Chapter 1

Whatever Happens, Don't Let Go of My Hand

AN: 'Italics' are thoughts.


She could smell the blood on her. It was strong and bitter, making her nose sting. Rolling over on the cold pavement, she took inventory. Arms-bruised up and sore, but moveable. Torso- achy and tender but she’d deal. Legs- weak and sore but tolerable. Head- ugh, it was pounding in tune with her heart.

“. Where the hell am I?”, she wondered aloud, looking around and taking in her surroundings. This dark and dirty alley had apparently been her resting place for the past few hours. Needless to say, she was grossed out.

            Taeyeon slowly and shakily stood up. Suddenly a wave of vertigo hit her and she hurriedly bent over, puking up the remainder of whatever had been in her stomach. Wiping , she searched her pockets and her purse nearby for her phone.

‘What the ?’

She made a full 360, noticing her phone face down by the dumpster. Walking over to pick it up, Taeyeon couldn’t help but to wonder what crazy situation must have occurred just before she took an unwanted (and unexpected) nap.

‘Crap, 12 missed calls. I should call them back’.

Temporarily pushing the thought aside, Taeyeon headed out to the opening of the alleyway. It was almost early morning, 5:12 am to be exact, if her phone was to be trusted.

“Damn, I don’t recognize anything. Smooth, Taeng. What to do now, hmm?”

Not really caring, Taeyeon slowing made her way out of the alley, taking care not to walk too hard on her aching ankle. Or really, her entire aching body. Wondering around for a while didn’t sound like too bad of an idea, and honestly, Taeyeon didn’t really care. Nothing mattered. Might as well get lost in the moment. Literally. But she was already lost. The realization didn’t faze her.

Though she claimed to not care, noticing the few people walking in the shopping district around her, Taeyeon’s heart suddenly kicked up, reminding her that even she couldn’t help but to feel fear, even if it was an unwanted emotion.

Suddenly, Taeyeon felt her leg vibrate. Looking down, she could see her phone lighting up through the thin fabric of her jeans. She reached down and retrieved the phone, holding it to hear ear.


“Ugh relax, Jess. Your gunna blow my freaking ear drum out. God. I’m fine, okay. Stop worrying.”

“Kim Taeyeon. I am going to kill your myself if you don’t tell me where you are right this second!”

Taeyeon could help but to laugh sheepishly, “Actually, I have no idea where I am. I woke up in some random alley like 25 minutes ago…”

There was silence on the other side of the line.


“Ugh Taengoo, what the hell am I supposed to do with you?!” She sighed again. “It’s a good thing we have this GPS tracker on you or we would have lost you the millionth time you pulled this .”

“Haha sorry. I’ll be better, I promise. But be a bit fast, huh? My legs are tired from walking.”

“Oh shut up. It’s your own damn fault. Alright, found you. Yuri and I are on our way to pick you up alright. Just stay put.”

“No problem, babe. I’m not going anywhere.” Taeyeon said, sitting down against the brick wall facing the market street. “I’m way to damn tired to be going anywhere. I’ll just take another little nap, hmm? See you soon”, she said, hanging up.

Gosh, she was tired. Everything ached and she was definitely not looking forward to the lecture to come from her closest friend Jessica.

‘Damn. This is gunna .’ She thought.’ Might as well rest while I can before HellSica tears me to pieces.’

Yeah, rest sounded good right about now…




AN: Ahhh! First chapter done! I hope you guys like it! Constructive criticism would be much appreciated! And comments?? Tell me what you think! And even what you might like to see developing! Thank you!!!

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Hey everyone. So I'm sorry for not being able to update this story. School's been an issue. However, new drabble out, please check it out under my stories!!


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HungryDog #1
Chapter 3: Update more. Plot is good, tae already meet fany in her drunken state
I like it :D Keep up the good work ^_^
Chapter 1: Is it taeny and yulsic story or taengsic?