Chapter Four

December 25th

“Oh, hello Kai. Does my son fall asleep already?”

The cat-formed Kai mewed as Kyungsoo’s mom lifted him into her arms. She looked more tired than before.

“Ah… he’s asleep…” she said as she made a smile, the tired one. “My dear Kyungsoo…”

Kai looked up as he felt the arms around him held him tighter and tears dropped into his head.

Kyungsoo’s mom was crying and Kai bet it was because Kyungsoo’s condition.

17 days left before I will take his soul.

Kai looked at the sleeping boy that he loved so much.

Can I take your soul, Do Kyungsoo?




Kyungsoo opened his eyes and found his mom slept on the chair beside him and Kai laid his body on his chest. Slowly, Kyungsoo lifted his hand to Kai’s fur. Kai raised his head to look at Kyungsoo before moving and lying beside Kyungsoo’s shoulder. The cat placed his chin on Kyungsoo’s shoulder, mewing once.

“How long she’s here?” Kyungsoo asked Kai with his mind so that his mother wouldn’t hear their conversation.

“It’s about an hour.” Kai replied. “It seems your condition is getting bad again. She was crying when she came here.”

“I can say so. I feel so uncomfortable.”

Kai looked at the weak boy. “You okay?”

Kyungsoo chuckled. “Isn’t it weird for you to ask such a question? You will take my soul, it’s not a question for you to ask.”

“I start hating this conversation.”

Kyungsoo smiled at the cat beside him. “Hey, Kai,”


“I love you.”

“I know.”

“It feels weird to say it to a cat…”

“Ah, poor you.”

“Why don’t you say it back to me?”


“That you love me?”

“I love you.”

“Aw, there’s a cat saying ‘I love you’ to me!”

“Sometimes I feel like I really want to kill you soon, Do Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo laughed weakly. “I hope I can have this time with you forever…”

Kai blinked his eyes and transformed into his human form. Kyungsoo’s mom suddenly disappeared from the room and Kyungsoo knew that everybody did disappear to.

“Your manipulating ability.” Kyungsoo said, giving a smile to the taller guy in front of him.

Kai, without saying anything, suddenly leaned down. His face was so close to Kyungsoo’s that the weak boy could feel Kai’s breath tickle his cheeks.

“I hope I can have this time with you forever, too.” Kai whispered before locking his lips on Kyungsoo’s.

And Kyungsoo swore it was the sweetest moment he’d ever had.

After a while, Kai broke the kiss. He laughed looking at the red-faced Kyungsoo who pouted below him.

“You’re such a thief to steal my first kiss.”

Kai smirked. “Isn’t that good? You can tell everybody that your first kiss is a death god.”




“You have to stop your feeling for him, Kai.”

“I can’t.”

“If that so, you will never able to take his soul!”


“Kai, please… I don’t want to see you get a punishment because of this.”

“I love him, Suho!”

“You cannot love him! Remember who you are, Kai! You are the death god and he is a human, do you forget about it?!”

“I know it! I just… it’s just…”

“It’s 15 days left before his death. You still have a time to forget about your feeling.”

“Suho, I can’t. I really can’t.”

“Do I look like I care? All I care is just about you, I don’t want my best friend get a punishment. You know no one can be seen after getting the punishment and I don’t want it to happen to you.”

Kai clenched his fist when Suho went away. His chest felt so heavy. His eyes got hot as if he wanted to cry.

15 days left, and I love him so much.




“Kyungsoo, hold on! Keep calm, Son, and you’ll be okay.”

The doctor and the nurses were busy to handle Kyungsoo’s heart attack. Kyungsoo was panting hardly, he grabbed the bed sheet as he tried so hard to take a breath.

“Kyungsoo, Dear… hold on, you can do it…” Kyungsoo’s mom cried looking at his son from outside the room.

And Kai, he was standing beside the doctor who now was placing an oxygen mask to Kyungsoo. Nobody could see him, except Kyungsoo.

Kai could see Kyungsoo opened his mouth and whispered his name with a very small voice so nobody could hear him. He looked at Kai with his eyes full of tears, making Kai feel his chest hurt so much.

The transparent Kai slowly walked around the bed, moving to the empty side of it. He then placed his hand on Kyungsoo’s.

‘I love you’ were the last words Kyungsoo could hear from Kai before he lost his conscious.




“I don’t know until when he could hold on, Ma’am.” The doctor said to Kyungsoo’s mom, making the middle-aged woman sob even louder.

“Can’t you do something? Like… a surgery?” she said between her sobbed. “I’ll do anything, I’ll pay it no matter high the price is, just… make my son keep alive…”

The doctor shook his head slowly. “I’m so sorry, but nothing we can do with your son. His condition is getting worse every day. Even the surgery won’t change everything.”

“No… no, please… don’t say I will lose him… it’s just him I have now…”

The doctor got up from his chair and walked towards the crying woman in front of him. He placed his hand on her shoulder, giving her some strength. “I’m so sorry, Ma’am. But we can do nothing to help your son.”




“Where is my mom…?”

“In the doctor room. There’s something the doctor have to say to her.”

Kyungsoo sighed, leaning his back on the bed head. “She will cry again and it’s all because of me…” he whispered. “Do I look that bad, Kai?”

Kai looked at his beloved person and sat beside him. How could he tell Kyungsoo that he looked really bad now? He got more thin and weak. Kai closed his eyes. He couldn’t handle his sad feeling and Kyungsoo’s depression emotion at the same time.



“You didn’t answer my question.”

Kai smiled sadly at Kyungsoo. Softly, he Kyungsoo’s hair. “You look good.” he said.

“Liar…” Kyungsoo said as he smiled weakly at Kai. Looking at the smile, Kai’s hand suddenly shook. The wave of hard feelings came through his mind he thought he couldn’t handle it.

“Don’t think about it too much,” Kai said.

“It’s ten days left, right? No wonder my condition is getting worst.”

Ten days? Yes. And I still love you so much, Do Kyungsoo.

“Time flies so fast, doesn’t it? And I’ll die in a blink of an eye.”

“Don’t say that now. You still have ten days.”

Kyungsoo looked up at Kai. “If you take my soul, does it mean that I will be with you? Can we see each other after that?”

“I’m afraid no. We have… a different path after that.”

“Mmm, I see…”

Kai could feel a sad feeling of Kyungsoo. He then held Kyungsoo’s hand tightly as if he wanted to give him any strength.

“If I have any chance, I really don’t want to take you…” Kai said slowly. “If I have any chance… I want to stay by your side, giving you strength to keep living.”


“If I have any chance… just if I have any chance, I want to make you stay alive…”

Kyungsoo felt his heart aches looking at the sad, distracted Kai. He then moved his weak body, placing his thin arms around Kai’s shoulder. “Don’t be like this, Kai. You don’t seem like the real death god.” he said as he chuckled at his own words. “I just have ten days to live, so don’t make me sad. I’m so sick looking at your sad face, you know? You look so pathetic.”

Kai hugged back the thin guy as tight as he could. He buried his face on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. He wanted to feel his beloved person’s warmth as long as possible.

10 days left, and I love you even more.




“It’s Christmas next week, I can’t wait to celebrate it with you!”

Kyungsoo smiled at his mom. “Me too, Mom.”

“I’ll buy some cake and cat food for you too, Kai,” she patted Kai’s head with a warm smile. Kai mewed.

7 days left. Kyungsoo’s body was getting weak, but his smile never disappeared from his lips. He wanted to enjoy his last days with smile. He didn’t want to make his mother and Kai sad. He didn’t want to look so depressed.

“We will celebrate it together, it will be really fun, right?”

“I’m looking forward on it, Mom.”

It will be my last Christmas. My last day to see my mom and my beloved one. My last day to live.

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doksoo1201 #1
Chapter 5: thank you so much for writing this fic authornim ❤️
Chapter 5: So he die this time???
Chapter 5: alamak jan, nungguin krisoo yg blm update2 jg eh nemu kaisoo~ cup ah~
Chapter 5: awesome....happy ending...sobs
Chapter 5: just found out this story and heeeelll, this is freaking awesome! sad but beautiful :')
dudukuma #6
Chapter 5: new reader here.... thank god for the happy ending..
miss1314 #7
Chapter 5: There will be sequel right??
Please do make one author-nim....
Congrats on finishing this fic....
U made me laughed & cried with this fic...
Good job author-nim (^^)
march3rd1993 #8
Chapter 5: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... sequel sequel sequel...
Byetha #9
Chapter 5: I'm happy for kaisoo..
Thanks author-nim for happy ending story :)
Byetha #10
Chapter 4: Ahh..make me wanna cry T.T