Chapter 7


"C'mon. Let's go outside", he already grabbed me but I pulled away. "Are you sure? What if there's someone recognize us, er I mean you?". He stared at me, for a few seconds. I could see that he's telling me that everything will be fine. "No, never. Then we're not dating right .The guard is here, okay". He assured me. I listened to him, I could do nothing. 



"So, do you enjoy our fake relay for almost 3 days? Or you want more?". God, what just he asked me. Unintentionally, I guessed. "Um, what do you mean?" I knew what he meant, but I didn't want it to look obvious. His cheek started to pinkish.


"I-I actually er want to tell you something. I-I like you since we met 3 days ago. I knew it's really short period to know you, but I think I had fallen for you". He scratched his not-itchy back. Aw his face is burning red now. And it's my turn. "U-Uh yes me too. Of course, I'm your fan and I like you too. B-but this feeling is unusual, not like a fan anymore". And finally me. Startled. And I realized my tears dripping down my cheek. I didn't expected that Sunggyu like me. Am I dreaming like in dream? I couldn't believe that my idol like me, in different way.



"A-are you okay? I know everything will end here, but we're still friends right" Sunggyu hugged me, tightly and caressed my back. "Okay, don't forget me. Can I ask you a favor", hopefully he'll agreed. I'm still sobbing. "Ofcourse. What is it?" He pulled away our hugs. " Can you send me home?" I wiped away my tears, that's nothing. But, I want to spend this very last time with him.


Sunggyu nodded and gave me a very warm smile. I really hopes that I've more time to spend with him. But he's an idol, I'm a just a girl, the ordinary one. He must be busy all the time after this. Eventhough I've his number, I bet I've no time for him. And of course he'll be more busy day by day. Not even a chance, maybe.







I felt asleep in Sunggyu's car. Sunggyu whispered to me, and I woke up with a pair of eyebag, I could feel em. "Miss, we're here already here". I squinted, realizing that I've been sleeping all the way home. " Jaehee, can I ask you a favor. It's my turn now. Can we take our last picture?". I really hope, it's not ours last's. I smiled, agreed with him.



"Okay. 1, 2 and smile!" Snapped.That's the last.



I've to accept everything now. We hugged each other before I leaved. I rushed into the house. I ran into my room without greeting Aunt Hana and Sehun. I hope any of em didn't noticed me. Unfortunately, not. Sehun knocked my room. But, I gave him no respond. I'm not really in mood. If he really wanted to talk to me, he can enter my room, then. I didn't lock it anyway. And yes, he entered my room. 



"Jaehee, are you okay?". He ensure if I was okay or  not. "Um yes, everything alright. Sorry but I'm too tired to open the door ". I covered myself with comforter. "Hey, Jaehee. You still have tomorrow. I'm here if you have problem, just tell me". That's my brother, he's too kind. I wanted to share everything with him. But, it's not the good time. What if he caught me crying.



 "Alright, I'm okay anyway. Don't worry". I assured him but deep inside me, I couldn't stop from crying. I bet Sehun knew what happened. He's really understanding. He get out from my room, as I felt asleep. He put a cute cupcake and a card on the table in my room. 







I woke up as my phones ringing. No one called. Just a short-kawaii message tone. I took my phone from the bag. Sehun texted me, asked me to go out after he called me for hundreds time without answer. I still didn't want to go out of the room. Not in mood. I decided to clean myself after half of the day I spent with Gyu. 



After everything done, I sat at the edge of the bed. And I saw the cute cupcake that Sehun gave me. There's a greeting card too.



"Hey sweetheart, happy birthday! Okay, I'm not serious"



It's short but I still felt happy with those cute stuff and words. I couldn't believe that there's still people remember my birthday. And I even forgot it's my day. He succeeded; he enlighten me up now. I decided to go outside to thank Sehun.



"SURPRISE!". I froze for awhile. Sehun and his mother prepared a mini-party for me. Both of em approached me and hugged me tightly. "We're sorry for  this late-wish. And also  this party. We could only do this" Auntie Hana pouted. She can be cute at this age. "Nah, I think it's more than enough. And thanks to Sehun". I smirked. "U-uh for what?". I knew he only pretend not to remember.



"For the cupcakes. And card. That's cute". I pinched his cheek, accidentally. He looks so cute when he blushed, that I couldn;t help."Aah, okay. I get it". He scratched his back.



Aunt Hana giggled looking at us. We looks like a real siblings. That's why Hana treated me like her daughter. We eat happily after that, taking pictures and they brought me sight-seeing around Seoul that night.



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sunshineangel28 #1
Chapter 9: I was searching for a story like this for ages and i finally found one! I really liked you story ^^
Mimimonster #2
Chapter 9: Awesomely aweomeb