~The Scar~

Falling Leaves

Song: Asu was Kuru Kara by DBSK

[Your POV]

“It will be for the best.”

The voices inside my head echoed as I braced myself for the landing. I had been staring at the head rest of an aeroplane seat for the past half hour now. I found it intriguing staring at the entwined fibres that formed the head rest. In the next twenty minutes or so I was going to get off this plane and be greeted by my uncle and aunt. They were going to take me in out of the goodness of their hearts, I was going to be enrolled in a good school, make new friends and start fresh. Or so it would seem. Not everyone can forget their past. Not when there’s a reminder every time you look into the mirror.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have now landed in Seoul’s International Airport. We thankyou for flying with AC-Seoul today and hope you will enjoy your stay.”

As the stewardess stopped talking I slowly got up and grabbed my shoulder bag from the compartment above my head. As I got off the plane and made my way down the platform, a flight attendant smiled at me kindly and spoke. I didn’t know what she was saying so I merely nodded politely and walked ahead. I went to the luggage bay, picked up my two navy blue suitcases and then made my way to the exit. I was told to look for a middle aged couple holding a sign with my name on it and it wasn’t long before I saw them. They were jumping up and down hysterically as they both hugged me.
My aunt was shorter than I remembered, but that’s probably because I had grown. Her small eyes were still kind although her hair had a few grey strands tucked away here and there. Her small hands were warm and comforting as she rubbed mine.
My uncle was a stocky man, who over the years had lost most of his hair, he pushed his glasses up the ridge of his nose as he patted my right shoulder gently.

“My, my haven’t you grown.” he said as they both ushered me out towards the exit.

“Well, it has been ten years.” I said, my lips turning ever so slightly into a small tight smile.

“You’re right, definitely right.” my uncle said again, he had a tendency of repeating words.

The car ride wasn’t long, we were heading to the school grounds of my new school to pick up my cousin. I hadn’t seem him in ten years I was feeling nervous as to how he was going to react to me. Guys are too judgemental sometimes. About half an hour later we pilled up at the school gates, students were already walking out, no one was dressed in uniform and they all got into flashy cars that awaited their arrival.

“Ah, there comes Junsu.” my aunt pointed out.

I watched the group of four males walk towards the car, but still not entirely sure he Junsu was. As they stood next to the car, my eyes focused on only one person. He was quiet and distant from the other others. He walked behind everyone else and never smiled. It was then that I heard the car door open up, he was a chubby faced guy.

“Uwahh, you’ve grown dongsaeng! You’re prettier than before!” he teased in a high pitched voice.

“Ummm… thanks..” I replied, was he serious, or trying to make fun of me?

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Junsu said as he got in next to me.

It was then that I noticed the quiet guy from before. He was staring at me, his eyes piercing me. I quickly turned away. It was like he was staring right into me, trying hard to figure out my thoughts. I felt uneasy and shook my head to forget about his gaze. As the door shut with a thud I had a sudden urge to turn around and find him. As the car moved forward I turned around and saw him standing there, still staring at the moving car.

“Who have you chosen?”

I turned around, my cheeks flushing pink.

“It’s not like that.” I defended.

“Sure it is. Who is it? Who do you think is the hottest?” Junsu teased.

“Oppa, it’s not like that!” I defended.

“Sure it is. I can tell.”

Suddenly Junsu started tickling me. At first I was in too much shock to laugh. But after hearing Junsu’s laugh ringing out my lips spread into a smile. It was the first time I had felt like this, the feeling when your stomach is bubbling up, the anxiousness of the bubbles rising up towards your lips and then bursting out as laughter. As we both settled down and I stared into the rear view mirror in front of me, I saw my aunt smiling. I looked down and saw her hand reach out, taking my uncles hand. Beside me Junsu smiled reassuringly and started telling me about the school I was going to attend tomorrow. The joy and happiness that radiated from Junsu was one that I had never seen in anyone before, just being with him it was like a domino effect or an infectious disease.
The car slowed to a halt and I looked out to see an amazingly big house. Almost mansion like.

“Let’s go little one.” Junsu said, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out.

“But my bags.”

“The maids will grab those, come I want to show you your room. I decorated it.”

Junsu pulled me up the drive way and up the stairs. The lounge room was luxuriously decorated, with vintage furnishings.

“It looks amazing!” I said, my eyes wide.

“You think this is cool. Wait till you see our lounge room!”

“Our lounge room?”

“Yeah, this house is split into three. The first level is for my parents, second level is for me and my friends and the third level is study.”

“That’s amazing.”

At the top of the stairs the modern day lounge room made my knees weak. It looked amazing, everything was either black or white.

“Well, what do you think?” Junsu asked.

Junsu chuckled, taking my silence as a yes and pushed me towards a door marked with his name on it.

“This is my room, you can enter anytime, as long as you knock first. Now, one final room for you to see.”


I let Junsu lead me out of his room and he pulled me towards a door marked with my name. I hesitated, not knowing if I wanted to open the door or not.

“Go on, it’s your room.”

Slowly my hand reached towards the silver handle, I pushed it down and let the door swing back.
It was a spacious room with furniture being either orange or white. It was simple yet elegant, just the way I liked it. I turned and smiled and Junsu who happily grinned.

“I haven’t quite finished with your room yet, the walls are still a bit plain.”

“But… why orange?” I asked.

“Autumn. To commemorate you coming here during the season of Falling Leaves.”

“Thanks oppa.”

“Welcome, I’ll leave you to unpack and get comfortable, the maids should be here soon to bring your stuff up. I’ll see you at dinner. ”

I nodded and watched as Junsu closed the door behind him with a satisfied grin on his face. I turned back to my room. It was nice, the sun was starting to set now as I walked towards the window. I put my hands on the table and leaned out to see colours of orange, brown, yellow and red shining back at me. The tree outside my window was shedding it’s leaves. My mind suddenly then wandered about the guy I had seen earlier, there was something about him, the way he looked at me, it was like he had questions to ask or things he wanted to say or see. There was a knock on my door and I went to quickly open it.

“Miss Kim, we have your stuff.” two maids said.

“Oh, Komapsumnida, just leave it by my bed.” I said, watching as the hauled my luggage in.

That night before bed, I recollected my thoughts about today. Tomorrow was going to be a new day, a new school, new friends. Of course I was scared, but the challenges that are ahead were no where near as touch as dealing with the death of my parents. I reached my hand up to touch my face, there was always a reminder of my pain. The Scar. It ran from the left side of my forehead, through my left eye and down, stopping at my top lip. The scar that I had received from the crash, covering it with heavy make-up was my own way of comforting myself. If I left it, I would have felt even more uneasy going anywhere. They say time heals everything. Not for me. My scar was something that was never going to heal in time…

Author’s Note: Sorry I haven’t updated in a bit. School has started again and the excitement got me all bubbly. ^_^ Anyways, I hope I am forgiven for any typos. I hope you guys enjoyed! ^_^
Why does Chunnie seem so scary? ^_^v

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Chapter 10: Please Update. I'm So Excited!!! ^_^
Chapter 9: Wow! So awesome!!
wonderkris #3
Chapter 10: well written!~ goood!
WithoutWords #4
I've updated everyone! I'm so sorry for the wait :(
update soon :(
Please update soon~ I'm a new reader but I'm in love with this<3 thanks! and fighting!
Aww, finally you've updated! I really miss your updates!<br />
Poor girl, now she's temporarily blind...hope she'll be find soon. It's nice that Yoochun is there beside her:)<br />
I don't quite get the new feature, it's kinda funny though! XD<br />
Please update soon!
aww... I miss your fic ^^ I was shocked to see me username here and i thought that i saw the wrong thing and refreshed again :D <br />
Update again when you have time~!
IffaLovato #9
Its okay wr all understand. when you free don't forget to update :) I'll be looking forward into it.
Sweet Chunnie!<br />
Obviously that's jealous! LOL <br />
Please update soon! Really wanna know her answer!