15th December 2012

Diary of a Dork


It's 2 a.m. in the morning right now and I'm NOT even trying to sleep. I'm too busy trying to finish a project about caves and all that stoopid history stuff. Well, just now, around 12a.m. , I was suprised, hearing a loud and continuous knock on my door, I assumed it was my sister. You know? That idiotic girl that believes in unicorns. Uggh.
Why I assume so quickly, you may ask. About a month ago, she lost her front tooth because she was really mischievious, and she was flippin' through my binder and I was OBVIOUSLY pissed because I have some secrets and weird stuff I did with my old friends back then. I started screaming really loudly, because she actually tore ALL my bio notes apart. Don't tell me you actually won't do that because you are pity-ing her because she has an IQ of a cartoon of milk. Literally. She is FOREVER trying to get even with me since the little little joke I played on her when she was an infant. Long story anyway. 
Then, my mom, obviously siding with my sister again, says that I can't blame her because she's still and little kid and blah blah blah. Makes so much sense. Of course, I didn't listen and guess what, I smacked her. Not my mom, my sis. Right smack across her cheek.
I felt like a queen until blood started to flow out of . I started freaking out and calling out to my mom. At the end of the day, she just dropped a tooth. And I was like " ╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻" My mom grounded me for obvious reasons and my sister's constant whining. But, that was 1 month ago, so... yay.
Back to reality, what shocked me was the 'person' that was knocking on my door was my parents. Even without wating for my reply, they just BARGED in. They were 'worried' as usual about me being pressured at school. 
I would want to thank them for their concern but DUDES! WAIT FOR MY REPLY BEFORE BARGING IN MY PROPERTY. For the love of rabbits, as a American born Korean citizen, I have the constitutional right for PRIVACY!
Anyway, they were just babbling all about how I should be more flexible towards the people at my school and be friendly and blah blah blah. For marshmellow's sake, in case I haven't told you diary [did I?]  the reason I entered this 'high end' school was all because my mom's, who's a nurse, asked her boss to ask her daughter's friend's mom, whose the ex-vice priniciple to put me in this school.
I have NO IDEA what's the reason for that. I was having a happy and almost perfect life there in my old school but my mom just HAS to spoil everything. '╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻' 
I think I really have to sleep now... It's like 2:15a.m. now and I just realised I took 15 minutes to write an entry... XD
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