a dangerous world

The Nature of Water



Listen to Infinite's BTD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UgK2eg2esg


I strain my neck to see behind my captor, but to no avail. I was stuck. Unlike me, however, my captor didn’t have to turn to figure out who it was.

“Care to join?” He mumbles sarcastically.

I heard a chuckle from behind. “Are you scared to look at me, L.Joe?”

Anger flickers across his face and his lips pull over his teeth into a sneer. “Scared seems like an insufficient word to describe my feelings.” And then I was flying.

The sheer force of the throw would have left me in a crumbled heap at the wall. But I never reached the wall. Rather, my fall was cushioned by something ten times warmer.

“You okay?” He asks, his face void of emotion.

First the rude man from the café. And now it’s these people who got in my house. How did they get in my house…And where are all these people coming from? Maybe if I stare at him long enough, I’ll figure this out. When I don’t respond, he glances down at me. “Whatever, let’s get out of here.” He puts me on the ground, and gestures for me to run.

“Wait!” I look towards the two fighting men. “Should we just leave them here?”

He shrugged, sprinting out the door. “I wouldn’t worry too much about him.” I sigh, following close behind.

He pushes open the back door, and stops abruptly. It takes too long for me to react, and I run right into his back. I bite back the retort in my mouth, and push past him. But what greets me at the entrance stops me in my steps. 

Five men in black suits form a circle around the door, each looking more lethal than the one next to him. The leader, or so it seems, takes a step toward me, and I instinctively step back. My mysterious rescuer from before grabs my arms and shoves me behind him.

His back blocks me from seeing what’s happening, but it doesn’t prevent me from hearing the conversation. “So, she must be really important, if they’re sending you in.” He snickers. “Hand over the girl, Woohyun.”

“Sorry. I can’t do that.” He says, tightening his hand around my wrist.

“I figured you would say that. Well, we’ll just have to do this the hard way then.” One moment all I see is Woohyun’s back, and the next, I’m lying on the ground with the entire group of attackers running towards me.

The closest one reaches for me, and I suddenly imagine his hand closing over my throat. I shut my eyes in fear.

But nothing came.

A few seconds later, I slowly open my eyes and find that he lay on the ground a few feet away, groaning in pain.

Woohyun, who seemed to be a mile away, covered a huge radius, protecting me from the incoming attackers. His defenses were effortless, his lithe body weaving around the attackers like a snake. His opponents were swatted away like flies.

All of a sudden, I’m yanked to my feet, and I immediately start panicking. Pain shoots up my arm, and I’m nearly smothered in his grip. 

In seconds, only Woohyun is left standing. The boy turns to me, eyes throwing daggers at the one holding my throat.

My captor spoke, his deep voice sending chills down my spine. “Nam Woohyun. I guess those rumors weren’t just rumors after all.”

Woohyun took a step forward, and in an instant, the man took out a knife in his hand, pressing it against my back My breath hitches in my throat, the cold metal threatening to slice into my skin. Woohyun stops immediately, his narrowed eyes watching my captor’s every move.

“One step closer, and no one wins. You willing to take that chance, Nam Woohyun-sshi?”

The knife pierces my skin, blood gushing out my skin. A bubble of fear rises in me, and my vision begins to change. Instead of pain, energy pulses against the wound, reinvigorating my senses. It starts as an insignificant drop of sweat. This drop of sweat then multiplies into a stream and then into a geyser that bursts out of the ground, and I feel the man loosen his hold.

“What the..”

Woohyun takes this chance, and jumps, wrenches the knife out of his hand. The man struggles, but is unable to throw Woohyun off. One hit, and the man was knocked out cold. 

Woohyun kneels next to the body. He then stands up, his back to me. I force myself to stand up, the pain clearly evident now.

And for the second time that day, he asks: “You okay?”

My voice comes out in a whisper. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I try to fight the nausea, but all in vain, and the world spins around me.

I catch her just before she hits the ground. A sticky liquid flows onto my hand. The knife. I pull her knees up, her body limp in my arms. Footsteps echo behind me, and I whirl, expecting a fight.  


His gaze moves to the girl, and opens his mouth to speak. But I cut him off.

“They already knew where she was.” I start. “But they’re all out now.”

He paused, squinting at me. “I was actually going to ask if she was hurt.”

And of course. Sunggyu had always been more considerate than I when it came to matters like this. “Courtesy of the guy over on your left. A knife in the back..”

Sunggyu gestured to the house. “Let’s see if we can stop the bleeding.”

I carry her back into the house, Sunggyu close behind. I lay her on the couch, a whimper escaping her pale white lips.

“We should probably get her shirt off first.”

I winced. “Don’t say it like that.”

He chuckled. “I’ll go find some disinfecting stuff.”

I turn her over, the blood leaving a crimson flower on her shirt. It was then, that she chose to wake up.

 “Mm?” I mumble. And then the pain hits again. I bite my lip and try not to scream. 

“Take your hoodie off.” I look toward the voice, recognizing him as the guy from before. Woohyun, I think? 

My eyebrow rises. “What kind of greeting is that?”

He rolls his eyes. “I promise it’s not how it sounds. You got hurt. I need to disinfect it.”

I sigh. “Fine.” I ease the sleeves off my arms, and slip the hoodie over my head. “Better?”

“It’s going to be hard when you also have a shirt underneath that.”

I scowl. “This better not be a regular thing.”

She lifts her shirt up, and my attention is immediately drawn to her birthmark. My brain comes to a halt, and the realization hits me.


I look at him warily. “You thirsty or something?”

He doesn’t answer. I silently grab my hoodie, and pull it back on.

I’m about to ask again, but before I could say another word, another guy runs in from the kitchen. “Woohyun! We’ve got to go.”


The guy threw him his jacket. “It’s a dangerous world.”

Woohyun’s jumps up straightaway. “Already?”

He nods. “Code White.” 


A/N: INFINITE~~~So picking songs for each chapter just might be the hardest thing in the world. And sorry for the constant shifting POV's, I'm not even sure why I decided to be weird. 

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wowww. you write really well. it's beautiful. (: hwaiting!