the flash back

~Boys Gone Bad Cause Of Me~


-Your POV- 
I feel warm air .... i feel like there is someone above me , breathing , as i open my eyes i saw sungmin closing his eyes , leaning down , wait?! SUNGMIN?!WTH is he doing?! trying to kiss me!? ,  i quickly got up that makes me bump into him 


-Sungmin's POV-
''WTH are u doing ?!'' she said scratching her forehead 
''there is a...'' i said nervously 
''a what?'' she said in confusion 
''there is something on ur face" i lied 
''oh what?! jinjja?! where?'' she said 
she look embarrassed , what a evil me  >:) ''aishh never mind ur still cute'' i said pinching her cheeks
''ehh, jeongmal?'' she pouted 
''yea'' i giggled 
''awww, sungminiee i wanna eat!!, where is the food that u cooked?'' she asked
''there'' i said while pointing at the dining room
''okay come on lets eat!'' she said pulling me away from my seat
''eh? okay okay wait!'' i said
she keep on pulling me until we reach the table ''wanna eat?'' she ask
''no'' i shook my head
''waeyo?'' she pouted again ''you cooked this! u should eat too!'' she demanded
''arasseo arasseo, i will but later'' i said
''okay'' she said taking a spoon full of ramen 
i gulp cause i think it doesn't taste good ''ermm sorry if it doesnt taste good!'' but she keeps on eating ''hey!'' 
''what?'' she look up to me 
''how does it taste?'' i asked 
''very good!'' 
''jinjja?!'' i asked
''yea, yah! u should eat too!'' she yelled at me

''u should eat!, say ahh!''
what the? im not a kid ''eh?''
''say ah!'' she repeated 
''im not a kid!'' 
''who says u are?'' she stuck her tongue out ''ppali say ahh!''
''ahh!'' i followed what she say , and yea it taste good :) 
''yummy right?'' she ask
''yea'' i giggled 
''told yah!'' 
then when i look at the bowl ....''yah?! so fast?! u finish it, just a minute!'' i got shocked 
''ehehe its delicious'' she her lips 
oww dont seduce me , aish what are u thinking lee sungmin?! i thought ...''wanna go somewhere?'' i ignored the way she her lips 
''where?'' she asked 
''im asking u dont ask me too'' 
''ermmm everywhere''
''u mean EVERYWHERE?'' i asked 
''no no, i mean ermmm how about watching cinema ?''
''oh! thats great! ''
''yup , i'll just go wash this'' she said
''no leave it there , wash it later'' 
''okay! lets go!'' she said 
'' u mean ? without cleaning ourselves?'' i asked
''ofcourse lets clean up first'' she then chuckled 

                                                                                                      . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . 

-Your POV-

''okay i gotta go take a bath first , then we will go out! i miss sungmin very much!'' i said going to the bathroom 
while taking a bath, i suddenly remember about Eunhyuk and Donghae ''aishh what happend to those two?! fighting over me?, ah but they never confess to me?'' yea? do they like me ? i thought ''maybe leeteuk oppa know's bout this,i'll ask him if i got home'' 

-Sungmin's POV-
'' i just think why did she go here suddenly?'' i thought while going to the bathroom ''_____ is not like this unless she have a problem, or maybe she just miss me ?'' i giggled ''but no! i'll ask her later'' .....

                                                                                                         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 



-Eunhyuk's POV-
''yah lee hyukjae , didn't u think ur bestfriend donghae got disappointed cause of you ?! , cause you fought with him cause of _____?! aishh'' i said hitting my head.. ''where is _____ by the way?, aigoo! lee hyukjae ! ur such a pabo!'' 
''uh T.T my face is still hurt''   

                   .........(- Flash Back -) (-Flash Back) (-Flash Back-) (-Flash Back-) (-Flash Back-) (-Flash Back-).........


-Jessica's POV-

''its been a long time since i haven't seen donghae and sungmin'' i sighed ''what if i do trick again without seohyun?''i said smirking ''that's right! , i bet if i tell hae that eunhyuk like's _____, they will fight right?, and besides after all those 3 months i bet eunhyuk already likes _____ and donghae do to , and if i continue my plan i will get donghae back to me'' i said while smirking and laughing like evil 

-Donghae's POV-
I was preparing my breakfast but i heard my phone ringing , so i washed my hands and pick up the phone, its unknown number who must be this? i thought 

''yoboseyo?'' i answered 
mwo? who is this? i thought ''eh? nugu??'' 
''guess who?'' she answered 
''if u will not say who the hell you are im going to end the call!'' i shouted 
''okay , relax im jessica'' she said
''oh why did u call by the way?'' i asked 
''i have something to tell you'' she said quite problematic 
''what is it?'' i ask
''lets meet later 10 am at 
Cheonggyecheon river ''she said
''oh okay!'' i said ending up the phone call 

''why did she suddenly call? i mean talk with me ? she have a problem?, okay i will go but i dont think this will going to be okay , but still i think its important so i'll go! '' i whisper to myself
Its still 9:30 in the morning i can eat this first, i said smiling 
..................after eating.................
oh! i think i have to go now! she's waiting me there , im really curious cause we haven't seen each other long time ago. so i guess im going 

                                                                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-Jessica's POV-
''ah! he's not yet here! , maybe im too early?'' i waited impatiently ''donghae , donghae ,donghae where are you?'' i said repeatedly and walking one place to another cause i cant really wait ''donghae!!'' i shouted and sit on the bench near me then my eyes caught something he looks like donghae so i walk towards him and ....

''donghae?'' i said wondering if he is donghae 

-Donghae's POV-
i heard someone calling my name from the back ... maybe its jessica , so i turned back and yes it was her 
''oh!'' was all i said 
''finally ur here'' she said 
''so what are u gonna say? do u have a problem? or something?'' i continued to ask 
''can i ask something?''
''okay go on'' i said sitting at the bench near us
''did u ever like ____'' she asked
why did she suddenly ask?! but yea i like _____ .. i nodded 


-Jessica's POV-
got yah! u like ____ , you like her! and i have a chance to make u and eunhyuk fight ! , and i have a chance to have you too! 

''but did you know'' i said smiling evilly but i didnt let him see me i just hid my face to him 
''know what?'' he said 
''Eunhyuk is ur besfriend right?'' i asked before telling to him that eunhyuk likes _____
''yup , and what about him?'' he asked 
''eunhyuk likes _____ '' i said 

-Donghae's POV-

nope, hyuk cant like _____, he is a friend of mine and he already knew bout this right ?, that i love _____ then how? how did he?!....

''he never told it to me! and besides i already told him that i LOVE _____, eunhyuk is a good friend he cant like _____, i bet he likes other girls , maybe his schoolmates like sunny-shi, hyohyeon'' i said a bit jealous 
''heh, yup but maybe he just lie to you'' she said smirking 
''he cant lie to me! if he do ! he dont know what can i do to him!'' i said angrily 
''ooopps!, ur not gonna get a fight with him right?'' she asked 
''i dont think so!'' i said getting up 
''where are you going?'' she ask
''At Eunhyuk's House!'' i said shouting and going to my car 
''Wait!'' she said trying to stop me but i ignore her 

-Jessica's POV-
''What a easy trick'' i said walking away ''donghae is really a jackass, what a dumb him'' i said giggling evilly                        


                                                                              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  

-Donghae's POV-
arggh!! how did eunhyuk?! i trust in you! but ! you! you never think of ur bestfriend at all! i just cant control myself! i just knew that i wanna punch you! hit you! go to hell! 
Eunhyuk's house is here , i stopped the car and stand infront of his house gate and press the doorbell repeatedly 

''stay still! im coming ! just wait!'' i can hear his voice shouting from their backyard until he opened it , i punch him hardly and he fell on the ground ''what?! the hell did i do to you ?! for you to punch me ?! huh!?'' he said holding his face with -wth- look ''you are asking me?! didnt i told you i love ____?'' i shouted ''yes but i dont like her!'' he shouted back ''stop pretending!'' i hit him again and grab his collar ''who told you?!'' he ask ''jessica'' i answered back ''so u will just believe her?!, ur a jerk!'' he said punching me at my face that makes me more mad at him so i punch him back and he punch me back too , we will not stop unless someone stop us.. soon our faces are already bleeding and we wont stop yet , and i wont stop cause im really angry at him and its his fault ! if only he doesnt like ____ this will not happen to him , so i continue punching him . until.....


-Sunny's POV-
I was Walking alone in the street and about to go to eunhyuk's house , its just a few houses away from our house so i decided to go at his house and maybe ____-shi and donghae is there . ''awww, i miss my dongsaeng'' i said and pout.  i ran as fast as i can , then i stop for about a minute cause im on my limit already ''ah so tiring'' i said while panting then someone caught my eyes, two guys are fighting with each other ''omo!, the two looks like donghae and eunhyuk!'' i said while running towards them ''O.O, i was right! EunHae are fighting?! cause of who?'' i asked myself ''ey ey ey!! stop fighting!'' i yelled at them 

-EunHae's and Sunny's  POV-
yup, we were still fighting and one girl told us to stop but we didnt ...

''yah! donghae and eunhyuk! stop fighting!'' the girl yelled , but still we wont stop
''yah! i said stop fighting!'' she tried to separate us and we stop 
''yah eunhyuk , u are older than donghae!'' sunny scolded eunhyuk but we didnt say anything 
''answer me!'' sunny shouted at us again 
''its my fault'' donghae said 
''wae? what happened?'' sunny asked 
''cause im just jealous bout him and _____'' donghae explained 
''yes , i like ____-shi, but i cant just stole her away from u right?'' eunhyuk explained too
''are you trying to say jessica is lieing to me?'' donghae said
''not like that , but you know jessica like you right?, and she will do anything just to get what she wants''
''i agree, eunhyuk has a point'' sunny said 
donghae got confused ''eh? but she just said eunhyuk likes ____'' 
''yes i do , but i have no fears to get her away from you donghae, your my friend '' eunhyuk said 
''wait wait , im confused why did _____ involve here? and donghae are you dating my dongseng?'' sunny asked 
''will date her'' donghae said with a wink 
''mwo?'' sunny and eunhyuk both said 
''haha just kidding , were just friends for now cause i know ____ is not yet ready'' 
''good thing donghae is mature already'' sunny said ''and see what happened with you two!, ur face is like arghh'' 
''dont worry were okay'' EunHae said 
''you sure?''sunny asked
''yep'' EunHae said 
''okay im going now , dont fight again just cause of ___ okay?'' 

-Sunny's POV-
what's wrong about those two?  fighting over my dongseng ____? oh they are crazy , where is ____ anyway ? she is not on hyuk house? 
maybe i'll call her 

-Your POV- 
I was playing with hyun-ki when someone called me and i answered 

''yoboseyo'' i answered 
''unnie! , bogoshipo!'' i said and giggled 
''nado bogoshipo!'' sunny unnie said and giggled
''yah saeng , donghae and eunhyuk are fighting awhile ago'' unnie said and i got shocked 
''jeongmal ?!'' i said worried 
''nea, and know what?!'' 
''what?'' i asked 
''its because of u'' unnie said
''mwo!? i didnt do anything''
''okay i'll explain it to you , Donghae Said jessica told him that eunhyuks likes you and donghae went to eunhyuk's house cause he is angry.... so when eunhyuk's opened the gate , donghae quickly punch him and i dont know maybe eunhyuk punch him back and when i about to go to eunhyuk's house i found out that they are fighting so i stop the both of them, maybe donghae loves you'' unnie said 
''mwo? , he never confess to me'' 
''soon or later he will'' unnie said 
''it cant be''
''its okay saeng , unnie is here for you'' 
then we lost connection and i got lowbat. ''donghae loves me?, eunhyuk likes me? oh no!'' i whisper to myself 

                  .........(- Flash Back -) (-Flash Back) (-Flash Back-) (-Flash Back-) (-Flash Back-) (-Flash Back-).........

-Your POV-

Im done! i quickly dress myself and go downstairs but sungmin isn't there ''i wonder he is still taking a bath?'' i asked myself and sit on the couch and decided to watch TV first , then i suddenly think of hyun-ki ''awww i forgot to bring my dog! i bet he miss me? kekeke hope oppa's will take care of them, i will just call ryeowook oppa since yesung is busy with his turtles and heechul oppa is busy with his cats'' 

''ryeowook oppa!'' 
''____-shi! wae did you call?'' wook oppa asked 
''hmm. im just wondering are you feeding hyun-ki?'' i asked
''oh! your silly dog is crying ! maybe he miss you? haha , dont worry its my pleasure to take care of your dog''
''jeongmal oppa? gomawo! jeongmal saranghae!, if only i can hug u i will'' i said 
''cheonman , awww where are you by the way?'' wook oppa asked 
''didnt yesung oppa told you?, im here at sungmin's house'' 
''oh! arasseo take care okay ? dont forget to eat'' 
''nea oppa, i'll hang up now'' i said
''okay bye'' 
''bye'' i said ending up the call

phew hopefully wook oppa is there to take care of hyun-ki i thought 

-Sungmin's POV-
Oh! im done maybe ____-shi is done too , or maybe she's already waiting me downstairs.

''___-shi im done!'' i yelled 
''yah what took you so long?'' she asked
''sorry'' i apologize
''gweanchana lets go'' she said 
''okay kaja!'' i said getting the car key   

                                                                         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
                                                                               -At the car-
-Your POV-

''hey'' sungmin said 
''yea?'' i answered
''do you have a problem?'' sungmin asked
''nothing why?'' i said 
''just curious why did u suddenly think to visit me?'' sungmin asked 
''didnt i told you i just miss you'' i said with a smile 
''oh okay'' sungmin said and giggled 

                                                                        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-Sungmin's POV-

''were nearly there'' i said 
''yey!'' she said happily 
''excited much huh?'' i asked
''yep , u know its been a long time i haven't seen you'' she said pouting 
''how sweet ,  cloudy miss me?'' i asked
''nea ! super!'' she said
''were here now!'' i said as i stopped the car
''wohoooooo!'' she shouted and get out from the car excitedly 

                                                                         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-Your POV-
sungmin and i are walking along and searching where the cinema is , i clung my arms to him and giggled ''yah wae?'' he asked ''wae? i just want to clung my arms to u'' i said stucking my tongue out ''hehe oh there!'' he yelled after seeing where the cinema is ''oh!'' i said and grab his hands and run towards the cinema 

-Sungmin's POV-

why am i feeling like this? when im with her i feel nervous , i feel shy , i dont know! maybe im starting to like her?, its okay if i like her cause when we were kids i do like her already , but now i feel different , it feels different , oh lee sungmin what happened to you? 

''what movie would you like to watch?'' i asked her 
''thriller movie'' she said smiling 

jeongmal? thriller ? oh no! anything but not thriller movies! , okay relax lee sungmin your a man , u can do it , just do it for her, for _____. 

''lets go'' she said while dragging me over the ticket booth 

-No once POV-
after they bought a ticket booth , they bought a box of popcorn and some sodas , and they got inside the theater and find some vacant seats.

Afterwards ................ the movie starts to begin and the sound effects makes them nervous , and the sound effect went BANG!! the door went bang after a one ugly teen age girl seen on the screen and she screamed WAHHH!!
that make sungmin fell from his chair ''aigoo , gweanchana?'' i asked ''nea'' he said little embarrassed  and got back at his seat 


~And soon the movie ended and they ate at the restaurant first before they go home

-Your POV-
oh! its so tiring ! but its so much fun! , so were here at some restaurant were sungmin bring me , and were eating bibimbap,ramen,sushi,tempura and many more ..... 

''sungmin-shi , aren't we gonna go home now?'' i asked him
''after this we will go home now , are you tired?'' he said
''nea its tiring but its fun!'' 
''hey on monday we have no classes right?'' he asked
''yep'' i said and smile at him    
                                                                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

-Still Your POV-

''im done'' sungmin said as he wiped his mouth 
''me too'' i said standing up 
''wait i'll just pay the bill'' he said calling some worker of the restaurant and gave the money ''khamsahamnida'' sungmin said and bowed as i follow him and i bowed too
''so lets go?'' he said 
''yep'' i said as i started to walk 

                                                                          . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

-Sungmin's POV-
i was driving the car while she turn her i pod on and put her headphones in her ears ,''maybe she's really tired and wanted to rest'' i said whispering to myself 
i stopped the car cause the stoplight turns to red and someone texted me ''unknown number'' 


Annyeong sungmin-shi , are you with ____ today? 
please reply back im her friend 
                                 -sunny :)


''oh! sunny-shi''

To: Sunny
Yep! she's here with me :) , dont worry i will treat her good
actually we went to the mall to watch some movie , but dont get me wrong im not dating her
hehe , she's sleeping now...


-1 message receive-


oh okay :) , bye im going to sleep now too 
please take care of her , and say hi to her from me :) tnx! ^^

 . . . . . . . . . . 
-Still Sungmin's POV-
were here now , at my house . ottoke?! , how ? how ? she's sleeping im afraid if i carry her she will think something different 
what if i wake her up ? , okay i will just wake her up 

''____-shi'' i said patting her left arm but still no response ''____-shi wake up'' i said 
''hmm?'' she said sounds sleepy
''wake up were here now'' i said 
''carry me up to the guest room'' she said 
''Buya?! O.O'' i got shocked 








ANNYEONG YOREOBUN! ENJOY THE CHAPPIE ! ---By The Way WookieElfsUju4ever here!--- bye!
Bonus pics

super junior mrsimple

th_Eun-mv-mrsimple-wow.gif   th_mr__simple___leeteuk_1_by_fancyhollow  

super junior mrsimple


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honeyxxbaby #1
this is so good!
honeyxxbaby #2
Chapter 6: hi im a silent reader i like you're story and good job that you pick sunny to be the bestfriend of the characters btw new reader.. i like you're story so keep on going fighting!!!

itsmeain #4
_AFFaddict_ #5
awww donghae and eunhyuk are fighting cause of _____ <br />
<br />
Yup XD Hahaha,it's pretty cool :) GREAT update~~ I'm from the Philippines too :)
heya author,are u from malaysia??
wookieElfsUju4ever #8
Yey update!! <br />
@reenaa- yep cause my dongseng use the tag thingy to make the username of the readers put on the foreword ;)<br />
@o0Cloud-dono0o- aww jinjja?! its cool! haha <br />
@Saranghae_MyHyukjae- nea! i updated already :)))<br />
<br />
~AWW thankyou all! im really happy to read ur comment's ! and guess what? my subscribers are increasing !! yey! FIGHTING ! Ppyong! i'll update more as soon as i can! <br />
ANNYEONG! khamsahamnida saranghae <3