10th December 2012

Diary of a Dork




Every day, even though it has already been a year since I entered this school, every day, I’m treated like invisible woman with lip gloss on.  Talk about a major loser! ;(


How am I even supposed to fit in this school? Cheonsa even has Coffee Bean here in their cafeteria!


I tried my best to talk to the people. So here’s how our conversation went with a few people in math class.


Me: Hi! My name is Sooyon and I’m a new transfer student~ Nice to meet you!

Madison Cleenche: OMG. Do you come from like the school where teachers are like 50 years old? OMG. Go away~


HEY! YES, my old school was… old, but …. Whatever. You’re just being mean!


Me: Hi! My name is Sooyon, do you want to be my lab partner later in bio?

Sarah Blanding: Hell NO, I have my boyfriend, you look like a loser anyway~




Me: Hi. Nice to meet you, I’m Sooyon, want to be friends?

Naomi Chen: Just facebook me.


I’m like “GiRL, I’m RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. You can’t click ‘IGNORE’ or anything! HELLO?!”

But I said that in my little head cause I’m a really positive person. :)


I mumbled to myself “LAST PERSON. OMG. MUST BE LAST PERSON.”


Me: Erm.. Hey?


As he and yes, HE turned around, my heart fluttered. He’s so freaking perfect! He has those amazing eyes that just… oMG, I can’t. Like seriously. I’m vomiting rainbows on  the inside. And then he was like

“Teacher’s coming. Go back to your seats. I’ll talk to you later.”


Did he say ‘Talk to ME later? OMFG. I’m VOMITING RAINBOWS. Still. Since like just now.


Anyway, I’m currently freaking out pretty badly because it’s WAY past midnight and I’ve not even finished my homework about some Shakespeare, oh well.


So what if I fail my class? Maybe I can even get out of this idiotic school. I’ll be dancing Gangnam Style in front of my mom if I really do. :) DORKS ROCK!

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