Two Months Earlier

60 Seconds


*It's going to get better starting from the next chapter >< at least, I hope! ><
*Filler chapter~
June, Year 2094, Seoul
Underground Headquarters
Suho’s Office
Ji Hye’s POV
“I’m Suho, the leader of this group. We have been waiting for you.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at Suho, confused as to what he meant. Waiting for me? What for? For how long? I then looked around at the people standing on either side of me. Their faces were serious, yet I felt that they were sincere. Sora flashed me a reassuring smile and nodded her head once; a sign of trust that I knew all too well.
“What’s going on?” I asked Suho as I turned back to face him
“You are the newest addition to our team. Congratulations on your ability.” He replied smiling
“Um…thank you…? I’m afraid I still don’t understand.”
The smile lingered on his face as he briefly looked down at the ground before taking a look at all the other people in the room. I followed his gaze, taking in the appearance of each person one by one before looking back at Suho, waiting for an answer to come out of him. His soft eyes met mine and his lips were still slightly curved upward.
“The people in this room are just some of the many people in this world with special abilities. You are now a new addition to that number. We, of course, have had our abilities for quite some time now while you just discovered yours. The time of occurrence varies for everyone, however most people discover them when they are of age. I have taught and mentored each person here in this room in regards to controlling, strengthening, and using their powers and will now mentor you.” Explained Suho
So that’s why Sora has been skipping out a lot of things for the past year…she’s been training with Suho and the others. Why couldn’t she have told me?
“All of us who posses these special abilities are sworn to secrecy from those who are not of our kind. Only in certain emergencies can we show our true forms.” He continued
“So…what exactly is my power then?” I questioned
He turned and slowly started to pace around the room, stopping at my side after he made the first round.
“It seems that you can control natural elements; water, fire, earth, and air. They move under your control and respond only to your touch and thoughts. And along with everyone else, you can also teleport.”
“But why have you been waiting for me?”
“You are a crucial part to our team. Also, it is important that you be protected.” He said
“Protected from what?”
Suho’s expression turned more serious as he kept his gaze on me while walking back to his desk. He sat on the edge of it and rested his hands on his lap, interlocking his fingers. There was a brief moment of absolute silence before Suho took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak again.
“We are in the middle of a war.”
I raised my eyebrows in confusion. The last time I checked, there was no war going on in this world. Unless…our kind was a part of a different world…one other than this.
“What? What war? With who?”
“There are people of our kind who use their powers for other intentions. In other words, there is good and evil even in our world.” He replied
Suho got up from the edge of the desk and walked behind it, moving the chair aside. He opened the drawer on the right and took out a thick folder that was filled with various documents. Opening the folder on the desk, he took out the very first paper that was on top of the stack. He closed the folder and put it back inside the drawer before walking back over to where I was standing and handed me the document. On it displayed the name, age, and picture of a person I have never seen or heard of before. Jang Seung Hyun, age 27. His eyes were dark and piercing; something about them sent chills down my spine. It was as if the more I looked into them, the more I felt like he could see me through the picture. Suddenly, a light came out of the picture and spread out evenly over the paper as a full hologram now stood on top of the document.
“This is Jang Seung Hyun. He is the leader of the dark side and his power is mind control. He plans to take over both our world and the human world through the use of his power. He has also been keeping an eye on you as you have something that he wants. He plans to annihilate us and the rest of our kind if we don’t subject to him. We have to protect you from him as you will be one of his main and first targets. This is also why we will be training you; so you will be strong enough for battle should it occur.” Suho explained
“I’m not the only one he’s after, though. You all need to watch your backs as well, not just me. I’m not a helpless little girl, you know. I don’t need to be protected.” I said while handing the document back to him
He smiled again as he set the paper back on the desk, the hologram completely gone. I didn’t know what I had that Seung Hyun was after and why he wanted it…but the last thing I want is for lives to be risked because of me. I’m sure I’ll find out more soon enough but I am not about to be a damsel in distress.
“We move as one. No one gets left behind in our group and we all protect each other as well as ourselves. We are now going to protect you.” Said Suho
June, Year 2094, Seoul
Seung Hyun’s Headquarters
Seung Hyun sat at his desk, holding a hologram in his hands. His eyes concentrated on the digital figure in front of him, his mind trying to put the information together. He sat there as if he were frozen, time ticking on for what seemed like an eternity. He felt confused, threatened, angry, but at the same time, he felt pleased as he saw this as an opportunity.  Closing the hologram and setting it down on the desk, he put a hand to his forehead, his fingers pinching the space between his eyebrows. The girl standing next to his desk, his assistant, switched her gaze back and forth nervously from her master to the clock on the wall. The room was filled with nothing but silence for another long moment.
“Soyeon.” Said Seung Hyun, breaking the quiet atmosphere
“Yes, master?” her voice replied back cautiously
“Bring Ethan here at once.”
The girl nodded her head once before teleporting from the room, leaving Seung Hyun alone to muster his thoughts.
“I must take back what is rightfully mine.” Seung Hyun whispered to no one, a smirk forming across his face
Just as he finished his statement, Soyeon appeared again. Next to her, stood Ethan whose clothes were soaking wet. His black jacket looked even darker from the dampness of the water that soaked into the fabric, the fringes of his hair were wet and piece-y as the rest of his head was covered by his hood, and his expression was one of aggravation. Soyeon walked back to her spot next to Seung Hyun’s desk, leaving Ethan standing alone in the center of the room, the sounds of water dripping from his clothes onto the wooden floor echoing throughout the space.
“And where have you been that you’re soaking wet?” Seung Hyun asked
“It was a rainy day in London.” Replied Ethan simply
“No umbrella?”
“I prefer to enjoy the crying of the heavens in peace.”
Seung Hyun smirked again, shaking his head slowly at Ethan’s wisecrack answer.
“Why have you summoned me here?” he asked
Standing up from his desk, Seung Hyun made his way over closer to where Ethan was standing. He stopped just 5 feet away from him, crossing his arms in front of his chest and taking a quiet breath before opening his mouth to speak again.
“I have a job for you.”
“What kind of job?”
“Find out everything you can about a girl named Lee Ji Hye. Track her.” Said Seung Hyun
Ethan raised his eyebrows “What for?”
“She has something of mine.”
Ethan’s eyes narrowed as he looked towards his master, wondering what he was talking about. Seung Hyun walked forward again, closing the gap between Ethan and himself. He moved slightly, now standing on Ethan’s left, shoulder to shoulder. Ethan looked down over his shoulder, moving his gaze towards the leader but avoiding eye contact.
“Get close to her. Become an ally of hers. If you can, avoid their leader Suho as he has the ability to read other people’s minds. He will see through you right away but the others won’t. If you ever cross him, block your mind. Come back here in August to report any news. I have some matters to attend to on my own until then.” Seung Hyun ordered
“So basically you want me to do the dirty work so you can kill her off later?” said Ethan
Seung Hyun smirked “Precisely.”
He put a hand on Ethan’s left shoulder, squeezing it slightly.
“I know you won’t fail.”
Ethan flashed a slight smirk before removing Seung Hyun’s hand from his shoulder and turning to face him.
“I never do.” He replied coolly
In an instant, Ethan disappeared from the room, leaving Seung Hyun now standing in the center where Ethan stood mere seconds ago. Seung Hyun laughed at the scene, thinking to himself how naïve Ethan was.  If only he knew…
“Soyeon.” He said suddenly
“Yes, master?”
“Time for a business trip.”
June, Year 2094, Seoul
Underground Headquarters
Suho’s Office
Ji Hye’s POV
“Kayleigh here can produce and control electricity; that includes lightning and thunder. Joo Won’s power is kinetic absorption; once he absorbs it, he can blast anything and anyone with it. Hyun Woo can take control over anyone’s body, Alex has super strength, Yuri is a healer, Daehyun has super speed, Yubin can cause harm without touching anything or anyone, Hayden can multiply herself, Sungmin has telekinesis, and Kai is a shape shifter.”
I was introduced to everyone else in the room by Suho, who also explained to me what each of their powers were. Most of them were the same age as Sora and I and the youngest one was Hayden who was 19. They’ve all been in training with Suho for 2 years and over, trying to strengthen their abilities and control them. I didn’t know what to think about the fact that they were basically training for battle, if it ever happens. War means lives will be lost. I couldn’t fathom the thought of it.
As Suho and everyone else smiled back at me, I met their eyes with a remorseful look. Sora came next to me and squeezed my arm gently, telling me that everything is going to be okay.
“Just focus on right now. When it happens, it happens. We move together, remember? Don’t feel sorry. This is our world.” Sora said
“She’s right, you know. It’s not like this war has just started, either. Everything will be fine, don’t worry. We’ll all stick together.” Suho added
One by one, I took in each one of their faces, a small smile emerging on my face as I felt the sense of loyalty and sincerity. Taking a deep breath, I looked back at Suho and smiled.
“So, when does training begin?” I asked
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