I am Not Boyish

~Boys Gone Bad Cause Of Me~

============ the next day ============

[ _____'s POV]

I was sleeping soundly, when suddenly....

Dring!! Dring!! Dring!!

My alarm clock started making irritating noises, but I ignored it and went back to sleep with a pillow on my face.. I was sleeping peacefully, until.....

Dring!!! Dring!! Dring!! Diririring!!! Diririring!!

My alarm clock started making irritating noises again, and this time even louder... I tried to ignore it and went back to sleep covering my face with my blanket... And then....

Dring!! Dring!! Dring!! Diririring!! Diririring!! Diririring!!

My alarm clock started making noises again... And it's driving me 'crazy'..

me: Aishh.... stupid alarm clock..

I got annoyed and pushed my alarm clock off of my desk with my eyes half opened, my clock stopped making noises...

Is it broken??

... Then I heard someone enter my room.... 

????: YAH!!! No need to brake things like that  *poking my cheeks*

I was half awake when I suddenly felt like someone was poking my cheeks, I tried opening my eyes and I saw Heechul oppa poking my cheeks

me: YAH!!! *slapping his hand off of my face* 

Heechul : gut up!!!

me: Waeyo??? I wanna sleep more *covering my face with a pillow*

Heechul: Fine!!! I you don't wanna get up, then I'll just drag you out of your room

Heechul grabbed my ankle and pulled me off of my bed and dragged me out of my room...

Ouch!!! He literally meant that he'll 'drag' me out of my room.. I mean 'literally'

My head kept on bumping at everything on the floor...

Please make it stop  I kept on sobbing while I was being dragged by me evil oppa..


Heechul stopped pulling my ankle when we reach by the stairs...

me: Ooww!!! *rubbing my back and head*

Heechul: Well it's your fault why I dragged you here

me: well, it doesn't mean you should drag me here using my foot *pouting*

Heechul: Aish!!! Just go down and eat... arraseo?? *placing his hands on his hips*

me: arraseo

Such a diva I chuckled

I went down and ate breakfast with the three oppas...


Heechul finished eating and...

Heechul: Hurry up you slow pokes *standing up from his chair*

Yesung: YAH!!! Don't pressure us hyung *stuffing a spoon full of cereal in his mouth*

Ryeowook: Phyung's wight, jon't pweshuw ush *talking with his mouth full*

Heechul: What??

Ryeowook: I shaid, jon't pweshuw ush!! *still talking with his mouth full*

Heechul: What?? *placing his hand near his ear*

me: He said, don't pressure us!!!

Heechul: Fine!! but hurry up will ya


We drove to school as soon as the three of us finished eating....

A few minutes later, we arrived in school...


As soon as I got out of the car, I heard someone call me from behind.....

????: _____-ahh!!!!

I turned around and saw Leeteuk oppa running towards me

me: Leeteuk Oppa

Leeteuk: Annyeong Haseyo *panting and in the same time bowing in front of my three oppas*

Yesung: Annyeong Haseyo.. Who are you by the way?

Leeteuk: I'm Park Jung Soo.. you can call me Leeteuk and I'm _____'s friend

Ryeowook: Ooohhh, Hey _____-ahh....

me: neh oppa??

Ryeowook: How come all of your friends are guys? well except for Sunny of course

me: Uhhmm, well, I'm not really sure how to reply to that *rubbing my neck*

Ryeowook: Ohh Come on... There's gotta be reason, right hyung *slapped yesung's arm*

Yesung: well... I guess so...

me: then what's the reason?

Yesung: I GOT IT!!! I think I got the answer...

me: What?

Yesung: Maybe because you always hangout with us guys since you were a kid and that made you a little, you know...

me: Boyish?? *raising an eyebrow*

I completed the sentence for him...

Yesung: Uhhmm, maybe

me: YAH!!! I am not that boyish you know..

Heechul: Ohh really?? *he asked sarcastically*

me: yeah.. don't you believe me?

Heechul: ohh yeah, well then, name one time you acted like a girl

me: uhhmm, well, sometimes I shriek, and shrieking's one of the things that girls love to do, aren't I right?

Heechul: that doesn't count, what I meant was, act girly or something like that...

me: uhhmm, I-I-

Heechul: just admit that your boyish and not girly already

me: I'm not boyish!!!

Heechul: Fine, Fine.... 

----------------------- to be continued-------------------------

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*♥*~* SuNgMinLOVER04 *~*♥*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Annyeong Chingus, sorry for the late update, I got a little writers block, :P keke, but I got it all cleared up now..... ^^

Ohh, and If you guys are wondering why there are colors in the texts, It's because I got bored and decided to give the chapie some color.. kekeke :P

Sorry for the short chapie and sorry if the chapie's lame...... Ohh and please do...


I love you Chingus ^^

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honeyxxbaby #1
this is so good!
honeyxxbaby #2
Chapter 6: hi im a silent reader i like you're story and good job that you pick sunny to be the bestfriend of the characters btw new reader.. i like you're story so keep on going fighting!!!

itsmeain #4
_AFFaddict_ #5
awww donghae and eunhyuk are fighting cause of _____ <br />
<br />
Yup XD Hahaha,it's pretty cool :) GREAT update~~ I'm from the Philippines too :)
heya author,are u from malaysia??
wookieElfsUju4ever #8
Yey update!! <br />
@reenaa- yep cause my dongseng use the tag thingy to make the username of the readers put on the foreword ;)<br />
@o0Cloud-dono0o- aww jinjja?! its cool! haha <br />
@Saranghae_MyHyukjae- nea! i updated already :)))<br />
<br />
~AWW thankyou all! im really happy to read ur comment's ! and guess what? my subscribers are increasing !! yey! FIGHTING ! Ppyong! i'll update more as soon as i can! <br />
ANNYEONG! khamsahamnida saranghae <3