Intertwined by fate


Break time was over and students were making thier way to exit the cafeteria once they finished with their food. Outside, at the school garden, under the tree, shaded from the sunlight, slept a girl a she listens to I'm in love by Natasha. It was one of those moments she loved about the school - she was free. Freed from stressed pressured by her father. And with the help of the beautiful scene of the garden, all her stressed was relieved. She opened her eyes, finally awake from the sound of the school bell. She stretch her body. She dust away the dirt off her skirt as she got up and makes her way back to school. She came to a sudden halt.

As if it was a dream, there he was again - Gongchan. She watched as Gongchan strode his way towards his friends. Once he was out of her sight, as if she hadn't breath for such a long time, finally, she exhaled. Heart that had pulsed rapidly upon seeing him again have finally reclaimed back to normal.  What's happening with me? and who... who is he?, she thought. She let out a sigh and went back to walking her way to her class.

Her lesson was as normal as it can get. Just the everyday routine she's used to.


                                   did she know...

HE was her classmate? Nope.


All this time, they were oblivious of each others existance. They sat at the same row. He sat far back while she sat at the front. Who'd knew that these two, would one day,




be intertwined by fate.





Author's note:

This is just a short update. I'm sorry(5x). I feel like I've done a sin for leavin it hangin'. I'm sorry.


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currently on a month hiatus.


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This is definitely different but great. I can't wait to read more so update soon please....

~smile always =)

p.s I LOVE "The Notebook" so I was super excited when I saw the was BEAUTIFUL =)