Chapter 5



               Bae lifting a pile of boxes and carrying them to the door. 
               Suddenly Molly yells out.

                         Wait. Wait. Not that one.

               She hurries over and pulls the "Valuable" box from the stack 
               in his arms. He looks at it with surprise.

                         Oh, . I'm sorry. I don't know 
                         how that got in there.

               He turns to the door and then back to Dara.

                         Hey,Dar. Why don't you come? It's 
                         like summer outside.


                         Just for a stroll. It'd be good to 
                         get out.

               Dara shakes her head and turns away.

                         I can't do it Bae.

               Bae, annoyed, walks over to her.

                         Dara... you're not the one who died!

               Dara stops and looks at him. He has struck home. After a 
               moment she nods her head.

                         Okay. Just a short walk.

               He gently squeezes her shoulders.

                         Thata girl.

               Before Ji even understands what is happening, they are 
               exiting the loft. Ji jumps up and runs after them.

                         Hey, Dara! Wait!


               The door slams shut. Ji is locked inside. Frightened and 
               desperate, he rushes for the door knob. His hand sinks through 
               it. There is a strange sound, like ELECTRICAL STATIC, as it 
               penetrates the metal and wood. Frightened, he yanks it back.

               Ji circles the space several times and then returns to the 
               door. Clenching his teeth, he reaches out again. As his hand 
               pushes up against it, we sense that he experiences a subtle 
               resistance. The hairs on the back of his hand vibrate as his 
               ghostly form presses into it. We sense Sam's fear as his 
               entire arm DISAPPEARS FROM VIEW. The grating ELECTRICAL SOUND 
               shudders up his spine.

               The sight of his amputated limb is unsettling but Ji does 
               not pull back. Slowly he edges in and presses his face into 
               the molecules of the wood.


               JI'S P.O.V.

               as atoms and electrons spin past him at frightening speed. 
               There is a sense of a universe in total chaos. Terrifying 
               SOUNDS charge through his body.



               pulling back from the door. He is trembling.

               INT. LOFT - AN HOUR LATER

               DISCOVERS JI. He is sitting in a corner singing quietly to 

                         "Singing bye bye, Miss American Pie. 
                         Drove my Chevy to the levy, but the 
                         levy was dry. Them good ol' boys 
                         were drinkin' whiskey and rye, and 
                         singing this'll be the day that I..."

               He stops, realizing the last word of the song. He sits 
               silently, staring at the wall.

               Suddenly, there is a SOUND at the door. Ji's eyes shoot up. 
               The door begins to open.

               Ji stands up. His face begins to tighten. We know instantly 
               that something is wrong. His eyes fill with a fury we have 
               not seen before.

               The Mugger, the man who killed Ji, is entering the loft. He 
               has a key in his hand and puts it in his pocket. Ji is 
               stunned. The Mugger locks the door.


               Ji goes wild. He shoots at the man with all his might, 
               attacking him unceasingly, but with no effect. His hands and 
               feet pass right through him.

                         You motherf*cking b*st*rd! What the 
                         hell are you doing here? What are 
                         you doing?

               The Mugger, unaware that anything is going on, glances around 
               nervously as he moves through the vast space.


               Entering the bedroom, the Mugger goes to the dresser and 
               quickly examines the drawers. He is very neat, careful to 
               leave no sign that he was there. He seems to be looking for 
               something but cannot find it.


               Suddenly we hear a KEY TURNING in the front door. The Mugger 
               seems startled. He dashes from the bedroom and hides quickly 
               behind one of the large sculptures. We hear the door OPEN. 
               Dara is standing there.

               JI goes crazy.

                          Dara, no! Get out!

               Dara closes the door and locks it shut. Ji freezes as she 
               heads for the bedroom. She walks right past the Mugger. To 
               Ji's horror she stops and turns to look around. There is a 
               curious expression on her face. Seeing nothing she continues 
               through the loft.

               The Mugger pulls out his gun. Ji looks on in absolute terror.

               Dara's purple blouse hits the floor as she begins to remove 
               her clothes. She turns on the radio.

               Jiyong doesn't know what to do. The Mugger seems excited by 
               Dara's semi-. He begins skirting the edges of the 
               loft, moving toward the bedroom. Ji is crazed.

               Suddenly, out of nowhere, Dadoong appears at the Mugger's feet. 
               Ji's eyes light up. He drops to his knees, crawls over to 
               him, glares into his eyes, and screams.

               ANGLE - THE CAT

               SCREECHES and jumps straight up. His claws shoot out at the 
               mugger's face, ripping into the flesh near his eye.

               Blood appears. The mugger sees it dripping through his 
               fingers. The sight of it upsets him. He grabs the cat angrily 
               by the neck. It SQUEALS. Dara in her bra, peers from the 

                         Dadoong, what's wrong?

               The Mugger holds the cat's mouth shut. Seeing and hearing 
               nothing, Dara steps back into the bedroom.

               The Mugger takes the cat and throws it across the floor. 
               Holding his eye, he gets up and rushes for the exit. Ji 
               runs after him, but the door closes before he can get through. 
               He is left inside.

               ANGLE - JIYONG

               stares at the closed door in a wild panic. He doesn't know 
               what to do. Then, summoning all of his courage, he takes a 
               blind, running slow motion leap and charges through it.

               JI'S P.O.V.

               There is a brief sense of passing through a molecular force 
               field, a miniature universe inside the door.

               ANGLE - JIYONG

               as he emerges from the door and lands on the other side. He 
               seems excited to have survived and is very pleased with 

               EXT. NEW YORK STREET - DAY

               The Mugger steps out onto the sidewalk and hurries toward 
               the subway. A patch of sleeve soaks up the blood from his 

               Ji starts after the man but instantly freezes. Hordes of 
               people crowd the sidewalk. The crush of humanity is 
               frightening. Two lovers, holding hands, are coming right at 
               him. Before Sam is able to move, we hear the sound of their 
               arms cutting through his ghostly form.

               Ji tries instinctively to dodge the crowds but people 
               approach him from all angles.

               We hear a BABY CARRIAGE roll through Ji's feet and he nearly 
               falls over trying to avoid it. His instincts will not let 

               A barrage of images and SOUNDS assaults Ji. It is more than 
               he can handle. Still, he refuses to give up. He stays close 
               to the Mugger.


               The Mugger heads down a flight of steps into the IRT.

               INT. SUBWAY TRAIN - DAY

               The Mugger gets onto a crowded subway car. Ji stands near a 
               corner of the train watching him.

               Suddenly, Ji notices that something odd is happening. One 
               of the riders at the other end of the car is walking toward 
               him. As he approaches the Mugger, he does not stop, but passes 
               right through him. It takes Ji a moment to realize what is 
               happening, but then it is too late.

               ANGLE - THE OTHER GHOST

               With unholy fury the New Ghost charges into Ji. The attack 
               is so unexpected and ferocious that Ji has no sense of how 
               to defend himself. With unexpected power, the Ghost grabs 
               hold of him and slams him into the subway door. Ji's head 
               plows right through it.

               on Ji's head sticking outside of the car as the subway tunnel 
               rushes past him. There is a panicked look on his face. The 
               look intensifies as he turns and sees another train barreling 
               down on him.


               on Ji's body inside the car still struggling with the Ghost 
               as the other train shoots by the window. With a huge gasp, 
               Ji shoots back into the car, and wrests himself free of the 
               Ghost's hold. The Ghost flies after him, screeching.

               Ji surges through the door at the end of the train and finds 
               himself on the bridge between the subway cars. The subway 
               Ghost stares at him through the window with a wild, insane 

                         Stay off! This is mine!


               With shocking impact, the Ghost's fist goes flying into the 
               window. To Ji's terror and amazement, the window SHATTERS. 
               The Ghost smiles. Passengers scream and Ji dives for cover. 
               Ji stares at the broken glass with fascination and confusion. 
               Suddenly, the train moves from the darkness of the tunnel 
               into broad daylight.


               The train stops at an elevated subway platform in Brooklyn.
               JI'S P.O.V.

               Ji sees the Mugger exiting the train and frantically rushes 
               after him.

               EXT. BROOKLYN STREETS - DAY

               Ji follows the Mugger down a long covered staircase to the 

               EXT. 321 PROSPECT PLACE - DAY

               The Mugger heads toward 321 Prospect Place. The streets are 
               lined with old apartment buildings. Many windows are boarded 
               up. TWO MEN, standing on the corner, are slamming a piece of 
               heavy machinery onto the pavement.

               Ji hears GOSPEL MUSIC coming from a storefront church and 
               notices a sign, "SISTER PARK BOM, MEDIUM, SPIRIT READER, 
               ADVISOR." He looks up to a third story window and sees a 
               similar sign with day-glo arrows pointing to the entrance on 
               the street. He seems curious, but then realizes that the 
               Mugger is nearly halfway down the block. He turns and rushes 
               after him.

               EXT. 321 PROSPECT PLACE - DAY

               Ji and the mugger approach a tenement building at 321 
               Prospect Place.

               INT. TENEMENT HALLWAY - DAY

               Ji follows the Mugger into the building and watches as he 
               opens the mail box for APT. 4D. The name scribbled across it 
               is KIM JAEJOONG. There's no mail.

               INT. WILLIE'S APARTMENT - DAY

               Ji enters Jae's apartment. It is a squalid affair. Peeled 
               paint chips litter the floor. The bed is unmade.

               Jae pulls open a drawer in a small nightstand and drops 
               in the keys to Dara's loft. Ji sees his wallet. His driver's 
               license, bank ID, and a photo of Dara are there, too. 
               Furious, Ji lunges for Jaejoong but then holds his punch, 
               knowing it will have no effect. He turns instead to a window 
               and, like the Ghost on the subway, smashes it with his fist. 
               Nothing happens.


               Jae dials the phone. Someone comes on the line.

                         She came home. I couldn't get it. 
                         Give me a couple of days. I'll go 

               He hangs up. Ji stares at him in wild confusion.

                         Get what? Who the hell are you? What 
                         were you doing at Dara's? What the 
                         hell's going on?

               Jae grabs a bottle of wine from the nightstand and lies 
               down. After a moment he reaches over and takes Dara's photo 
               from the drawer. He studies it slowly.

               Ji stands by the door in a state of motionless rage. There 
               is nothing he can do.

                         Stay away from her!

               EXT. BROOKLYN STREETS - DAY

               Ji storms down the street. His movements seem undirected, 
               utterly aimless. He is seething inside.

               Suddenly Ji looks up. An old BAG LADY is walking down the 
               street talking loudly to a SHORT WOMAN tagging along beside 
               her. As they approach a street pole, the Bag Lady swerves to 
               the side. The Short Woman, however, walks right through it. 
               Passersby laugh at the Old Lady talking to herself. Ji, 
               unsettled, rushes away.

               As Ji rounds a corner, a sudden blast of MUSIC explodes out 
               of nowhere. Ji jumps into the street, gasping. A phonograph 
               needle SCRATCHES across a record and the MUSIC STOPS. A 
               woman's voice booms out:

                                     WOMAN'S VOICE
                         Sorry 'bout that.

               PANNING SHOT

               to a pair of loudspeakers in a storefront window. The MUSIC 
               blares out once more and SOUNDS of gospel fill the street.

               Ji looks up. He is back in front of the storefront church 
               with the sign for SISTER PARK BOM, MEDIUM, SPIRIT READER, 
               ADVISOR, hanging overhead. Below it is another sign. "Contact 
               the dearly departed. $20.00".

               Ji stares at the sign with curiosity. The MUSIC is 
               compelling. After a moment's hesitation, he goes in the open 

               INT. STOREFRONT - DAY

               A record player is sitting near the storefront window, a 
               makeshift microphone placed in front of it.

               Several rows of folding chairs face a raised platform with 
               nothing on it. A number of people are sitting there, mostly 
               women. One gets the sense that this is a cross between a 
               waiting room and a meeting hall. A black WOMAN steps up on 
               the platform and calls out:

                         Rosa Santiago.

               MRS. SANTIAGO tucks a Spanish paperback romance into her 
               purse and heads to a door at the rear of the hall. Ji follows 
               after her.

               INT. SEANCE ROOM - DAY

               Mrs. Santiago enters a dark room with a window and door 
               leading to a side street. A paisley bedspread is tacked over 
               the window.

               In the center of the room is a round seance table. Two 
               heavyset sisters, CLARA (29), and LOUISE (26), are standing 
               beside an open closet. It is empty.

                         Please be seated.

               Mrs. Santiago sits at the table. She seems apprehensive. 
               Clara steps into the closet and taps on each of the walls as 
               though demonstrating that they are solid.

                         My sister will be with us soon.

               She steps back out and closes the door. Louise inserts a 
               tape into a boom box and then steps forward.

                         Sister Bom. Grant us the gift of 
                         your all-seeing presence. Appear for 
                         us now.

               FAVORING CLOSET

               She turns back to the closet and opens the door. Like magic, 
               PARK BOM, 21, appears standing inside. She is a black 
               woman in a white tunic. The whiteness of her garment makes 
               it look as if she is glowing in the dark. Mrs. Santiago is 
               wide-eyed. Ji smiles as Bm steps into the room.

                         Mrs. Santiago.

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         Buenos dias.

               She takes a twenty dollar bill from her purse and hands it 
               to Bom. Clara graciously intercepts the money.

                         I understand you are hoping to contact 
                         your husband.

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         Si. Si.

                         Well, I believe he's gonna be with 
                         us today.

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         Oh, thank you, tHank you.

               Tears well up in her eyes. She crosses herself several times.

                         But there's no telling about the 
                         other world. You gotta cast out all 
                         doubt. You gotta believe. Do you 

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                              (nodding her head 
                         Si. Si. I believe. I believe.

                         And remember, we don't make no 
                         promises. I can phone up there till 
                         I'm blue in the face,
                              (she points to the 
                         ...but it don't necessarily mean 
                         he's gonna be home. Them folks go 
                         shopping, they play bingo. It's just 
                         like here. You can't always get 'em.

               Mrs. Santiago, utterly fascinated, nods understandingly.

                                   Sure lady!

               Bom's eyes glance up curiously for a second, as though 
               she heard something, and then she continues.

                                     ODA MAE
                         Okay, let's get ready then.

               Ji steps back as the sisters get up and position themselves 
               behind Park Bom. The moment feels rehearsed, theatrical.Bom
               raises her hands into the air and closes her eyes. There 
               is a hush in the room. Her body begins to tremble. Mrs. 
               Santiago clutches her chair. Suddenly Park Bom breaks out of 
               her trance.

                         We got a problem here. I don't think 
                         he's in. Wait. I feel something. Did 
                         he know someone who's passed over, 
                         someone named Anna... Mary... 
                         Consuela... Maria?

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         Si, si! His mama. She's Maria.

                         Ah! I knew it. He's with his mama.

                                Oh my God...

              Bom's eyes dart uncomfortably around the room.

                         I'm afraid this is gonna be too hard. 
                         Now I got two souls I gotta contact. 
                         I don't know about that. It's 
                         difficult, you know. The pain. The 

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         I pay more. How much? How much?

                         Twenty dollars.

                         Way to go. Milk her for every penny.

               Bom jumps up and stares at her sisters. They look back 
               at her curiously. They can't figure out what's wrong. Neither 
               can Park Bom.

               Mrs. Santiago reaches into her purse. A twenty dollar bill 
               changes hands.Ji watches, amazed at it all.Bom sits 
               down and goes back into her trance. Her eyeballs roll up 
               into their sockets.

                         Praise the Lord. Thank you,.

               Bom is beginning to shake again. The two women grab her 
               shoulders to keep her from falling out of the chair. Suddenly 
               her whole body stiffens.

                         Have mercy! Have mercy!

               Mrs. Santiago stares on in amazement. After a moment 
               Bom's body collapses in a heap. Then, like a phoenix rising 
               from the ashes, she pulls herself up in her chair and assumes 
               a normal pose.

               After several seconds to get her bearings, Park Bom begins to 
               speak. Only now she has an entirely new voice. It sounds 
               deep and hoarse, like an old man's. For all its put on 
               theatricality, it is strangely convincing.

                                     PARK BOM
                         Welcome, Rosa Santiago. You are 
                         fortunate today. The channel is clear. 
                         Many spirits are gathering.

                              (scanning the room)
                         Yeah? Where?

              Bom jerks. Her eyes dart nervously around the room.

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         My husband?

                              (a bit uneasy)
                         I can feel his vibration. Yes, yes, 
                         he is drawing toward us now. I can 
                         see him coming.

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         Julio! Julio! How is he? How does he 

                         Oh, he is a very handsome man.

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO

                         In our Father's Kingdom we are all 

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO

               Ji looks on dismayed.

                         He is standing before me. He is 
                         wearing a black suit.

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         A black suit? Oh yes, yes. He was 
                         buried in that.

               Mrs. Santiago begins to cry. Ji looks around the room with 
               growing disgust. Then he leans over to BOM and yells 
               into her ear.

                         What a crock of !

               Park Bom nearly falls off her chair. She spins around.

                         Who's there?

               Ji is stunned. Clara and Louise look at one another in total 
               confusion. This is obviously not part of the act. Mrs. 
               Santiago seems frightened.

                         Where are you?

                              (looking around)

               Bom screams and jumps up thrashing at the air. Her knee 
               kicks the table and sends it toppling. Mrs. Santiago is 

                                     MRS. SANTIAGO
                         Julio! Julio!

                         What's going on?

                         Get out of here! Leave me alone!

               Mrs. Santiago doesn't know what to do. She begins to cry.

                         Who are you talking to?

               Clara runs up to Bom.

                         Keep him away!

               Louise looks at the empty room.

                         Are you talking to me?

                         Do something. Help me.

               Clara just stares at her sister. JI is excited and amazed.

                         I don't believe this. Hey you. My 
                         name is  KWON JIYONG. Can you hear me? 
                         KWON JIYONG!

                         Stop it!

                         Say my name! Kwon Jiyong! Say it!

                         Talk to me, Bom. Say something.

                               KWON JIYONG!

               Ji nearly falls on his face. Clara's eyes widen. She is 
               more confused than ever.



               Bom runs into the closet.

               It has a false panel leading to a hidden chamber on the left 
               side and she barricades herself inside it. Clara and Louise 
               stand outside pulling on the handle. They seem frightened.

                         Bom! Bom!

               INT. CLOSET - DAY

               ParK Bom is rocking back and forth on the floor praying. Ji's 
               feet enter the frame beside her.

                         Lord, I swear, no more cheatin'. I 
                         promise, Lord. I don't want to go to 
                         hell. I'll do anything. Gimme a 
                         penance. Just make him go away.

                         Go away. Hell no. I'm stayin' right 

               Park Bom screams, jumps back into the closet, and bolts up 
               against the door. It tears from its hinges and falls into 
               the seance room, nearly crushing Louise. Mrs. Santiago runs 
               out screaming. Bom takes one look around and collapses 
               in a dead faint.


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lol! I was scared when I saw the poster but I realize its DaraGon! Is it?
your chapter poster looks like top.. i thought it was not until i realized it was dara and gd..hahaha followed you on twitter btw .. XD
LOL just watched this yesterday at HBO XD ~Ooohh my love my darling I hunger for your touch!~ :)))) \m/
Cool! Just watched Ghost earlier too! Goodluck with the fic! :) *thumbs up*