time for the world

The Nature of Water



Listen to Miss A's Time's Up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHqGlCStdNU

I look between the two men, extremely confused. “Um, what are you two talking about? And how did you get in my house?”

The other guy spoke up first. “Sorry, I don’t think we’ve introduced ourselves.” He offered his hand. “I’m Kim Sunggyu, and that’s Nam Woohyun. Technically, the other guys broke in and we just followed. We'll brief you on some...things in the car.”

“The car?” I repeat dumbly.

“We’re taking her with us?” Woohyun asked.

Sunggyu leaned against the doorframe, arms over his chest. “SunHee. I’ve only known you for about five seconds, but I know you know what a car is. And yes, Woohyun, she’s coming with us.”

Woohyun and I just stared at him. “Why is she coming with us?”

“Yeah, why am I coming with you guys?” I repeated.

“Well, for starters, those guys are going to be back for sure to get you. So unless you’d prefer that option, you probably want to come. Besides, you would be way more useful with us, than you would be with them.” He pulls out a set of car keys. “Woohyun, you’re driving. Be quick because we don’t have that much time.”

Now it was my turn to fold my arms. “How do I know you guys aren’t just kidnappers?”

Sunggyu looked at me in exasperation. “Do we look like kidnappers to you?”

I shrug. “Anyone can be a kidnapper these days.”

Sunggyu rolls his eyes. “We don’t have time for this. We’re going, and you’re coming with us.” Before I could refuse, I was thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“WHAT THE HECK!” I screech, hitting his back repeatedly. "PUT ME DOWN YOU CREEP!"

“Shut up or I’ll shut you up myself.” He warned, and I reluctantly obeyed. But not before hitting him one last time.

He throws me into the backseat and slams the door closed. 

“Put that on.” He says, pointing to the bulky package beside me.

I undid the strings and frown. “Sunglasses and a hoodie. Why?”

“We have to keep things low-profile. Gee, you ask way too many questions.”

I ignore the last comment. “It’s hot outside; why the heck would I wear a hoodie?”

“If the wrong people saw your birthmark, you’d be dead. Literally.”

I gaped. “How do you know about my birthmark?”

“I probably know more about your birthmark than you do.” He concedes.

“Creepiness aside, what do you mean?”

“That birthmark labels you an Element. The Elements are people born with the abilities of the original Greek elements. Fire. Earth. Air. Water. The Elements are born every two generations, and never in places we can expect.”

“So are the Elements good?”

“Basically yes. The Elements are given their powers to act as “keepers” of the planet during their generation. They are born for good. But sometimes, under other influences, their powers become the driving force of the bad. It’s starting to become more common for Elements to be misused in the earlier years of their life, when they are the most vulnerable.”

My head was starting to spin from all this information. “Wait. Then what are you guys? I’m assuming the people at my house were the bad ones. But you’re not members of the Elements. Right? So, what does that make you in this game?”

He grinned. “That’s the best part. We’re the Guardians. We’re part of an underground organization that functions to protect the Elements and keep them good. The Guardians have been there ever since the first group of Elements appeared. And since the first group of Hunters too.”

That’s probably the most cliché thing I’ve heard my entire life. The battle against good and evil. What’s next, magic? “So, if you guys aren’t crazy, then who am I?”

“The Water Element.” Sunggyu affirms.

I open my mouth to refute it, but the car lurches forward. I’m pitched to the front, nearly falling on top of the two. I try my best to untangle myself from the ground, my back throbbing with pain. Woohyun looks back at me calmly. “We’re here.”

I glare at him, and slip the sunglasses onto my face. I reach for the door handle, but Sunggyu pushes me back. “You’re staying in the car.”

“But you’re the one that dragged me here. Why can’t I go out?” I protest.

“You’re vulnerable and it’s dangerous. Basically, you’re better off staying in the car. That way, we won’t have to save you again.” He explains. “Oh, and while we’re gone, don’t do anything stupid.” He pushes the door shut.  

I pout, pulling my knees to my chest. It’s so unfair. I didn’t want to be here in the first place and here I am, stuck in the stupid car. I decide to take a nap and pull the hood over my head. But no matter how hard I try, a strange tingling in my chest prevents me from falling asleep. The tingling intensifies and drives me to open the car door and start walking.  

I had no idea where I was going, or why I was going. But as I walked, that weird sensation got stronger and stronger, and I started to feel like a part of me was in danger. Only minutes after I got out of the car, a scream pierces the tranquil afternoon sky.  

A girl, maybe a couple years older than me, was surrounded by a huge group of men in an alleyway around the corner. I recognized the men to be very similar to those at my house a few hours before. Seeing the girl’s terror, I impulsively stepped into the alleyway and made my presence known.

Get away from her.”

I was surprised when those words left my mouth. The voice was not mine. Or at least, it didn’t seem like mine. It was too confident, too full of authority. What had happened to me?

All five men shifted their attention toward me. One of them steps from the circle, and comes closer to me. 

He looks down at me maliciously, a look that I gladly returned. On a normal occasion, he might have been attractive, but here, his face was twisted into one of such cold malevolence, that I could only be disgusted.  

“It’s not your fight. Get out of here before it gets ugly.”

“What, like your face?” I shoot back. “Don’t underestimate me.”

He leans down, his face only centimeters away from mine. His breath chilling my nose. “Give me all you got.”

“Sunggyu, are you sure we have the right place?”

“Do you have a problem with my navigating? Of course I’m sure! See, the GPS says we’re going the right way.” He points to his watch, the light flickering red.

I almost start to argue again when we hear it. A girl’s scream. We start running, echoes leading us to an alleyway behind a small convenience store. What greets us there, however, shocks us to silence.

SunHee is standing face-to-face with a Hunter. A very familiar member of the Hunters. Before we can do anything to stop her, SunHee raises her arm, and a river erupts from the ground. The water throws him and his companions against the wall, and all five men are knocked senseless.

All it took was a drop of water.

The water recedes slowly, until it becomes only a layer of dew on the ground. But the feat cost too much, and I feel my energy draining quickly.

The girl is staring at me, her gaze wary.

I smile weakly, and reach my hand out. “I’m SunHee.”

“Vivi.” Her reply is barely audible.

“Nice to meet you.” My legs give way, the day’s events taking their toll on my physical being and I fall. 

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wowww. you write really well. it's beautiful. (: hwaiting!