Straight As Student.

Students were crowding around the bulletin board where the results are placed. I could hear them buzzing with excitement. I am pretty sure that they are amazed at how I can keep up with my grades and stay at the top for years.

As I stride in proudly, most of the students stare at me while making unnecessary noises. And suddenly the whole room was filled with drama. It’s like after one person looks at the board, they will look at me with the shocked expressions on their faces. Are they too shocked to see me topping the level again? But don’t they find it normal already that I do? And the next thing that happens was a guy’s name being the new hot topic in school.

My curiosity level rises up. I want to know which rank I am this year. I jostled through the students who are blocking my way. Praying hard I get the 1st rank again, I opened my eyes and look for my name at the top list.

But to my horrifying surprise, my name is not even there! It’s not on the first rank but the second! How could this happen? What is that silly mistake I did in the paper? And whoever is this guy? Jiyong Kwon? WHAT? WHAT?!

I pushed my way out from the wave of students and walked briskly out of the room, disappointed with the results. Jiyong Kwon is that guy who was late for his exam, who I thought was a typical bad boy who doesn’t take education seriously; who I thought wouldn’t make it. But reality comes slapping my face hard, telling me that he is just as smart as me but he’s better. Gosh, he’s stealing away my spotlight!

I show people that I’m strong in character, but honestly, I want to break down and cry right now. But I will never ever in my life cry in front of anybody. Only my mum seen me cry, only she can understand what I’m going through and she is the only one who will be there for me in the times of need.

“Dara, are you okay?” Bom looked into my eyes. I nod my head, faking a smile. But it is like as if she can feel what I’m feeling inside. She sighed and hugged me, “I know you didn’t top the level this year but look at the bright side,” she looks up into my eyes again, “we are all promoted to the next level!” I smiled at her, “Good for you.”

“Oh come on, Dara, I know you! You love challenges! Now why don’t you challenge yourself and compete with Jiyong Kwon?” Bom smirks at me, “Hmm?” Me? Challenging with Jiyong? I think that’s a piece of cake. I’ll show him that I can still do it. I nod my head, “I will.”

After school, I walked my way to the bus stop. Top and Bom are going to the arcade and play some games to celebrate their success. I didn’t want to come with them because I feel like I need some time on my own.

In front of me was a guy with a beanie and he was talking to a blonde haired girl, her hair tied up in a neat bun. The both of them are laughing to some jokes, and they seem really close. And that guy with the beanie is Jiyong Kwon, the person I’m challenging to. I sighed and checked my phone. A text message from Taeyang, saying, “Hey, girlfriend, how are your results?” I can’t help but feel so disgusted when he calls me girlfriend. We only met for a week or so, and he’s acting all flirty with me. I don’t feel comfortable around him now. I didn’t bother to reply him at first and kept my phone.

The bus drives off and Jiyong was all alone. Since we are taking the same bus later, I decided to use this opportunity to know more about him. I stood up and approached him. He looks up at me and smiles, “Hello, Sandara.” He must be feeling like “, I’ve beaten you!” inside. I tried to stay calm and sat down beside him, “Congratulations for topping the level. I shouldn’t have judged you at first,” I said.

Jiyong’s eyes widened. “You know, when you were late for that exam last week, you made a bad impression of yourself on me. I thought you were a typical bad boy who doesn’t care about your studies and that you won’t make it. But looks like you did. It looks like I can’t really judge its book by its cover,” I said, laughing forcefully. Jiyong raised his brow, “Wait a minute, do I really look like a bad boy to you?”

“And your behavior before, during and after the exam,” I said. Jiyong laughs and rolled his eyes, “Maybe if I do look like a bad boy, honestly, I’m not one.” I remained silent then and craned my neck to see if the bus we’re taking is coming. “Hey, it’s our bus!” I said and got up.

We sat together in the bus. Ah, now it’s the perfect time for me to know more about this mysterious guy. I decided to ask him, “So, who was that blonde haired girl you were talking to? Is she your crush?” At the mention of the word ‘crush’, Jiyong laughed. This guy is really strange. I rolled my eyes at him, “You are so weird.” “Okay, that was Chaerin. And she comes up to me and started talking so I just go with the flow. Who said she was my crush?” Wait- Chaerin? How could I not realize that’s her he’s walking with?

Chaerin is a badass female. She’s popular in school because of her looks and talents. The both of us never really talked because she thinks I’m just an ordinary nerd and I’ve got nothing special about myself that’s worth knowing about. She dates many guys; break many of their hearts, and she just keeps on doing it. But the boys in our school are dumb. After knowing how Chaerin is like, they still keeps on dating her and get their hearts torn into two.

“Let me warn you. Chaerin is someone you shouldn’t mess with. She’s a female player!” I advised Jiyong but Jiyong simply laughed, “You know, I have no intention to date her!” And there was silence for a while before he asks me a question, “So, you got a boyfriend, right?” HE HEARD ABOUT THE RUMOR TOO?! CRAP.

“Why do humans believe in the rumors they hear? For goodness sake, that rumor you are hearing is not true. I don’t have a boyfriend! I don’t need one either! I’m independent okay,” I crossed my arms, looking away.

“But, I saw you getting into a yellow sports car this morning. And at school, I heard him calling you his girlfriend. How could you say this is not true?” Jiyong was puzzled. I gave him an ‘are-you-ing-kidding-me’ look, “It doesn’t mean that he’s my boyfriend. He is just fooling around. And he’s just being a good friend by driving me to school. Get your facts right, Mister Kwon.” Jiyong sighed, “Whatever you say, Miss Park, he’s not your boyfriend.” I turned to him again, “So you were at the same bus stop this morning?” Jiyong nod his head, “Yeah. I was there but you didn’t notice.”

I decided to change the topic, “And why did you enrolled yourself in this school? What is the reason of your transfer?” Jiyong hesitates to tell me. He looked away, “I was not comfortable in my old school. That is all.” I studied his expressions carefully. I can tell he’s trying to hide something away from me. But since I do not want to start any personal questions, I decided to keep it shut.

It was then a silent bus ride. I kept quiet. He kept quiet. But silence is golden. I know there are lots of flashbacks occurring inside his head. Maybe he got bullied in his previous school because he was a nerd or something. And when he came here, he decided to change everything about himself. Well, there are lots of things to find out about this guy. He’s so mysterious, keeping secrets and untold stories. One day, I’ll find out all of them.

Our bus stop arrived and the both of us alighted. Jiyong gave me a smile before walking off. I was about to turn and walk back home when I was greeted with Taeyang with a bouquet of flowers. I stared at him with disbelief.

“My girlfriend is back!” Taeyang said a loud. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jiyong turning back to look at us. I awkwardly smiled at Taeyang and walked away briskly with Taeyang following me. Argh, this guy is so annoying.

Jiyong’s POV

Is she telling me the truth? Is she acting like that because she doesn’t want me to think that she’s lying? Should I follow them secretly and find out what’s really happening?

Wait- Maybe I shouldn’t. I don’t want to be labeled as a busy body in this school. I should just go back home and have some tea.



Will Dara find out whatever Jiyong is hiding?



Author's Note

So how's chapter 3?

25 subscribers? Can't thank you guys enough! Thank you so much! Kekeke! 

Sorry if the story is a bit confusing D:

Yes Taeyang is the visitor's son (answering to one of your comments)

Do subscribe, comment, and support!




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Sorry guys, I won't be able to update Straight As Student & Princess and a Dork because I won't be able to have access on a computer except on my phone ;~;


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Chapter 14: Come on top teach her a lesson she'll never forget!
BlackroseJack #2
Chapter 14: update sooooon
Chapter 14: CL stop being mean 2 Dara and wat if she and Jiyong has a relationship, It's not your business!!!
heiress #4
Chapter 14: Go TOP! teach that Chae girl a lesson!

Please update again soon. :)
abya01 #5
Chapter 14: yes teach her a lesson
Please update soon :)
XxtaerilxX #6
Chapter 13: HANDS OFF!! CL!! just go out with sungri and leave jiyong to dara..
heiress #7
Chapter 13: Screw CL for ruining the moment! Aisht!! Go get a life, girl!

Please update again soon. :)
Lakeland #8
Chapter 13: Whoa whoa whoa. Chaerin. Lay off. Things just started goin good for daragon. Back off girl.
Chapter 13: CL please don't disturb them let them be together.
Chapter 13: A little bit too rush but I think this story is still good. Keep updating. :)