
Nu'est - Taking Action


NU'EST's new hit ‘Action’ echoes through the room. Aron, Baekho and Ren are hard at work practicing their choreography. The three of them are completely exhausted, covered in sweat but still powering on with fierce determination.

JR barges into the room with tears in his eyes. They instantly stop and look up at him, puzzled.

"Minhyun's dead!" JR exclaims as he wipes away a tear that had fallen onto his cheek.

Ren drops onto the floor unable to speak, unable to comprehend the news.

Aron just stands there, frozen. He simply stares blankly at the floor.

Baekho after a few moments begins to panic, "Is this a joke? Where is he? What happened?"

JR sniffles, "I don't really know, he was beat to death with one of the music stands in the booth of the recording studio."

There is silence for a moment. Aron breaks out into a run towards the studio. The other members exchange a look and then follow quickly behind him.

They push past a few police officers, ambulance officers and some staff in order to get to Minhyun. The sight is gruesome. Minhyun lies, lifeless on the ground, his crimson blood coats the walls behind him and a pool of blood has formed around him. His head has been opened, his skull cracked. His brain, which is visible, has been torn into and is now covered in more of his blood. 

Ren begins to choke on his tears as Baekho lays his head on Minhyun's blood soaked stomach, quietly sobbing.

Aron cries softly, "Who would have done something like this to him?"

JR simply lays his head on Aron's shoulder.

Surprisingly no one disturbs them, they simply stand and watch the four grieve over the loss of their brother.

After a few minutes Baekho sits back up, wiping the tears from his eyes, "We should go."

He sighs, stands up and walks out of the studio, dragging Ren behind him who struggles to turn away. JR follows quickly behind them.

Aron just stands there, unable to tear his eyes away from the scene.

Ren re-enters the room, "Aron? Let's go."

Aron turns around and hastily walks out of the room. Ren takes one last glance at Minhyun before leaving the room, bumping into one of the police officers. He simply brushes it off and continues walking.


The 4 remaining NU'EST members are all sitting down, leaning against the mirror in the dance studio. No one speaks and the silence lasts for what seems like hours. No one looks up when a staff member enters the room.

"They found a lead to who the culprit is," the woman says as she enters a room.

JR instantly looks up, "And?"

"There was a recording going when Minhyun got killed. They can’t determine whose voice it is but it is very clear that it was one of you," the woman continues, looking at each of them one by one.

The members exchange looks and slide further away from each other, across the floor.

"Who was it?" Ren growls, staring at Aron.

"Why are you looking at me?! I didn't do it, it was probably Baekho!" Aron snaps.

Baekho death glares him, "Me? Why the hell would I do it?!"

Baekho stands up and storms out of the room, refusing to looking at any of them.

Once he leaves there is a long silence. Aron slowly turns his head towards JR and raises and eyebrow at him suspiciously, "JR? Why are you so quiet?"

JR brushes it off and turns to Ren, staring at him with a look of sorrow, "It was you wasn't it?"

Ren's eyes fill with pure rage, he stands up walks over to him and slaps him fiercely in the face, then storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him, causing the room to shake, and making the mirrors rattle loudly.

JR holds his cheek where a red welt is beginning to form, he stares angrily at the back of the door.

"And then there was 2," Aron mutters under his breath before lying down on the ground and stretching out.

With that JR stands up and storms out of the room, leaving the door open.

Aron sighs, relieved with the silence. He sobs to himself until he eventually falls asleep, there on the wooden studio floor.


A few hours later, Baekho and Ren enter the dance studio to see Aron sprawled out on the floor, fast asleep.

Baekho chuckles to himself, “Do you plan on killing him while he sleeps?”

Ren turns and looks at him angrily, Baekho returns the look. Baekho sighs and takes in a deep breath, “Look Minki, I’m sorry. I know it couldn’t have been you. I can’t imagine anyone of us doing something as horrific as this. Someone probably set it up to make it look like us.”

Ren nods in agreement, “Yeah, we need to stay together. We can’t let something like this affect us.”

Baekho groans, “We’re going to have to do that performance tomorrow night without Minhyun aren’t we? Do you think we can manage without him?”

“Only time will tell.”

They both sigh in unison. Aron begins to stir, awoken from the loud voices.

“Hey Aron, get up we need to practice,” JR calls out as he pushes past Baekho and Ren into the studio.

Aron groans and slowly lifts himself up off the ground, rubbing his eyes.


“Ready kkeutnaejuge Action! Ready sseureojige Action!” Baekho, JR, Ren and Aron sing as they practice the choreography in the dance studio. The mirrors show a reflection of 4 stunning, well-built men, coated in sweat, moving flawlessly in perfect sync.

After practicing it all the way through for the 9th time, JR decides that they have had enough, “We should probably be getting home now and sleep if we are going to have enough energy for tomorrow night.”

The other 3 groan in agreement and begin to gather their things. Ren pauses as he is putting on his shoes, “Hold on, what are we meant to tell the public about Minhyun?”

“I already talked to the manager; he said to tell everyone he is sick. At least until we find the culprit or everything settles down,” JR replies calmly before he takes a swig of water from his bottle.

Ren seems a little uncomfortable with the idea, “Hmmm okay.”

Nothing else is said about the matter. The four of them begin to leave the building without a word, Baekho and JR leaving first.

 Before Ren can push the door open, he feels a tight grip on his shoulder, pulling him into a dark room, he begins to struggle in a total panic.

“Hajima! Let me go!” Ren yells, still trying to release the strangers grip.

The stranger doesn’t say a thing, just starts to drag him to the corner of the dim room.

“What are you doing to me?!” Ren yells, hoping to attract someone’s attention.

Again, the stranger doesn’t say anything which infuriates Ren to the point where he loses his temper and manages to hit the stranger in the head with his elbow which causes him to let his guard down. Ren takes the opportunity to get the stranger in a headlock and drag him over to the light switch beside the door. In a quick movement Ren turns the light on. The bright lights blind him momentarily. He looks down at the defenceless man in his grip.

“What the hell is wrong with you?! Why did you just attack me like that?!” Ren exclaims, releasing his grip and letting the man fall onto the floor.

“Oww, that hurt you know,” he says as he slowly stands back up, frowning at Ren.

 “So, Aron. You’re the sick bastard that killed Minhyun?” Ren snarls, looking down at him.

Aron stutters, “Wha-? Me? No, I was trying to talk to you in private without the others noticing but you just freaked out and hit me!”

Ren raises and eyebrow at him, “I don’t believe you.”

“Why the hell not!”

“Why do you think?! Ever since you killed Minhyun, it’s been every man for himself.”

“Why are you blaming me?!” Aron exclaims in frustration.

“You just attacked me! Why wouldn’t I blame you!”

Aron groans, “Urgh whatever! Just listen okay.”

Ren nods hesitantly and Aron continues, “This whole situation is messed up but I think I know who did it.”

Ren looks surprised, “Who?” He pauses, “I swear to god! If you say me then I’ll…”

Aron smirks, “You’ll what….kill me?”

Ren growls and storms past Aron, out the open door. Aron turns and franticly runs after him, “Minki! I’m sorry, it’s just my head isn’t really working right now. What I was trying to say is that, I think that it was Baekho.”

Ren reluctantly turns his head to Aron, “Why do you say that?”

“He’s been acting really unusual lately, he isn’t himself.”

“Is that really a good enough reason to accuse him?” Ren says as he turns fully, now facing him.

Aron sighs, “I know but I know you wouldn’t do something like that, same with JR but I don’t know about Baekho anymore.”

“I don’t think anyone of us is capable of something as horrific as murder but you never know. You may be right about Baekho but I don’t entirely trust JR’s innocence. It doesn’t seem right.”

They hear soft footsteps behind them and quickly turn, only to see a dark emptiness.

“Hello? Who’s there?” Ren calls out into the darkness.

Everything remains silent, Ren frowns, “You heard that right?”

“Yeah, someone is here. Someone is listening.”

They stop talking for a few minutes, hoping to hear something else. After a while Aron sighs, “I guess it was nothing.”

Ren frowns again, “I’m not so sure, but anyway. We should be getting home.”

Aron simple nods and walks towards the front door. Before Ren begins to follow behind him, he hears the footsteps again, louder this time.

“You heard that right?” Ren asks.

“Heard what?” Aron says as he walks to Ren’s side.

“The footsteps again, it was over that way,” Ren says as he points to a room at the end of the corridor. He begins to walk towards the room; Aron following quickly behind him.

When they are a few feet from the door, they see a large figure burst out of the room and run past them, down the hall, out the front door and into the parking lot, gone.

“Aish! We missed him!” Aron exclaims.

Ren groans, “I don’t feel like any more drama tonight, I just want to go home and sleep.”

 Aron simply nods. They both begin to walk back to the dorm room, being very sure to keep close to each other. They keep their eyes peeled for any unusual shadows and keep their ears open for any other footsteps other than their own. When they enter the dorm, they see Baekho and JR sitting on the 3-seater leather couch in the living room talking. Baekho seems a little bit out of breath. Aron becomes suspicious but says nothing of it, not wanting to cause anymore arguments.

Ren walks over to the couch and slumps down beside Baekho and closes his eyes, “I’m so tired.”

Baekho snuggles up against him, “I don’t care right now who did it, I just feel so comfortable being here with the rest of you.”

Aron sits down beside JR who slides over to make a little more room for him. They all fall asleep together with in a few minutes, all against each other, exhausted from the events of the day.

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Chapter 9: wow.. i still figure out.. hahhah! but trully... why its end horribly? a cute twist..i like it
Chapter 4: wow.. its a mind blowing.. i got a first hint: Ren. I will not scroll down to read the other's comment to see if Im right. hehhee
nunchii #4
Chapter 9: so what happened to Minhyun???? SEQUEL!
Chapter 9: Good story tho..i did realise it was ren in the middle...but i dont want to believe it as i like really worth to read.
hoonmin #7
Chapter 9: aaahsjaggajdkagsfekfsfa the twist omg ;~; perfect!