Chapter 3

Stay Strong, Stay Together!!

Naeun was able to find the school thanks to that boy. But first she must go to the office to announce the vice-principal. Naeun felt nervous and she was nearly lost. She felt shy but told herself to be brave enough to ask people around where the office is. 

At the office.....

Naeun found it and slided the door, "Umm.. Excuse me..."

Before Naeun could enter the office, the man with tight spender faced her with a loud voice and screamed at her.

"WHAT IS IT NOW??! AISHHH.. TROUBLE AGAINNNN??!! When all these kids going to stop??! Ahhh JINJAAA!!"

Naeun startled by his sudden appear, quickly step behind. All people at the office tried to calm him down.

"Mr. Shin! Mr. Shin! Calm down... Come, have a seat."

"Hello, how  may I help you, student? Oh, I've never seen you before. You must be the new student that Mr. Kang tell us about." The woman who is in mid-30's approached Naeun with a smile on her face. She beckoned Naeun to come inside and followed her to her tables. The woman went to her computers and clicked on the student's files. Naeun watched with amusement and saw her name on the screen.

"Ahh, that's my name," said Naeun pointing on the screen.

The woman eyes widened but calm, "Ohh, so your name is Son Naeun and your from Busan?"

Naeun blushed and nodded.

"Well, let me show you your dorm before getting to your class. Is this all your stuff?" asked the woman. 

Naeu nodded then the man who called Mr. Shin appeared beside her saying, "So, you're transfer student? Aisshh why don't you tell us earlier. You got me wrong idea, you know!! Ahhaha... Sorry about that.. I'm Mr. Shin, vice-principal. Nice to meet you."

Naeun bowed and introduced herself. 

"Well, I hope you enjoy studying here. Ahh, I see you're staying here too. Yes. Yes.. Miss Lee here is going to show you the dorm, right?" said Mr. Shin, he looked at the woman in mid-30's. 

Miss Lee nodded and smiled. Naeun followed her out and walking beside her. 


"This is your room.." said Miss Lee, opened the door.

The room was dark but it's because the window hasn't open and the smell is like some kind of limited air. Naeun felt suffocated and Miss Lee opened the window letting the air comes in. The room was okay for one person. I thought I'm going to share the room, thought Naeun

"So, do you like your room?' 

Naeun smiled brightly and put her stuff on the bed. She didn't respond but just nodding off. Looking around her room and went to Miss Lee back. Naeun has to go to class.


Naeun's class is 2-C on the third floor and she was thinking what kind of class she has. And is her classmates going to welcome her? Or are they just simply igonore her?

The door opened and Miss Lee went inside the class announced the class about her. 

"Alright, class.. I have something to tell you. You'll be having a new classmate here. And I want you all to welcome the new student and taking a good care of this new student." 

There's a voice inside the class. It was a guy's voice, "Boy or girl, Miss Lee?"

Then the class made some noise. The male teacher inside the class cried, "Everyone, keep quiet!!"

Miss Lee nodded at Naeun. Naeun entered the class. Every eyes her. Like a magnet.

"Wow, she's cute.."

"She's looks like an angel."

"What's her name? And where she's come from??"

"She's tall for a girl.."

"EVERYONE, KEEP QUIET. You may introduce yourself," said the male teacher.

Naeun stood there unmoved. The she opened , "Umm.. My name is Son Naeun and I'm from Busan. It's nice to meet you all. Please take a good care of me!" Then she bowed.

"She's soo formal.."

"Such a sweet girl.."

"Hey, what's your favorite songs?" asked the guy who sat at the front on the right beside the window.

Naeun looked at him and wanted to reply but the male teacher interupted and said, "That's enough, Lee Dong Ho. Now, Naeun-shii you may take your seat. If everyone wanted to ask her some random questions, you may do after class. Now, let's continue the lesson."

The male teacher turned to the blackboard and writes something. Naeun was confused and asked,"Excuse me, teacher...?"

He turned to Naeun and said, "Mr. Yong... And yess..??"

"Mr. Yong, I haven't got the books yet so.."

"Well, it's okay.. you may borrow from your friends beside you... Ahhh.. there's an empty seat over there.."

Naeun bowed and went to the look for the seat. Then she found the empty table behind. She took and seat. Everyone was focused on the lesson. 

So, Mr. Yong teaches English, huh... He looks smart but a little scary...

She then turned to the left and saw the boy slept peacefully. No, perharps too peaceful, He seems don't want someone to disturb him. He buried his face with his hand.

"Excuse me, but can I borrow your book for a while. I haven't got the books yet.."

The boy awake and turned to her. Naeun tried to smile but the smile dissappeared when she realized it was.. HIM!!!

"Oh, it's you.." said the boy.

"You're in this class..??!!!" whispered Naeun. Her eyes widened in disbelieve. She rubbed her eyes and pinched her nose. The boy just chuckled looking at her behaviour. 

He didn't reply but shoved his bag to Naeun to check inside. Naeun innocently opens his bag and found no books but some weird stuffs. One by one, Naeun takes them out. Tennis ball, handphone, socks, towel, comics, t-shirt and... ??!!!

Naeun jaw dropped and she stared at the boy. The boy who looked at the window noticed her staring at him turned to her, saw what she had picked out  and sneered, "You naughty girl, thinking dirty aren't you?" He then took the box and took out the 'rubber' and put on his mouth, chewing...

"This is not what you're thinking it is.. It is chewing gum. Haven't heard about it?" 

He then slowly chewing calmly with Naeun beside him strucked in disgust plus shock. He blew the gum and Naeun saw the pointy-thing slowly getting big and burst. He kept repeat while looking at the blackboard.

Before Naeun colud say anymore, Mr. Yong came to their table, "Kim Myungsoo, where's your book?"

Myungsoo,.. that's his name..

Myungsoo didn't looked up, put his hands inside the pocked, "I didn't bring a book, sir..."

Mr. Yong seems not surprise yet sighed, "There you go again... Next time bring the book, I want you to read the passage later on.."

Myungsoo closed his eyes and nodded. Then Mr, Yong ended the class.

After the class, Naeun was surrounded by her classmates asking some random questions. One most common questions are, "Do you have a boyfirend??" Naeun hates that question and always avoid that. She doesn't understand why people pickeing on other noses instead of theirs. 

Kim Myungsoo, the boy was nowhere to be seen. She'd actually wanted to thanks him but always has no chance to.


Naeun had one weeks at JS Academy and she made many friends because she was easy to approach and loves to help the students. The teachers also comfortable talking to her. Naeun is not shy anymore. Inside her dorm, she's also made a friends not only around her age, but made a friends with dongsaengs and sunbaes. They always invited Naeun to their room talking and playing around. She'd also went hang out with them.

The one who she close is Jieun and she wanted all to call her IU, Suzy, Jiyeon, Krystal and Sulli. 

As for that Myungsoo, Naeun didn't take notice of him... Minding his own business and always having a fight with other students or from other schools.

Until one day...


Author's word:

This is sooo boring.. hehehehe... next is upppp

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Ishhhc #1
Chapter 7: Pls continue... It's pretty good
Awsome22 #2
Chapter 7: Update author
YunaKim #3
Update soon !!
ploykz-sunny #4
Chapter 5: update soon
ainaeun #5
Chapter 3: update soon
the story line is getting exiting!!!