect some present from you guys!. *points at you*.LOL,just jk hahaha <3 Honestly,I felt like a really bad person for leaving you guys hanging on the previous chapter.Yes,'ve already said it at the beginning of this chapter but I had to say it again.Aww,look at Hye Jin.She's being a healthy teenage girl in here,I love it <3 lol.Subscribe & comment what you think!!.You better comment since I've already updated :p xoxo -kiyoon97-


No Luhan's POV,again!.Sorry,I think it's better for me to write it after exams ;)




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I'll start updating again on oct 7,my last day of finals and a.k.a Yixing's bday!


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Sohee0420 #1
Chapter 27: Please update!!!! Ive noticed people told i to update since october and I was like you wont update anymore, but please update you have a new reader
Chapter 27: Ohh!!! I'm sure Luhan will love her!!! Anyways update soon authornim!~ ^^
Ziilel #3
Chapter 26: Yeyy really good ^^
Take your time<3
Chapter 26: yay.... im soo happy! i'm glad u've finished ur exams!!
Chapter 25: Omaigash you updated
Author nim HWAITING
please update asap :P
Wish you luck on your exams!!!
Chapter 25: update please~~
Sparkpearl #8
Chapter 25: Uwaaaaaah~ more update please...
Ziilel #9
Chapter 25: Omg >~< Really good ^^
You'll update soon I guess? <3
Chapter 25: eugh u left it at such a nice place.... we've been waiting for it for sooooo longggg. update when u can i shall wait :) good luck in the rest of the finals that u have to complete
yay i have something to look forward to (7 oct) apart from lays birthday