I Will Catch You if You Fall


Author's Note: The purple lines are the lyrics of the song. It can help you differentiate which one is the song lyrics and which ones are the storyline. Anyways, enjoy ^o^


Well let me tell you a story

About a girl and a boy

He fell in love with his best friend

When she’s around, he feels nothing but joy

Luhan and Seohyun are the best of friends. They do everything together. Luhan prefers demure, quiet girls over hyper, perky girls, so maybe that’s why he prefers hanging out with Seohyun over other girls.

Seohyun only thinks of their relationship as “friends”. This is what upsets Luhan the most. Because, deep down, he wishes they were more than friends. He wishes they were lovers.

He wishes that because everytime he’s with her, he feels nothing but joy. And he wishes to feel that joy forever. With his best friend as his lover.

But she was already broken, and it made her blind

But she could never believe that love would treat her right

Luhan’s wish could come true—if Seohyun believed in love. She used to believe in love, but because her heart was already broken by someone whom she thought was special, she refused to believe that love would ever treat her right. If only she did. Then, Luhan can show her that love can treat her right.

But did you know that I love you? Or were you not aware?

You’re the smile on my face, and I ain’t going nowhere

I’m here to make you happy; I’m here to see you smile

I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time

“Seo?” He saw her at the benches, reading. My, thought Luhan. That guy really broke Seo’s heart. She’s so quiet and prefers to read now at the benches than hang out with the other girls.

“Oh, hi.” Her voice was meek and quiet. There was no joyful tone in her voice anymore. The break-up was way too hard for her to handle, and that was probably the reason why the joyful Seohyun was gone, replaced by the quiet, tearful one.

“Something wrong?” He plopped himself right next to her.

She shook her head. “Nothing important.”

“Well.” He looked at her with those deer-like eyes, the one that can touch your soul instantly, and said, “If you have any problems, I’m here to make you happy. And I’m also here to see you smile again. It hurts when I see you cry…because you’re the smile on my face.”

Seohyun laughed. “Aigoo, Luhan-oppa, that’s why girls like you. You have a thing for saying such flirty sentences.”

He laughed too. Well, a thousand girls may like me, but my heart is only set for one person.

“Hey, Seohyun-ah?”


“I know you don’t believe in love anymore…”

“I don’t.”

“But can I please say something? This is the one thing I’ve been dying to tell you…”

She raised her eyebrows, a look of shock. “Okay, then. But if you’re trying to convince me to fall in love again, then don’t. That won’t work on me, for sure.”

Luhan smiled. Deep down, he knew that somehow, what he’s gonna say will work on Seohyun.

What’s gonna make you fall in love

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don’t have to be scared at all, oh my love

But you can’t fly unless you let your

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall

“The truth is… I’m secretly in love with you,” said Luhan hesitantly. “And it will make me even happier if I know you share the same feelings as I do.”

Seohyun scoffed. “Oppa, what did I tell you? If you’re trying to talk me to love again, I’m not buying it.”

“Seohyun-ah, trust me. I won’t break your heart like he did.”

“I’m not sure about that,” retorted Seohyun.

“Seohyun.” He hesitated for a while, thinking about the perfect words he should say to her. “Love isn’t always about heartbreaks, breakups, and secret affairs. Love can also be wonderful. There are dates, first kisses, and relationships that can lead through marriage. But you won’t truly know it… if you don’t let the wall around your heart fall.”

Well I can tell you’re afraid of what this might do

Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don’t wanna lose

Well I don’t wanna lose it either

I don’t think I can stay sitting around while you’re hurting babe

So take my hand

“But we’re friends,” said Seohyun indignantly. “Falling in love with friends just might ruin the friendship. And our friendship is amazing. I don’t want to run it with a stupid feeling they call love.”

“I don’t want to either,” said Luhan. “That’s why I’m telling you this. I don’t want us to lose the feeling we both share. And to tell you the truth, I don’t think I can sit around, pretend to have no care in the world while your insides are hurting badly. So please, take my hand.” He gave his sweet, soft hand out to her.

She shook her head. “Don’t you think I can fall for your words that easy, Oppa.”

Well did you know you’re an angel who forgot how to fly?

Did you know that it breaks my heart everytime to see you cry?

‘Cause I know that a piece of you’s gone

Everytime he done wrong, I’m the shoulder you’re crying on

And I hope by the time that I’m done with this song that I figured it out

“I remember the old you, Seo. The one that believed in love so hard. The one who remembers love as romantic dates and what-its. But now the old Seo is gone. You’re no longer the beautiful girl who trusts love so easily. You’re like an angel who forgot how to fly.”

“Aish—another pickup line,” said Seohyun, rolling her eyes.

“Plus, it breaks my heart to see you cry. I know that a piece of you is gone now. And I remember… everytime you fight with him, you always cry on my shoulder. Maybe that’s why I feel your pain.”

She rolled her eyes. “You feel me? Wow. Have you ever felt what’s it like to have someone you love walked out on you? To have him secretly loving someone else? To have him secretly betray you? Have you ever felt that, Lu Han?”

He sat there, openmouthed, as Seohyun got on her feet and walked off. Aish—why must he break her heart? thought Luhan. If he didn’t, she’d still believe in love. And convincing her to fall in love would be way easier.

What’s gonna make you fall in love

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don’t have to be scared at all, oh my love

But you can’t fly unless you let your

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall

The next day, Luhan saw Seohyun at the same bench again. He quickly walked over to her.

“Hi.” He plopped down next to her. Seohyun stared at him in annoyance.

“You again. What do you want?”

“I’m repeating what I said yesterday. Seohyun—I’m sorry he did this to you. But you need to open your eyes and realize there are men who are not him. There are men who’d do anything for you. Men who’d never leave you. Men like me. But if you refuse to believe in love again… then you can’t really see those kinds of men.”

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

But if you spread your wings

You can fly away with me

But you can’t fly unless you let your

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall

“But what if there are men who looks kind and gentle… but turns out to be a huge jerk on the inside?” She bit her lip, before tears started to melt through her eyes.

“If that happens…” He put his arms around her, comforting the crying girl. “I will catch you if you fall. Then, you can spread your wings and fly away with me.”

She tried her best to stop her tears, which worked. She was now in her best friend’s arms, feeling comforted and safe.

“But don’t you see it, Seohyun? If you don’t let that wall fall… then you can’t fly.”

What’s gonna make you fall in love

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don’t have to be scared at all, oh my love

But you can’t fly unless you let your

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall

Fall in love

I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart

Don’t have to be scared at all, oh my love

But you can’t fly unless you let your

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall

“N-now I see it, Oppa…” She was still stammering, but at least she was smiling. “Now I know what love truly is. Sometimes love is cruel—breakups and heartbreaks—but some are way too beautiful to be described with words. And I won’t feel that—if the walls around my heart hasn’t fallen yet.”

“That’s my girl,” said Luhan brightly, glad that the old Seohyun was back.

“And I won’t feel the other side of love—if I’m not with you, Oppa. Luhan-oppa, I think I love you.”

He smiled.

“I love you too, Seohyun-ah.” He replied, hugging her tightly.

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

I will catch you if you fall

But if you spread your wings

You can fly away with me

But you can’t fly unless you let your

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall

As Seohyun smiled inside his warm hug, Luhan smiled to himself. He’d finally convinced Seohyun to fall in love again. And if her heart is broken and she fell into the deep pit of loneliness again…

He’d be the first one to catch her, alright. And together, they’d spread their wings and fly away. 


The end of the oneshot. I really hope you like it. Comment and tell me all about it (especially which parts I have to work on). Saranghae subscribers and viewers! (hug)

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Chapter 1: Love this one-shot :D
You did really well to convert the lyrics to the story.
Many quotes that we can take from this story.
Glad that Luhan didn't give up.
And glad that finally Seohyun accepted him :)
Chapter 1: After you experience a heart break, its hard to trust love again. But i'm happy that Luhan convinced Seohyun.
so cool unnie~
Eycha_sk11 #4
Chapter 1: Aww luhan thanks for making seobaby feel in love again ! :D

how i wish i found someone like him..
Chapter 1: Love it Unnie <3
Chapter 1: I love the quote "If that friends love you? It's the most beautiful feeling in the world." And yes, I trust you. ^^
For a girl after have a breakup, doesn't easily believe of what her best friend said especially when he say he loved her.
It's too hard to accept. I might said the same thing if I were her.
And again, he never gives up and I appreciate that willingness of him.
Just like her too, I would fall in love for him. :)
thanks author-nim.
Chapter 1: Awwww.... This is so sweet~ if only they were real~