Where You Encounter Destiny (Kikwang One-Shot)


You never know if what you're doing right now could actually reflect your future. 

Whether you choose the chicken sandwhich or the beef one. 

Whether you take the black shirt or the grey shirt. 

Or whether you chose a specific day to meet your friend rather than the week before or the week after. 

With the littlest things in life you make a decision over, well it could change your whole entire life.

And that's why, to this day, I wonder if it was truly destiny that brought both myself and Changmin to meeting each other.


Anneyeong readers!~

Rukia1335 is HERE!

I just wanted to share a little something that 'destiny' has brought here to me. 

I don't know what will happen to me in the future, but I always constantly wonder what my present means to me!

So this one-shot is presented based on real-true events! So no judging me!

But you'll never know what's true, but I just wanted to share with you guys about this event. It makes me thankful to 'destiny' for helping me meet this wonderful person. 

So please do enjoy! 

rukia1335 is OUT!


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kimjongin03 #1
hm, it makes me wonder what will the role of noisy Kikwang to her life.:)