Chapter 4


The next day


"Where's Sehun?", my eyes wandered, where did he go. "He's waiting for you outside, let me send you there. I'm heading to the nearby place" Aunt Hana gave me a warm smile while gesturing her hands to the door. It's quite surprising."Serious? Thank you imo! Will Sehun follow us?" I never thought that Sehun will be following me, after we had kind of arguement last night. "Yep, he said that he wanna meet his friends", Auntie Hana explained. I knew that, he told me already. "I just can't wait for the date, let's go imo" I grabbed Aunt Hana's hand and walked to the car. 


Sehun already waiting for us in the car. Aunt Hana apologized to her son as we were late. That should be me! But, he's okay with that. Sehun was really an easy-going person, I could tell. The journey was really tedious and awkward as we didn't talk to each other. Sehun show the I-do-not-want-to-talk-to-you face. Okay, I understand. Both of us were still tired from yesterday's event. But I thought I looks more enthusiastic compared to Sehun because I'm going to date Sunggyu later. After the journey which took around 45 minutes, we reached 'La Cafè' where the date will begin. Aunt Hana dropped Sehun and I by the cafè as she had to go somewhere nearby. I rushed to the cafè as I saw Sungyeol with his partner. I forgot that I just left Sehun alone without bidding him goodbye. As I turned back, I could see his face, eye fixed on me, sharply. Is he mad? I thought of going back to him, but he already make his steps.



I finally met Sunggyu but I couldn't find Jiyeon. I need her along. Suddenly, one of the crew came towards us and told us that Jiyeon won't able to attend this event as there's something that can't be avoided, and there's no one will be replacing her. Do you know what this means? I and Sunggyu going to walk together, only two of us, two people only. I became more excited, actually. But, I've to hide this feeling. What whould he thinks of me if it's obvious. 


"Wow, you're lucky then. And er I forgot your name. I'm sorry" Sunggyu scratched his head. "It's okay. We just met yesterday . I'm Jaehee anyway" I grinned, that doesn't matter. He's with me now. "Um yeah, Jaehee. Shall we start now? First, we're going to walk around, wherever you want. I have this" Sunggyu showed her a car's key. "I'm sorry but I don't know oppa. I'm still new here, actually. So, I will follow wherever you wanna go" I said to him, apologitecally.



We talked to each other while walking to the car. Sunggyu asked me so my questions, eagerly. I just answered everything he asked, but I still can't believed that Jiyeon wasn't there; only Sunggyu and me in the car. Both of us felt very awkward at first. As I said, It's normal if it's our first meeting. But not long after that, we burst into laughter, unaccidentally.



"Hm, so now where we wanna go? What if we go to Children's Grand Park?" he asked, enthusiastically. I arched an brow "Children's Grand Park? I thought the park was for children only . Are you sure we can go there ?" I chuckled, he's cute when he acted like that; childish. "I'm very very sure, em it's time for me to ride the roller coaster for the first time" I know he's busy with everything but atleast he should tried it once.



"Really? For the first time? Ow I can't imagine yourself, when you ride them" I laughed, teasing him. "What! Are you looking down on me? Just wait and see who's going to cry the loudest", he's really funny. I admit. Sunggyu can be kid, sometimes. He looks confident himself. Well, we'll see. From my experienced, most of my guy friends, they never had any gut to ride the roller coaster or something extreme as it. I can't keep myself calm, roller coaster was my favourite ride, ever. I never missed the chance to ride them, everytime I go to theme park. Sunggyu grabbed my hand.



"Okay, now we're already here. I just can't wait, really! Let's go" we walked together to the counter. I giggled, he just said that he can't wait. "Alright, alright, let see what will happen" 



Sunggyu paid for both of us to ride the roller coaster. We sat  on the first row.  I knew he's nervous, I can see his face, sweating like a pig. Right after that, Sunggyu grabbed my hand and said. "Everything will be fine, I'm here, okay?" he's assuring me."Who should keep calm now? See, your face already sweating". I told him, why would he assured me? I wiped a tissue on his face before the roller coaster start to move. Both of us screamed but Sunggyu was the loudest. I could hear that Sunggyu shouted, "God, please. Am I dying?". I laughed hardly and stop screaming when I heard that. The roller coaster take more or less than 10 minutes for one complete ride. The roller coaster finally stop. I could see Sunggyu's face became pale. He screamed too loud just now. I could see the unconscious body of him.



Suddenly, the vomit hit the ground, and he collapsed. He's not faint. Sunggyu just doesnt have any strength, maybe. I kneeled to the same level as him. "Are you okay? Wait here. I'll go get some water". Before I can get up, he stopped me. "I'm okay. Wait with me here, okay. I'll get better if you do that". Oh God, what he thinks he tryin' to do. He's not okay now. "No way, the shop was just nearby. Wait for me okay". I rushed to the shop. Few mintures later, I brought along two bottles of mineral water. And he fixed an eye on me. That's so uncomfy, it's not my fault. Why would he stop me then. "Here, drink this" I handed him of the bottle. But, he refused."I told ya, to wait here. But why did you just leave ?" Again, I can't stand the way his narrow eyes stared at me. "I'm sorry. Here drink this water" I ignored his question, that's not really necessary



I acted cool but, actually scared of Sunggyu. Sunggyu grabbed fast the water that I bought it just now. He patted the empty sit beside him, invited me to sit along. "I'm sorry", he whispered into my ear. I frowned, confused. "Sorry for what?" He didn't answer and leave me in confusion. "Forget that,let's go" he pulled my hand a we strode down the pavemnet towards his car. Whoa- Where those energy come, so fast.


"Wait, are you able to drive by yourself? If not, just stay a little longer till you feel better" I just want to make sure. "No, no way. It's already late. I'll drive you home" I know it's no good if I stay. I nodded as an agreement.


On our way home, Sehun texted me that he'll pick me at the cafè where the event start. "I'm sorry, Sunggyu are going to send me home" I apologized to him. I hope he's okay. "Ah it's alright. By the way, tell my my mum that I'm going to meet my friends and might be late" he replied.



Sunggyu parked his car in front of Aunt Hana's house.


"Thank you, see ya" I bowed. "Nae, take care of yourself. Em wait, this is my number. Call me if there's anything. I'll pick you tomorrow so you don't need to go to the cafe." That's so uncomfortable, what if there's people recognize him! No way Jaehee. You're not a real date anyway. "Er thank you. Get well soon okay? See ya tomorrow", I gave him a meaningful look before we bid gooodbye.






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sunshineangel28 #1
Chapter 9: I was searching for a story like this for ages and i finally found one! I really liked you story ^^
Mimimonster #2
Chapter 9: Awesomely aweomeb