Chapter 4



               EXT. NEW YORK STREETS - NIGHT

               Swirls of light speed toward the ambulance as car headlights 
               and streetlamps merge in a wild dizzying rush. The SIREN 
               wails into the night.

               INT. AMBULANCE - NIGHT

               Ji's body is lying in the back of the ambulance as a 
               PARAMEDIC applies electric paddles to his chest in an effort 
               to save him. After a moment, he looks up at Dara. We can 
               tell from the expression in his eyes that it is hopeless. 
               Ji yells.

                         Don't stop! I'm not dead!

               Dara, kneeling over Ji's body, grabs him and begins to cry 
               in long terrible sobs.


               A DOCTOR, comforting Dara, accompanies her from one of the 
               emergency operating rooms and leads her through a pair of 
               swinging doors into a separate waiting area. We see TWO 
               POLICEMEN and TWO DETECTIVES stand up and approach her.

               Ji doesn't want Dara to go and begins to follow her, but 
               then seems torn, afraid to leave his body. He turns back 
               just as his corpse, covered in a green sheet, is wheeled 
               into the corridor and parked alongside the wall. Ji seems 
               stunned and inconsolable as he sits down beside it.

               A wrinkled OLD MAN approaches Ji and joins him on the bench. 
               He begins talking.

                         So, what happened to you?

               Ji is startled, amazed that the man can see him.


                         You're new, huh? I can tell.

                         Are you talking to me?

                         Relax. It ain't like before, you 
                         know. It's a whole new ball-a-wax.

                         Who are you?

                         I'm waiting for my wife. She's in 
                         4C. Cardiac wing. She's fighting it.

               The man sticks his head into the green sheet covering Ji's 
               body. His head disappears. Sam is terrified.

                         Shot, huh? That'll do it every time. 
                         Poor bastard. Well, get used to it. 
                         You could be here a long time.
                              (leaning in close)
                         I'll tell you a secret. Doors ain't 
                         as bad as you think. Zip zap. They 
                         ain't nothin' at all. You'll see. 
                         You'll catch on.

               Suddenly there is a loud COMMOTION and we see several 
               PHYSICIANS operating furiously on an Old Man lying on the 
               table beside them. It is a life threatening situation and 
               they seem to be failing.

                         He ain't gonna make it. I've seen it 
                         a million times. He's a goner. See? 
                         Here they come. Lucky bastard. Could 
                         have been the other ones. You never 

               Before Ji can understand what is happening the entire room 
               fills with a strange preternatural light. Suddenly he looks 
               up and freezes.

               The amorphous forms he saw right after he died are floating 
               down through the ceiling and reaching for the body on the 
               operating table. They are emitting a powerful light.

                         Hurry, we're losing him.

                         What'd I tell you? Bingo!

               The glowing forms take hold of the man's spirit and help 
               extract it from his body. His physical form changes instantly 
               from a solid object into an ethereal substance.

               Ji stares in amazement as the strange beings carry the spirit 
               upward. They evaporate through the ceiling.

                         He's gone.

               The light in the room grows dull instantly. Nurses cover the 
               dead man with a dark sheet as the doctors step away. Ji 
               turns to the Old Man.

                         Who are you? What's happening...?

               The Man isn't there. An Orderly approaches the gurney with 
               Ji's body and begins pushing it toward the elevator. Ji 
               jumps in front of him.



               JI'S P.O.V.

               as the stretcher begins to roll right through him. The 
               penetration of his physical space is horrifying to Ji. He 
               stands, almost paralyzed, as the body of the Orderly 
               intersects with his. It is a stunning moment of extraordinary 
               strangeness as we witness the atoms and molecules of the 
               Orderly's body passing through his. It is like a glimpse of 
               ultimate chaos, the universe within.

               Then, in a flash, the Orderly has passed through, but Ji is 
               still shaking. He stares up at the ceiling.

                         Oh God, help me.

               Ji'S P.O.V.

               as the ceiling lights and acoustical tiles begin to blur. 
               The hallway grows dark. It is as though Ji is blacking out.

               EXT. CEMETERY - DAY

               Slowly, images begin to emerge out of the blackness. It takes 
               a moment to realize that they are scenes from Ji's funeral.

               along rows of mourners as seen from Ji's P.O.V.
               He seems to be floating among them. We hear snippets 
               of conversations. It all seems strangely odd and disjointed. 
               Time seems unfixed, malleable.

               We see a MINISTER standing beside the grave.

                         As we say farewell to our friend Jiyong 
                         Wheat, we are reminded of his 
                         kindness, his generosity, his buoyancy 
                         of spirit...

              Sam's associates from the bank are 
              among the mourners.

                         All that we treasure, our friends, 
                         our loved ones, our body, our mind, 
                         are but on loan to us. We must 
                         surrender them all. We are all 
                         travelers on the same road which 
                         leads to the same end.

               Ji notices a WOMAN in a fancy print dress comforting one of 
               the mourners. The woman looks up at him, smiles, and waves. 
               Ji is surprised. He looks behind him, but no one is there.

               As he turns back, the woman is walking away. She appears 
               just like any normal person until she approaches a large 
               gravestone and passes right through it. Ji is shocked.

                         As our loved one enters eternal life, 
                         let us remember that love, too, is 
                         eternal, that although we will miss 
                         him, our love will light the void 
                         and dispel the darkness.

               Suddenly, Dara ENTERS THE FRAME. Ji spots her. IT ALL



               She does not respond. Durami, her sister, leans over to her. 
               Tears form in Dara's eyes. A hand reaches out to give her a 
               tissue. Dara looks up. It is Bae. She gives him her hand. 
               He squeezes it with affection.

                         ...and into Your hands we commend 
                         his spirit. May he rest in peace. In 
                         the name of the Father, the Son, and 
                         the Holy Ghost. Amen.

               The casket is lowered into the ground. Dara approaches the 
               grave. She us a little unsteady. Bae takes her elbow. A 
               shovel is placed in her hands. With great emotional effort 
               she lifts a shovelful of dirt and tosses it onto the casket. 
               It lands with a REVERBERATING finality. Ji shudders.


               LONG SHOT - PEOPLE

               leaving the cemetery. We hear them talking.

                         What time you going back to work?... 
                         What's the buzz on Digital? It's 
                         sad. He was so young... How's your 
                         new Honda?... Going away this weekend?


               CLOSEUP - Jiyong

               desperately alone. Down the hill, people are getting back 
               into their cars. Sam can see Dara being let into a limousine. 
               He stands there staring at his own casket, grieving. Then, 
               after a moment, he turns away. Separating from his body, 
               from his own grave site, he runs after her.


               INT. LOFT - DAY

               Dara is sitting on the couch in the middle of the loft 
               surrounded by FRIENDS and WELL WISHERS. A young GIRL, her 
               niece, cuddles in her lap. People are eating and milling 
               around. It ends on Sam,standing alone in a corner. In the midst 
               of all the activity he is lost and alone.


               Raw clay on a potter's wheel spins hypnotically, sensuously. 
               Dara's wet hands press in, shaping it, molding it. A bowl 
               begins to appear.It pulls back and reveals Ji. He 
               is sitting on the floor behind her, knees pressed to his 
               chest, rocking aimlessly.

               Dara looks away from the bowl she is forming. It distorts 
               and bends. Angry, she digs her finger into it. The bowl 
               disintegrates. Tears form in her eyes.

               Dadoong jumps up on the bench beside her. Dara stares sadly 
               around the room. Quietly, she begins talking to herself, to 
               the air.

                         Oh God, Ji...

               Ji looks up.

                         I picked up your shirts this morning. 
                         I don't know why. Mr. YG said 
                         to tell you hello. I broke into tears. 
                         It's so hard...

               Ji walks over to Dara. Desperate for contact, he reaches 
               out to touch her cheek, but then hesitates and pulls back.

                         I think about you every minute. It's 
                         like you're still here, like I can 
                         feel you, Ji.

               He stares at her, hoping, wondering.

                         I am here, Dee. I am.


               Suddenly, as if hearing Ji's voice, the cat begins to hiss. 
               Dara spins around. The cat scans the room. Unexpectedly, 
               Ji's and the cat's eyes meet... With a wild SCREECH, the 
               cat jumps from the bench and takes off running. Ji recoils. 
               Dara stands up.

                         Dadoong, what's wrong? Dadoong?

               The cat is nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, Dara freezes. 
               Ji is standing right beside her. It is almost as though she 
               senses his presence.

                              (continuing; whispering)

               She holds very still for a moment. Ji watches breathlessly, 
               loving her, wanting her. Then quietly, hopefully, he reaches 
               out. It is a useless gesture. In a moment of great poignancy, 
               Dara shakes her head and walks right through him. He remains 
               IN THE FRAME, alone.

               INT. BEDROOM - DAY

               Ji, stands in the corner of a large, walk-in closet, watching 
               as Dara goes through his effects. Boxes, scattered underfoot, 
               are filling up with his life's possessions. Dara reaches 
               for a shirt.

                         Wait, Dee. Not that one. That's my 

               She tosses it into a box and then takes down a sweater. It 
               is obviously handmade, about four sizes too big. Ji 
               recognizes it.

               Dara holds the sweater tenderly and presses it to her cheek. 
               After a moment she puts it back. Then, in a surprising 
               outburst, she cries out and begins flailing at the shelves. 
               Everything comes flying off. Ji reaches out to console her.

                        Dara, don't.

               Unexpectedly, Bae comes rushing into the room. He takes 
               hold of Daea and sits her on the bed.

                         Say something. Help her, Bae.

                         It's hard. It's very hard.

                         Oh good. That's really good.
           INT. KITCHEN - DAY 
           Dara and Bae are standing over the kitchen table folding piles of 
           Ji's clothes and placing them into boxes.
           As Dara lifts one of Ji's jackets, something falls from a side pocket. 
           It is his small black leather address book. Ji stares at it with recognition. 
           Bae sees the book fall and stoops to pick it up but Dara gets it first. 
                                      Ji's address book. 
            She skims through it a moment, but the memories it evokes are too powerful for her.
            She places it carefully into a box labeled "Ji's Things -- Valuable" and continues packing.
            She finds the old jar with the penny in it. It's marked "For Luck". 
            She holds it tenderly for a moment and then places it on the nightstand beside the bed.  
            Bae discovers some old ticket stubs in another of Ji's jackets. He examines them.  
                         Dave Brubeck. Newport '86. Should I toss 'em?  
                                Dara, we hated that concert. 

            She takes the stubs and lovingly puts them in the box. 
            Ji groans. Bae finds a half used package of Rolaids. 
            Dara takes them from his hand and puts them in the box, too.  
                                  Oh, you want to save those?
                             Rolaids? What are you doin' Dee? 
            Dara just stares for a moment. 
                                       I miss him, Bae.

             Bae comes over and takes her hand.   
                                           We all do. 

             Dara buries her head on his shoulder. Bae  her hair. 
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lol! I was scared when I saw the poster but I realize its DaraGon! Is it?
your chapter poster looks like top.. i thought it was not until i realized it was dara and gd..hahaha followed you on twitter btw .. XD
LOL just watched this yesterday at HBO XD ~Ooohh my love my darling I hunger for your touch!~ :)))) \m/
Cool! Just watched Ghost earlier too! Goodluck with the fic! :) *thumbs up*