First Encounter


A life that has always been filled with pity and sympathy, being looked down upon his disability, snickers unheard but can be seen. One question,



This, is my life. Have I regret it? Never. Have I ever blame for it? Never. Why, you ask? Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.


A life that have been centered with books surrounded, canvasted with tranquiled silence and life

What is it? That is HIS life.


Awoke from the vibrated alarm of the phone, eyes slowly flutter open as the sun shone through the window. There lay a boy, a man to be exact, as he groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes and adjusting to his surrounding after his content slumber. Slowly making his way to the bathroom.

Downstairs, there's a lady in the kitchen - busy preparing breakfast for her loving family, and an old man reading a newspaper on his favourite comfortable sofa in the living room. This was the life - simple. The couple's content with such simple life. Nothing more, nothing less.  But,

                          that will all change from today onwards.


Satisfied with his breakfast, he kissed his mothers cheek and respectfully bows to his father as he bids farewell. As he shuts the door and turned, it was raining. He smiled upon what he sees. It was one of those moments he felt blessed to have eyes - it was the beauty of life. He puts on his earphone, takes out his umberella as he makes his way off to school.
Walking under the rain, sheltered under the red umberella, he gazed upon his surrounding untill something caught his attention. He halts as he stood there, frozen, staring deeply into those beautiful ocean blue eyes. Distance away from him stood a girl, sheltered under the red umberella, gazing at him.
That was how it all began . That was how the two met . Under the rain
There he sat on his seat, spaced out as he reminisced the vivid event.
As if time have stopped, heart rapidly pulsating, lungs contracting. There stood both, still intensely gazing one another under the rain. Their gazed was soon came to an end, as if in a split moment, the girl had disappear from his sight.
end of flashback
Her eyes. They look so sad. I wonder... who is she?  He paid no attention throughout the entire lesson as his thoughs are clouded on one thing person - her. His train of thoughts was disturbed by the shake from his dear bestfriend - Baro. Baro asked out of concern through sign language,' gwaenchanha? '. Gongchan responded with a nod. Baro asked again for reassurance and again responded with a nod. Baro could only sigh. I wonder what's he thinking? ,Baro thought. Baro jolted in surprised when Jinyoung touch his shoulder as Jinyoung greeted him,"Yah, Baro. What's up?". "Oh it' you hyung. I thought it was a ghost."
"A ghost? in this daylight? haha, you believe in superstition too much."
Baro sent glare at Jinyoung. Jinyoung chuckled but soon went to an abrupt stopped when he caught Gongchan staring at the window. Jinyoung raised an eyebrow at Baro and asked,"what's wrong with him?"
"don't know. He won't tell." The two looked at Gongchan once more before be showered by greeting from their other fellow friends - DongWoo or better known as CNU and Sandeul. "Yo hyung, Baro, what' up?", Sandeul first greeted followed by CNU," so anything happening?". Jinyong reponded by nodding to Gongchan's direction. Sandeul frowned, confused. CNU asked,"so what's going on with him hyung?"
"That's the thing. We don't know. Baro told me he won't tell.", Jinyoung  responded first. "Got any idea hyung?", followed suit by Baro. The response he could get was shrugs. Baro sigh once again. "well, first, let's get him out from spacing out and then, let's get something to eat, cause boy am I hungry right now."Sandeul said. His friends smiled and chuckled at his remark. Jinyoung tapped Gongchan on the shoulder. As gongchan looked upward, Jinyoung signaled at the door where all his friends are waiting with all smiles and mouthed,'Kaja?'. Gongchan looked from his friends waiting for them by the doorframe to Jinyoung before responding with a happily nodded and get up to go with his riends to eat.
Walking in the hallways, Gongchan looked at the ground as his friends happily chatter away, oblivious of Gongchan. Jinyoung, who took notice of Gongchans behaviour by walking behind him, frowned. I wonder what's really wrong with him? did something happened? hm... I'll ask him later, Jinyoung thought. Baro, who caught from the side of his eye of Jinyoung looking back at Gongchan, thought to himself, I bet he's gonna ask Gongchan later.
Upon entering the cafeteria, you could hear the piercing shriek of the girls as there, decended, B1A4, the kingka of Seoul High. The shrieking didn't end there as slowly descends other kingkas and queekas. Walking straight forward towards the VIP area where only the kingkas and queenkas seat.
As B1A4 happily took their seats with their fellow kingka friends, Gongchan, head hung low as intertwined. Gongchan's thoughts was filled of her. Gongchan's train of thought was soon cut off by the shake on the shoulder by Yongguk of B.A.P. Yongguk asked him through sign lauguage,'You ok? you don't look... happy.' Gongchan blinked a few times before responding with a smiling nod. Yongguk asked again,'ok, but what's bothering you then?'. Gongchan looked at his hyung then back to Yongguk and sigh before telling him,' I'm fine, just... my mind's clouded with this one..' as he averted his eyes from Yongguk and a tint of shade red shown on his cheek. Yongguk getting the hint, smiled with those famous gummy smile of his as if getting where this is going to and though to himself, So it's about a girl huh(?). Well this is interesting. Gongchan took a peek at Yongguk and as soon as he saw Yongguk smiling like a goof, Gongchan immediately face palm and face puffed complete shade of red. Yongguk could only laugh at his friend. Zelo, curiosity getting the best of him, asked Yongguk,"hyung, why're you laughing?" Yongguk who've calmed down, turned to Zelo and just smiled at him as he happily continued eating his food. Zelo, confused, took a peek at Gongchan who's now eating his food, face shade red. Zelo, as innocent to love, thought to himself, Is he sick?
The leader of B1A4, Jinyoung and the leader of Infinite, Sunggyu, who took a glimpse of what Gongchan and Yongguk talking about, smiled. Why? Well, it was entirely because of Gongchan's reaction. Both looked at each other and their smiled got wider. They soon laughed which caught the attention of Infinite, B1A4, B.A.P and a few other kingkas but oblivious to Gongchan.










Author's note:

First chapter!! Sorry for the suspence. Had some writters block but now I'm back on the road! I hope the story's alright for the first chap.


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currently on a month hiatus.


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This is definitely different but great. I can't wait to read more so update soon please....

~smile always =)

p.s I LOVE "The Notebook" so I was super excited when I saw the was BEAUTIFUL =)