
over the fence

jisu retreated back to her room with the smile still visible on her face. chanyeol was pretty content with himself for trying to talk to the girl. she seemed very quite and reserved

he wanted her to be and feel comfortable around him. the boy set that as his next goal. 

jisu passed by a mirror and did a double take. the girl wasn't as presentable as she felt like before. she wore a giant hoodie that covered her shorts and her hair.... it was in a bun, sticking inside and out. 

a sigh escaped from her pale lips as she classified this as another failure. at least she tried her tiniest bit to make a friend. it was more than nothing. 



and the ball kept landing over on her side of the grass. each time she went to pick it up, they would start some kind of short conversation. jisu started to trust the tall guy as he was nice enough to actually talk to her. 


chanyeol just did it on the wrong day. 


"jisu-ah! why are you being like this?" the older guy called after her as she started to leave, going back into her house. he had witnessed how jisu had no emotions when she came out, picked the ball up and threw it at him, like she does all of the time. 

but this time was different... somehow. chanyeol was scared that she was getting tired of his stunt for them to meet regularly.


"... just a bad day..." 


indeed it was bad. she had received a lecture about how she needed to do well in school again when the winter break was over. her grades had dropped and boy was she happy. not. 


mother nature just HAD to bless jisu with her monthly gift today.

she was frustrated sitting the at the breakfast table, listening to her mother and father repeat the same thing over and over again. so slipped. 




her parents were angry with her and jisu definitely regretted that. she was thinking about how to make it up to them all day. it was bothering jisu how rude she was about it and she knew that they did it for her. 


the girl made her way back to the fence to pat chanyeol on the head. he grabbed her hand before it could land on his fluffy hair. 

"nope. not the hair." but it was just an excuse to touch her. chanyeol saw the pout she had on her face. 

"do you want to talk about it?"


he opened up his gate and there they were on his greener side of the grass, sharing their life story. it amazed jisu how she could just tell him everything. in exception of one thing, since her own mother didn't even know about it. 


"jisu? do you have someone you like?" chanyeol asked suddenly and the girl gulped.

how was she suppose to answer this question?


there was chen that she liked since middle school. and then there was chanyeol who made her feel like she had to show him her best. 

but was it because she liked him? that she just wanted him to not think lowly of her and leave her? or was it that he was her only friend?

the girl nodded. chanyeol eagerly asked, "who?" not that she didn't want to tell him. she just didn't know how to answer.

"i can't tell you! it's a secret. now how about you show me how to play?" jisu pointed at the basketball in his arms, smiling. something that she did alot more since she met chanyeol.

chanyeol immediately put the question aside and grabbed her hand, helping her up from her spot. the day was spent playing around with chanyeol. 


he increased her mood dramatically. the older boy even helped her think of something to do for her parents. 

jisu even tried to cheat once and chanyeol tickled her while he spun her around trying to get the ball from her. 

the pleasant day was like a reward to him. to both of them actually. the grand amount of laughter was heard all around the neighborhood. 


they would be surprised to find out that some of it was jisu.

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LovelyVengeance #1
Chapter 5: This was so cute!!! Thank you for this delightful story!^__^
Chapter 5: I also want a neighbour like him.. D=
Anilove22 #3
Chapter 5: That was a cute story ^_^
Chapter 1: Its cute and interesting. Do continue dearie ;)