The Love Egoist


"Wow, she looks so fragile." A girl said looking at the girl accross the room who seems to be delicately closing her eyes, gently and sitting in a ettiquette pose.

"No wonder she's the Madonna of this School. Even when she's asleep, she's soo charming!. . . If only she wouldn't open ever again."

The girl accross the room opened her eyes, gently. And she said with a warming voice: "Hey, girl. . ." Suprisingly, she shouted at the girl, real loud. " YOU"RE NOT TRYING! DON'T LEAVE ME IN THIS POSE FOREVER!"

"Hey!" The girl said to her. "please watch your manners, you're scaring me."

Park JiYeon, age 17. The smartest and prettiest girl in school. the flowing brown hair, the lilylike translucent skin. . .

"JiYeon-shi? Will you help us with this problem?"

"Of course"

An angelic smile. . .

"JiYeon-shi, you're amazing! You're gorgeous, sweet and smart (you're my idol!)"

"JiYeon-shi! You're in a different league from us!

But the sad fact is. . .

"Oh guys! That's not true! I'm the normal one here you IDIOTS!"

She has an exceptionally wicked personality.

But, she's aware of her defficiency and consulted to a girl.

"It's not like I wanted my personality to be this way." She explained to the girl. "But when they go wild over a single smile, saying I'ma angel or a Goddess. . . " She laughed. ". . . HOW CAN I HELP, BUT RIDICULE THEM?! People are such simpletons!"

". . . Even a love of the century would be chilled by that" the girl said to her.

JiYeon stopped laughing, realizing what she and the girl just said.

"Right. . . That's the problem. . . "

Ji-Yeon's idol, Yoo SeungHo, 18 years old. . . Is a really sweet student who cares about others and their education. (He's the Chemistry Teacher's T.A and the School Rep.)

JiYeon' sweetness is fake.

SeungHo's sweetness is 120% pure

"I want to be friendly with him. . . " JiYeon explained to the girl. ". . . But what if he uncovers my personality?"
"Yup" The girl nodded. "I get it. the nastier the person, the more attracted to beautiful things that person will be."

"I came here because you said you can do do something about my problem" JiYeon said. "And you haven't done anything yet! Besides, how come you can use this chemistry room where SeungHo works at?!" She screamed in disgust. "AHH! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Then JiYeon closed the door as hard as she could, and left.

"Hmmm. . . What a short-tempered Unni she is. . . " The girl said. "But. . . " The girl smiled. "It is a noble thing to change oneself for love. I'd love to observe. . . Right Unni?"

JiYeon was walking sulkily because of what happened earlier. Then she heard a girl's voice calling SeungHo. JiYeon hid behind a window and listened to them.


JiYeon looked to see who it was. Then she saw two girls with SeungHo.

"SeungHo-shi! We can't solve this problem!"

"Hm?" It was SeungHo."Let me see. . . Oh, this one. . . It works out like this."

". . . OH! now I get it!" the two girls laughed and said: "We're such an idiot!"

"Oh those girls. . . " JiYeon thought. "I'm jealous. I wish I were an idiot so I could'hve used that trick too. . . "

"Don't put yourself down like that" SeungHo said to the two girls. "Listen, I don't mean to evaluate you only by your academic record. I believe that a person's worthiness lies somewhere. . . In how hard you'll try, even when It seems impossible." He smiled. "You're the kind of girls who can do that. I believe in all of you."

The two girls and JiYeon blushed, thinking that he's soo sweet.

"SeungHo-shi" the girls said, showing a little container. "We made this in cooking class! They're cookies!"

"WHAT?" JiYeon thought " That's what they had in mind to begin with!"

SeungHo took the little container and smiled. "Thank you!"

"Thanks again for your help SeungHo-shi!" Said the two girls, leaving.

"Sure!" said SeungHo, smiling and waving goodbye.

After the two girls left, SeungHo turned around, frowning and threw the cookies in the trash.

"Geez. . . What a waste of time! Those dimwits. . . Don't they know their homemade cookies aren't worth eating?"

" Wha-?" JiYeon thought.

SeungHo laughed. "All the same. . . All  of them are easy to fool!"

"Who is this guy?"

SeungHo turned around and saw a glimpse of JiYeon. JiYeon hid quickly, but it's too late SeungHo looked out of the window just to see JiYeon.

"Hey!" He said to JiYeon. "What're are you doing? Oh! It's you JiYeon." He smirked. "I know. You're also a wolf in sheep's clothing. You can't fool me. . . You know what I mean right?"

"I must be dreaming. . ."

"Anyways, let's make it simple. If you tell anyone. . . . . " He just smirked and left.


"IT'S NOT A DREAM" It was the girl. They were at the chemistry room again. JiYeon fell on the floor, sulking.

"Why?" she mumbled. "What have I done to deserve this? My life must be ill-fated. . . "

"AWW. Looks like it shook her up." The girl said. "Poor Unni. Her mind is hurt. Maybe I should have told her earlier?"

JiYeon was still on the floor, mumbling. "He's a sweet guy. . . I bet it was someone else who was pretending to be him. . . Yes it has to be it. . . I'm sure of it. . . AGHH, NOOO!"

the girl smiled. "Psst. . ." She whispered to JiYeon. " You know?. . . Oppa eats instant noodles three times a day, He has athlete's foot, he has-"

"NOO! STOP IT!" said JiYeon, covering her ears.

"No,no,wait! There's more!" whispered the girl. "He's tone deaf, he's-"

"Hey you guys!" It was SeungHo, entering the room. "Stop gossiping behind my back. I can hear it in the hallway!"

"SeungHo. . ." JiYeon said, appraoching SeungHo.  "It's not true is it? You care about us more than anything else and-"

"HUH?WHO?ME?" asked SuengHo bluntly. "I didn't even want to be a T.A nor, the School Rep!"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU?" asked JiYeon

"Hmm . . . I guess it's because I happened to pass the exams. . . It's a fluke you know" He smirked " Besides, JiYeon. . . You're just like me, aren't you? Everyone's idol, the Madonna is in fact a wicked girl, right? Too funny isn't it?. . .Let me tell you this. I've done things to be appreciated. . .But nothing to be insulted for. After all, I'm trying my hardest not to dissapoint the school. I cause no trouble to anyone, so it works out all okay."

"But. . . "JiYeon said. "IT BOTHERS ME!"

"WHY?" asked SeungHo bluntly. Then he smirked " Ah. I get. . . I bet YOU HAD A CRUSH ON ME! I SEE! Oh my bad! I'm SO SORRY. . . " Said SeungHo in a teasingly annoying way. "Forgive me?" Then he laughed ludicrously.

JiYeon was shaking in anger by his words. " I can't believe it. . . HE'S SOO HORRIBLE!"

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Chapter 4: Wow *Q* I really like this story ^^
Congrats on the random feature :)
xoxo__ #3
sweet <3 i love this couple deeeeh best haha
Chapter 4: It's a really cute story!
By the way congrats to you :D<3
c O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
Congrats :D
congrats on the feature!