Part 1- Hunting

Finding Janus


Kwangmin’s POV

I struggled slightly with my tie as I finished getting ready for the ball.

“Stupid tie just- Oh my God why is this so hard!” I grumbled and then I just gave up on the tie altogether. Someone knocked on my bathroom door and without waiting for my permission, opened it. It was Minwoo.

“Giving up on your tie aye?” Minwoo asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Pfft no. I wanted to go for more of a y look.” I scoffed and Minwoo laughed.

“Yeah I’m sure that’s what you were going for… I just came in to tell you that we have to leave in about five minutes. If you need me, I’ll be in my room.” Minwoo then started to walk out the door when I interrupted him.

“Okay- Wait WHAT!? You live here?”

“Yep. C’mon Kwangmin, did you really think Janus was going to let you destroy yet another house of his? I guess you could say I’m your supervisor.” Minwoo explained. Of course Janus had to put me in a house with him. Dammit.

“Weren’t you leaving?” I retorted and turned back to the mirror. Minwoo at least seemed to realise that this was the end of the conversation and left. As he was leaving, he laughed again and said,

“Kwangmin, you don’t have to be so hostile. It’s not like we’re competitors or anything…”



Youngmin’s POV

I walked into my brother’s room and called out for him.


“I’m in here Youngmin.” He yelled back and I assumed that he meant the bathroom. I walked in to find him attempting to put on a tie.

“Struggling again with your tie?” I asked and he gave me a ‘don’t go there’ look and threw the tie away from himself.

“So what do you want?” Kwangmin asked me and I smiled.

“I just wanted to ask if you were excited. Don’t you just love dances Kwangmin?”

“Nope. Now get out.” He retorted and gave me a light shove.

“Aww c’mon Kwangmin, dances are great! You get to wear a suit, eat free food, dance with gi-“

“Free FOOD! I forgot about that.” Kwangmin exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. Of course he would get excited about the free food.

“As I was saying, you get to dance with girls and be really close to them. I hope the girl we’re meant to find is my type.” I then blushed and my brother smirked.

“Aww Youngmin you’re blushing like a school girl, cuuttee.” Kwangmin teased and pinched my cheek.

“Touch me again, you die.” I threatened and we both started laughing. I had forgotten what it was like to be friends with my brother. Over the past few months, Kwangmin and I hadn’t exactly been sociable to each other…

“Poke.” Kwangmin said as he prodded me in the arm.

“I will end you!” I joked as I went to punch Kwangmin in the arm but I was interrupted by Minwoo.

“STOP! Seriously guys, I leave you alone for not even five minutes and you already want to hurt each other!” Minwoo had his hands on his hips and he reminded me of a mother chastising her children.

“But Mum Youngmin started it!” Kwangmin said and he and I started to laugh. I guess he noticed how motherly Minwoo is as well.

“No Kwangmin’s lying Mum! He called me a school girl!” I complained and Minwoo’s face had gone bright red.

“Hey I’m not a woman so stop calling me mum!” Minwoo whined.

“But you act like one.” Kwangmin replied and Minwoo went even redder.

“Very funny.” Minwoo mumbled.

“Minwoo we’re just kidding. Shouldn’t we be leaving now anyway?” I asked and Minwoo looked down at the watch on his wrist.

“Oh we’re gonna be late! Quick my children, we need to leave!” Mumma Minwoo said as he dashed from the room. Kwangmin and I ran after him and followed him out the front door. Already waiting for us was a white limo and Minwoo immediately climbed in.  I had a feeling that tonight was gonna be a good night.



Kwangmin’s POV

As soon as I got into that car, I knew that tonight wasn’t going to be a goodnight. Dances didn’t exactly come up high on my list of things to do and I know I come off to people as a total ladies man, but in truth I’m an extremely awkward teenage boy. Shocking right? I thought so to when I first attempted to flirt with a girl. I was thirteen and she was thirteen and a half. I said she was pretty and then tripped over. She said I was too young for her (despite being born in the same year) and a dork. That is pretty much the entire story of my love life. Ever since that day around four years ago, I’ve never attempted to go after a girl. And here I am, about to go to a dance with hundreds of females and I have to woo one of them? I was really tempted to just give up before it had even begun. The car seemed to heat up the more nervous I got and by the time we had gotten to the venue of the ball, I had ed a few buttons from the top of my shirt.

“Don’t you think you’re being a little too casual when it comes to your clothes Kwangmin?” Youngmin asked me worriedly. I noticed that of course he had a tie on, neat hair and seemed generally tidy. Minwoo had a bowtie and he too was dressed tidily like Youngmin. I on the other hand had no tie, slightly messed up hair, a blazer and a shirt that was slightly undone. Perhaps I should’ve worn that tie after all. I decided to answer Youngmin’s question with another question;

“Don’t you think you’re dressed too formally for this?” Youngmin and Minwoo then both looked at me as is to say ‘are you being legit right now?’

“Let’s just get out of the car.” Minwoo suggested and we did. The venue was quite impressive. The hall was very big and made out of white marble. However unlike in the daytime when everything was white and creams, night time was drastically different. There were vibrant colours everywhere and it seemed like everything had come alive. There were people everywhere and to my disappointment, it seemed like there were heaps of females. As if it wasn’t hard enough to find this girl with the last name Janus, I now had to search out of a couple thousand females. Great.

We all got our invites out as we got close to the door and then we were admitted into the hall.

“Well I’m gonna go say hi to some friends of mine, so I suggest that you two get searching.” Minwoo said then walked over to a large group of people, leaving Youngmin and I to figure out what to do.

“Should we split up?” Youngmin suggested.

“Probably. Or we could just leave.” I said and Youngmin looked at me disapprovingly.

“Loosen up Kwangmin! Try to enjoy yourself okay?” Youngmin then walked off and started walking around the room. I noticed that several females seemed to be interested in him which gave me hope that perhaps they’d be interested in me too. I continued to look around the room and I sighed. How the hell was I supposed to find this girl? I decided to go and get something to drink from the refreshments table and once I had my drink, I went over to a wall and leaned against it. I was looking down at my cup when I sensed someone’s presence in front of me. I looked up and there in front of me was a woman with long wavy hair and she was wearing a dress that was really tight. She winked at me and I could feel myself blushing because I felt really uncomfortable. I turned my head away from her, trying to hide the embarrassing blush on my face. However she had different plans as she gently grabbed my face and turned it back to face her. I felt her body press against mine and I was surprised at her strength. There was something not quite right about her.

“W-What’s your last name?” I just managed to say as her face leant in closer to mine. She looked at me with a confused face but that was quickly replaced with a smirk. The woman then lent up to my ear and whispered…



A/N So what do you guys think? ^.^ I bet some of you are curious to hear what she says ;) I'm tempted to upload the next bit of this chapter but I think I'll wait just so it can give a feeling of suspense haha C: also, thankyou to all my wonderful subbies!!! <3



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lol hey everyone


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Chapter 31: Omgee~ I seriously missed this story.. And my kwangmin feeeeelssss~ <3
MitsuKyuYamazaki #2
Chapter 31: oh em gee--- KwangMin feels X'D
Chapter 31: Yay! An update. I glad you didn't delete this story, I was really curious as to how it would end. And finally, she admitted her feelings,
Chapter 30: would you like me to give u some help?
JouJouBexotobap #5
Chapter 30: Awwwww you are not bad author-nim, I love your story. Fluff and comedy, at the same time romance and angst... THAT TOTALLY WHAT I LIKE!!!
Chapter 30: I can be your co-author~! :)
MitsuKyuYamazaki #7
Chapter 29: wha? cannibal? LOL XD
Update sooooon~~~ XD