
Mountain of Tears

Black shoes.

Baekhyun looked down at them as he entered their house, knowing these weren't his shoes. Knowing that a new footwear would be placed at the same spot everyday. And even though he constantly asked himself, "Is this love?" He couldn't help but be a fool that always forgived her, thinking, hoping that she'll change...

But she doesn't. She never will.

He freezed, the sound of and screaming in a distance immediately hits him. He bit his lips, clenching his fist in despair.

"No matter how many lies you tell me, day after day, minute after minute...I'll continue to believe, to believe that you'll change and to believe that one day, you'll love me. And only me." Baekhyun closes his eyes, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

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SherlockSingles #1
Chapter 2: omg awww T.T </3
Chapter 2: So Chen is the one crying here? Or..
Chapter 1: one day.. u'll love me.. only me..

update soon~~
pls do sehunnie next..thanks you T_T
Chapter 1: omg arii............
huhuhhu, I never knew you can write this well..
update soon, ok? v.v
dang it! I'm so scared to click next...TT^TT
Chapter 1: :( can you do a Luhan or Chen one? baekhyun one is very sad...-cries-
Chapter 1: you should make this into a story...i would so read it .-. this is so dramatic and beautiful and sad and ugh :( baekhyunnie :\ update soon...
ShineeSujuKpop #9
Chapter 1: oh my god T~T *cries* poor Baekhyun...
Chapter 1: Omg, poor Baekhyun. :(