Not an Update =(

Whatever Happens, Don't Let Go of My Hand

Hey guys. Sorry, I have been completely AWOL. School and in life had completely overrun me and its been crazy. However, to get away from some craziness, I wrote and itsy-bitsy drabble that you guys should check out =). It's called Words You Can Only Ever Say... here's the link -->

Let me know what you think... and also who you think the other main character is. I left extremely subtle hints. One in particular that only a few people may even notice if they see those kind of things lol...

Thank you!! 

And sorry again!

If I get some more inspiration, I may revive this poor little story. Or start another...I've had so many ideas floating around in my head, I've been daydreaming like crazy to figure them out haha


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Hey everyone. So I'm sorry for not being able to update this story. School's been an issue. However, new drabble out, please check it out under my stories!!


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HungryDog #1
Chapter 3: Update more. Plot is good, tae already meet fany in her drunken state
I like it :D Keep up the good work ^_^
Chapter 1: Is it taeny and yulsic story or taengsic?