Chapter 1

Long Time No See II

6 years ago

Tao's POV

I stared at Hani for a long time, the sun's rays casting her a golden glow. She looks like a goddess. It was bliss to just know that she's right here beside me.

"You're so dazzling.." I murmured as she stared at the pond in front of her.

She looked back at me, looking confused.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch that. I'm quite preoccupied."

I just smiled at her and pinched her nose.

"I said that you're beautiful but deaf."

She stuck out her tongue, treating what I said to be a joke, though what I said is actually true.

"By the way.. Who is this Sehunnie you spoke about when you are asleep?" I asked. I can still remember yesterday when I heard Hani mumbling the same name as she fell asleep in our class. Hani blushed red, making her glow more.

"Uh.....he's a friend from 2 years ago..." she stammered and looked away. I pouted in return

"Please tell me. I'm a friend too, right?" I did my best teary-eyed look. Hani laughed and pinched my cheeks.

"You're so cute! Alright! I'll tell you my story but you're still not my friend!" she stuck out her tongue. I frowned at her.

"Yah! Don't frown! Frowning doesn't suit you.." she said quite thoughtfully.

" Miss Lee Hani... Why won't you consider me as a friend?" I pouted.

"Because you're annoying!" she chuckled. "I'll only make you my friend if it rains today, without the sky darkening or something."

"You know that what you said is impossible, right?"

"Shut up and just listen to my story! " she laughed and turned serious."2 years ago, there's this girl...."

2 years ago from the memory(A/N:Flashback-ception anyone?)

Hani's POV

I woke up unusually earlier than usual today. Well, I can wake up as much as I could because it's currently summer vacation.  I decided to just lie on my bed and do nothing. Besides, what can I do? I'm pretty sure that Sehunnie's still asleep in his house.
Just by thinking of Sehunnie, I felt so happy. I don't know why. It's strange but nice at the same.
After an hour of doing nothing, mom called me downstairs.

"Hani-ah~ Sehunnie came to visit you!"

I automatically changed my clothes into something nice and did my hair. As I stared at my reflection, I saw a small pink bump on my forehead. A pimple. Eep. I decided to shrug it off. A single pimple won't bring me down. I took a deep breath and ran to the stairs. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer and warmer as I took each step down. The excitement of seeing Sehunnie again is so overwhelming.
I hopped of the last step, hoping that Sehunnie will notice how I'm excited to see him. I grinned as I saw him standing on the doorway, waiting for me. Just seeing him makes my day.
Sehunnie looked quite not himself as we played hide and seek. He's not that talkative nor that energetic. This Sehunnie is pale and weary and sad.

"Sehunnie... What's wrong?" I asked him as we were eating ice cream. He just shook his head and faked a smile.

"No! It's nothing..." he sighed but he seemed to change his mind and struggled for words." It's just that I don't want to play with you anymore.."

" It's just that I don't want to play with you anymore.."

I felt horrible. Maybe I just misheard him or something? I can feel tears welling up in my eyes but I don't want Sehunnie to think I'm a crybaby so I looked up in the sky and waited for the tears to disappear.

"Have I heard you right?" I whispered.

"Yes." he said curtly. " I said that I won't-"

"Stop! I don't want to hear it anymore!" I yelled which surprised Sehunnie. I continued without thinking.

"Why?! Because I'm not a good company? Say it!" I yelled.


"Or is it because of my pimple?!"  I can't believe I said that!  I felt myself blush. I want to go away! To hide my face from this boy! But Sehunnie's still quiet.

"Fine! I don't care! I don't like you anymore! I hate you!" I stormed out of the park and went straight to my house.

1st day of ignoring
Maybe I'll just wait here in hopes of him apologizing to me and we'll return back to normal... He doesn't really mean what he said, right?



2nd day of ignoring
He still didn't come. I wonder why...


3rd day of ignoring
I give up. I'll be the one to apologize!

As I went down for breakfast. Mom said something so horrible...

"Hani-ah... "
I ran as fast as I could, ignoring the stares of my neighbors. I realized that I'm still wearing my nightgown.

"'s just that Sehunnie..."
3 more houses to go... Please! Let what mom said be false!

"..Sehunnie's not.."
I saw their gate and ran faster. Please please.

"...not coming back anymore."
  No... This can't be happening.. 
I felt tears rolling in my cheeks as soon as I saw the empty house in front of me.
*End of Flashback

Tao's POV

"And that's my sad story. Silly, right?" she chuckled.

"If only the girl apologized right after she said that or maybe even never said those things, things might get fixed, right?" she laughed again.

"Hani.. Don't worry! I'll beat that guy that for you!" I said while doing the fighting pose though I'm serious. To my surprise, I saw a tear rolling on her cheek.

"Hani! You're crying!" I yelled. She quickly wiped her cheek.

"I didn't" she muttered as she looked away.

"Stop lying you-" I was shocked when I felt something wet drop on my forehead. I looked up and saw droplets of water falling towards us. But...the sun is still shining.   Rain in a sunny weather?

"T-Tao let's go. We'll be sick if we stay here!" she yelled but I ignored her.

"Look, Hani-ah! It's raining!" I yelled.

She looked at me for a moment, confused. Finally she realized.

"Ooh.. That's what you mean.." she mumbled. I poked her forehead.

"You're soo slow, you know!" I rolled my eyes.  You are for not even feeling what I feel.  She pouted and covered her forehead but I'm too fast for her. I poked her forehead again.

"Slowpoke.." I laughed she grimaced and looked up, a smile playing on her lips.

"I'm glad you're my friend." she smiled and left me in the rain, left me to absorb everything she just said.

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Chapter 4: Tao & SeHun. lmao

PLOT TWIST: These two guys end up together in the end
Chapter 4: <3 the funniest bicker between guys ever! haahhah
Chapter 1: AWWWWW <3 this is hard tho. i like tao. i like sehun. :(
Chapter 1: yeah!!! great first chapter! :3
kyaaaaaaaaaa~~im so excited for what will happen ...hohohoh
battle for her heart huh~~ :D
update soon~ :D
dreamerladies #7
Sequel !!!
Update soon^^
xiangqin18 #8
waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh tao is here.. :3 kungfu panda.. :3
OMG SEQUEL <3 thankyou :) i will look forward to this ^^