what happened? part 1


Both fell into unconsciousness.


In the meantime :

It was break time and the hall ways was always empty at this time. Jinyoung who took notice that Gongchan was nowhere to be seen, thought, 'where could he be? why do I feel like something bad's gonna happened?'. Sunggyu who saw the flustered face of Jinyoung, brows furrowed, thought, 'I wonder what's he thinking? something's not right here.' as he too start to roam his eyes to the surrounding cafeteria. He started to check who is missing.


After searching, once his eyes befalled to B1A4, he gasped, shot out of his chair, wide eyes. GONGCHAN, he whispered. Immediately, he ran out of the cafeteria to search for him. He doesn't know why but he felt he has to find him. He left the cafeteria leaving the rest confused. Jinyoung however felt pain on his chest and started to clutch his chest. Baro, who took noticed, asked,"Yah! hyung! gwaenchanha? Yah! what's wrong?". He called for Sandeul when Jinyoung wasn't responding to him,"Sandeul hyung, something's wrong with hyung. Let's bring him to the infirmary. he doesn't look to good." Sandeul looked at Baro then to Jinyoung and immediately shocked. He Immediately brought one of Jinyoung's hand on his shoulder and held the other hand on his waist, supported by Baro's help.

While CNU :

Well.... All he cared was food right now. He was of course oblivious of the situation and the silence to the point, the whole cafeteria was left to the sound of CNU eating - cruching, munching and swallowing. After the 3 figures ran out of the cafeteria, the students, kingkas and queenkas slowly turn their head and gazes towards CNU. CNU, who suddenly felt chills down his spines, slowly munch his burger and looked up and saw narrowed eyes and weird expression thrown towards him. He gulped the lump of food down his throat as he awkwardly laugh and scratch the back o his neck, apologizing to everyone by bowing his head. After The awkward situation ended, everybody slowly got up, brought their trays and left. When everybody left, leaving CNU in a still awkward situation, well... he just sighed and thought to himself, wow. way to go munchy bunkins.

Back to the matter at hand :

During the awkward situation, Sunggyu was searching for Gongchan. He looked at every possible places he could be at - the library, the garden, the art room, the musical room or the classroom. But found none. He looked for him at his locker and sure enough just as he made a turn down the hallway, he stopped at his track and gasped in shock. Gongchan and a mysterious girl was on the floor - unconcious. What the heck is going on here?!, he thought a she saw Gongchan lay on the floor, same situation as the girl. I gotta find some help to carry them both. He quickly ran to find teachers to help carry them both to the infirmary.


When they arrived at the infirmary, Sunggyu was greeted by an unconscious Jinyoung on bed. He stopped at his track as he gazed at jinyoung asked asked,"what happened?" but barely heard. Baro and Sandeul turned their gazed from Jinyoung to Sunggyu. As the teachers brought Gongchan and the mysterious girl to the infirmary, Baro and Sandeul Ggazed tunred to Gongchan and gasped in horror. Sandeuk quickly asked Sunggu,"what happened to gongchan? did he get into a fight?" . Before Sunggyu could answer, it was interrupted when the nurse cleared . She eyed JInyoung to Gongchan to the mysterious girl and sigh. She said, "Okay guys. you can leave now. I'll handle the rest. And Sandeul?" she called sandeul and he responded, "deh?". She told him, "Jinyoung's just hyperventilating. maybe he was just stressed out rom over thinking. make sure when he wakes up, he takes a long rest and sleep. and these two." as she pointed at Gongchan and the mysteious girl and asked, " what happened to these two?" as she cocked her head to the side and eyed Sunggyu. Sunggyu explained," long story short, saw them unconcious on the floor when I found them. That's all."

"hmm... very well. I'll take care of the three of them. You guys can go back to clas now. don't want to be late for class, do we?" as she cocked an eyebrow and looked at them. There was silenece for a moment before the three sighed and admit defeat. "deh...", they said in unison. They shuffled their way out and as soon as they left, she eyed the three unconscious students and thought, Students these days. Overly stressing themselves out. They should go easy on themselves. Stress isn't good for their health, as she sigh and shook her head.


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currently on a month hiatus.


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This is definitely different but great. I can't wait to read more so update soon please....

~smile always =)

p.s I LOVE "The Notebook" so I was super excited when I saw the quote...it was BEAUTIFUL =)