
When The Gymnast Met The Basketballer

[Hello,beautiful readers!! <3 Back with a Hyehan update as promised.Enjoy~]

Hye Jin's POV/Your POV

I woke up with a terrible sting in my head.What the hell..It felt like someone hit my head with a

frying pan over and over again.Seriously,once I find out who the is,that person is gonna

get it from me,big time.I know for a fact that it was one of stupid commoner boy's groupie

friends.Urggh,I seriously need to avoid them.Troublemakers.I was too busy with my complains

when I didn't realized that I was in the infirmary??!!,Who brought me here?!.My hand suddenly

touched something really cold...An icepack?.I'm confused...That was when I saw a note on the

bedside table.It read:

Hey,Hye Jin.Please forgive Sehun for accidentally kicking the ball to your head.I swear he didn't mean.

Huh..Whoever this Sehun kid is,he's gonna get it from me.

By the way,don't get mad at me for carrying you to the infirmary.I had to.Hope you're alright.Wanted to stay until you're awake but I'm sure you wouldn't want my presence. 


I frowned at his last sentence.Stop it,commoner boy.Stop making me look like some sort of evil

villain who is not willing to accept kind gestures from people.I'm not like that.I sighed and kept

the note that he left in my pocket.I walked towards the gym when I saw coach Jungyoon

approaching me."Hye Jin ah,are you okay??".She asked,worried,touching me everywhere.I

sighed."I'm alright." I told coach Jungyoon."Well,okay then.Go home and rest alright?.We're

done for the day".coach Jungyoon informed."What?!,But we just started!".I exclaimed."Hye Jin

ah,you were unconscious for almost 3 hours,it's 5pm already,dear".Coach Jungyoon explained

while showing me her watch.What the effing hell,3 hours?!!,screw my entire life!."Why didn't

anyone wake me up?!".I asked in dissapointment."Your friend,is it?.The boy who carried

you?,he told me that you needed rest.He said your eyebags were bad."coach Jungyoon vaguely

replied.I raised an eyebrow with my mouth slightly open.I don't know if I should feel grateful to

him for making me rest or ungrateful to him for making me skip my training.I'm torn.With that,I

bid goodbye to coach Jungyoon and took my bag to wait at the bus stop for my chauffeur's



Luhan's POV

I did not want to stay to watch the gymnast heiress sleep earlier."Stop lying to yourself,you

idiot!You sure as hell wanted to!." A voice in my head suddenly echoed.Fine,maybe I wanted

to.Maybe I didn't.It was a win-win situation."No it wasn''t".Shut up."What about no?." Stop it.  

"Make me."

 "I give up!" I suddenly shouted."You give up?,on?".A familiar voice came into the fight

scene between me and my brain.Of course,it was her.She looked angelic with her bright eyes

looking at me.Then I realized whe was looking at me with her raised eyebrows,probably thinking

in her head that I was an utter moron for talking to myself."I gave up on giving up?".It was

suppose to be a strong statement but it came out like an unanswered and unconfident

question.I'm an idiot."Hmm...that's nice".She answered politely.I turned to look at her as she was

sitting down on the bus stop seat.I noticed that she was...I'm not trying to make me sound full of

myself but she was,avoiding my gaze??.I wonder why."So...uh,..thank you for carrying me

earlier?.Sorry,I'm not good at apologizing." She broke off the silence suddenly.She still wasn't

looking at me."Yeah,no prob.Hope you're okay".I told her,still looking at her who was not looking

at me."Tell Sehan or whatever his name is to run far far away from me if he sees me in the

school grounds,Unless he wants to die that is." She told me.I chuckled at her sarcasm."I will tell

"Sehun",about your advice."I replied,correcting Sehun's name.



Hye Jin's POV/Your POV

"Hmmm," I vaguely replied.I know I'm dumb.I know that his friend's name was Sehun.How could I

forget the name of the person who kicked the ball at me??!!.I purposely act like I didn't know.For

some reason,I resent myself now.I had always been the I-don't-care-attitude-Hye-Jin.But

suddenly,I'm remembering and caring about things that I shouldn't,like,Luhan's friends,Luhan's

kind gestures,Luhan's voice,Luhan's this,that!,What Luhan is gonna do or say tomorrow?!.WHAT

THE EFFING HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!.And oh what the f***,I just mentioned his name in

those sentences....Don't even ask me why I'm avoiding his gaze.


HAHA,why not,Hye Jin? ;). LOLOLOL,if you enjoyed this chapter,comment and if you haven't subscribe,do so!! <3 Thank you for the love and support! Seee youu in the next chapter soon~ xoxo, -kiyoon97-


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I'll start updating again on oct 7,my last day of finals and a.k.a Yixing's bday!


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Sohee0420 #1
Chapter 27: Please update!!!! Ive noticed people told i to update since october and I was like you wont update anymore, but please update you have a new reader
Chapter 27: Ohh!!! I'm sure Luhan will love her!!! Anyways update soon authornim!~ ^^
Ziilel #3
Chapter 26: Yeyy really good ^^
Take your time<3
Chapter 26: yay.... im soo happy! i'm glad u've finished ur exams!!
Chapter 25: Omaigash you updated
Author nim HWAITING
please update asap :P
Wish you luck on your exams!!!
Chapter 25: update please~~
Sparkpearl #8
Chapter 25: Uwaaaaaah~ more update please...
Ziilel #9
Chapter 25: Omg >~< Really good ^^
You'll update soon I guess? <3
Chapter 25: eugh u left it at such a nice place.... we've been waiting for it for sooooo longggg. update when u can i shall wait :) good luck in the rest of the finals that u have to complete
yay i have something to look forward to (7 oct) apart from lays birthday