
Falling Leaves


[Yoochun POV]

“I have to go now. I’ll let you get some rest.”

“Thank you Mr...”

As I put my hand on the door handle, a thought occurred to me.

“Kim you sshi... please smile again. For the sake of your family,” I looked at her one last time before gently closing the door.

I quickly found the nurse that had handed me the basin and towel and returned it to her with a smile.

“How is your sister?” she asked kindly.

“Uh... she could be better. But she’s okay.”

My walk to the exit was long. I wanted to turn around, run back to you’s room and just hold her in my arms. There was so much about her that seemed broken. It was as if her heart was just there, waiting for someone to come and pick up the pieces, to catch her, to hold her and to love her. I stopped. 
What was I thinking? 
My feet were planted firmly on the ground. 
What was wrong with me? 
Why did it matter to me who held her, fixed her or loved her? 
That was none of my business. I made my way to a bathroom.

I stared at the big mirrors that stretched across the pale blue walls. My fingers firmly grasped the sink basin.

“What are you doing Yoochun?” I asked myself in the mirror.

“You’re talking to yourself that’s what,” came a sudden voice.

I spun around, heart jumping out of my chest. A cubicle door opened and out walked Dr Choi. He fixed his glasses and began washing his hands in the basin next to mine. I swallowed hard. I was so embarrassed.

“Girl problems hey?” he asked with a smirk.

“You know, women aren’t all that complicated. You just need to make them happy. I mean, us men are pretty dumb, but honestly. Take it from me, all they need is for you to listen, don’t say anything. Just listen. Everything will be fine,” he shook the water from his hands and looked at me.

“Good luck,” he placed a hand on my shoulder and walked out.

I looked in the mirror. 
Was I, Park Yoochun really having girl problems?

I shook my head and left before someone else caught me talking to myself. They’d all think I’d gone insane. Outside my family car was already waiting for me. I climbed into the back seat and breathed a heavy sigh.

“Is everything okay Yoochun sshi?”

“I hope so,” I replied

[you POV]

Black. It was the only way I could describe my current state. I guess some people just have no luck with anything. I had hoped to be able to go through school without making a single enemy, yet here I am, in hospital with possibly no hope of being able to see again.

I had requested not to see anyone because I wouldn’t know how to explain to them why I was in my current state. I can’t just say, ‘I got pushed down the stairs by a jealous girl who thought I was trying to steal her man.’

Not only did it sound absurd, it sounded like I was in primary school. I shook my head. I shouldn’t, but sooner or later I was going to have to face my worst nightmare. Sooner or later I was going to have to come out of my cacoon. I closed my eyes, and pretended that it made a difference.

~A week later~

you ah, come to breakfast!”

I put down my iPod and got up, slowly pushing my chair in. I could hear footsteps rushing towards me and I waited for what was coming next.

“Ahhhhhh, my poor dongsaeng... I keep forgetting about you. I’m sorry, here take my hand and I’ll walk you down,” Junsu exclaimed in his unmistakably high voice.

“Oppa I have a walking stick, I’m fine.”

“You can’t rely on stick! It can’t do anything for you, I, on the other hand, will be your guardian angel until you’re better again.”

I felt his hand take mine as he led me slowly out of my room. Junsu was so kind to me, and I didn’t know if lying to him was a good idea or not, but he had a reputation with all the girls at school and I didn’t know if disturbing that would do any good. I kept quiet and followed him with nothing but a small smile.

“I still can’t believe you tripped on the stairs at school, I mean, how many times have you used those stairs before… the fall was so serious….” Junsu’s voice trailed off as pulled a chair out for me.

“I’m just really clumsy,” I lied.

It felt horrible lying to him. Lying is a horrible thing to do, but lying to someone who was so sincere to you was the worst crime yet. I hated myself.

After breakfast I was convinced to go on a group gathering with Junsu and his friends. I couldn’t pin point why exactly, but I was nervous. I didn’t want to seem like a burden to my cousin, even more so his friends. But I had no choice, I didn’t want Junsu to be stuck at home with me all day.

I didn’t know we were headed, all I could hear was the sound of Junsu’s soft singing and the rain slowly starting to get harder as I tried to imagine what it would look like outside. I placed my hand against the car window. It was cold, almost as if I could feel the raindrops seep magically through the glass and onto my fingertips, down my fingers and down my palm.

“Cheer up you ah, everything will be fine again. Trust me,” Junsu kindly said.

“I can tell you’re upset, I know it’s hard now. Being new, being different. But trust me, it’ll all get better. I promise. Even if you can’t see it, even if you can’t feel it, hope is always there, waiting. Waiting for the right moment, when you’re at your lowest point, it’ll come and it’ll lift you. It’ll give you wings.”

It was strange hearing such beautiful words coming from Junsu, who was normally so playful and funny. I knew he was right though, every word was as true and sincere as I was alive and safe.

“Thank you oppa,” I said.

“You’re welcome my little daffodil.”

After a while the car stopped and I heard my car door open.

“Are you well you?”

The voice was deep, and I had definitely heard it before. Something touched my hand and I flinched. I heard a soft laugh.

“It’s okay you ah, it’s just me.”

The person’s hand grabbed mine and gently pulled me out of the car. His hand enveloped mine. It was warm, and I didn’t mind it.

“Ya, don’t get too comfortable now,” I recognised the voice, it was Jae Joong.

“You might have to fight me for her hyung,” this time it was Changmin.

I couldn’t tell who was holding my hand.

It was warm, comforting and I didn’t want to let it go.

Was it wrong of me to be thinking this way despite not knowing who it was? But this hand, as warm and as comforting as it was, offered me that glimpse of hope Junsu was talking about.
I’ve been alone for so long, that for a stranger to hold my hand gently yet firmly walk by my side, it meant the world and that light of hope that had disappeared for so long was beginning to flicker again in the distance.

Who was he?


A/N: Please do leave me a comment guys! It's been so long I might be a bit rusty :P I'm sorry you all had to wait so long, life's been hectic... Anyhow, I'm back again! Haha! Please do enjoy!

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Chapter 10: Please Update. I'm So Excited!!! ^_^
Chapter 9: Wow! So awesome!!
wonderkris #3
Chapter 10: well written!~ goood!
WithoutWords #4
I've updated everyone! I'm so sorry for the wait :(
update soon :(
Please update soon~ I'm a new reader but I'm in love with this<3 thanks! and fighting!
Aww, finally you've updated! I really miss your updates!<br />
Poor girl, now she's temporarily blind...hope she'll be find soon. It's nice that Yoochun is there beside her:)<br />
I don't quite get the new feature, it's kinda funny though! XD<br />
Please update soon!
aww... I miss your fic ^^ I was shocked to see me username here and i thought that i saw the wrong thing and refreshed again :D <br />
Update again when you have time~!
IffaLovato #9
Its okay wr all understand. when you free don't forget to update :) I'll be looking forward into it.
Sweet Chunnie!<br />
Obviously that's jealous! LOL <br />
Please update soon! Really wanna know her answer!