[07] Wanna Be?

Love Pain

Two Chapters in one day?
Horry Cow. jk.
I'm just in the creative mood.
I hope this makes up for me being away so much.
Thank Y'all for understanding.
*And once again if you don't know by now; Green=Daniel, Purple=Em, Blue=Youngwon*


"Yoseobieeee!" I yelled as I ran out of my fathers car towards him. 
"Danny!!" he yelled back as he embraced me in a tight hug.  
"It's been too long." 
"You can say that again. It that you can only stay for a day though."
"Don't worry, I'll be back very soon. And for a longer stay."
"Maybe I'll come down for Christmas this year. It can be my christmas gift to Em." 
"Speaking of Christmas, and Em, I need to talk to you about something." 
"Sure bro. Anything." he said as he pushed the elevator button. 
"Even though it's only October, I was hoping you would help me with a proect. It's a Christmas present for Emily." 
"What is it?"
"I want to write her a song. I don't know exactly what I want to write yet, but I want it to be very special. And heartfelt."   
"That sounds like a great idea man."
"So what has been up with you oppa?"
"Nothing much. Working mostly."


We talked and talked and talked. 
It felt so good to be with him again. 
Like I reunited with my long lost brother. 

We went out to eat later that night. 
We talked about possible song ideas for Em. 
I knew I would think of something. 
I could just tell something was going to happen and spark and idea in my brain. 
I just hoped it happened sooner rather than later so we could really work on it. 



Even though we were having a good time singing, I could still tell there was a slight awkwardness between us. 

When we arrived, the first thing he wanted to do was get some food. I wasn't going to object. 
"Is there anything specific you want to get?" I asked him. 
"I want a fried dough with powdered sugar. You?"
"Well I really wanted a chocolate covered banana, but yours sounds way better." 
"So how about we get a fried dough first, then getcha a banana later?" 
"That's cool." 

We sat on a bench to eat.  It was really hot. 
"So what do you want to do?" he asked me as he took a huge bite. 
"I want to ride some rides." 
"Like the ferris wheel?" he asked with a smirk. 
"No." I said firmly. "Those scare me." 
"Yeah. I hate them." 
"Out of all the years I've known you I had no idea you didn't like Ferris Wheels." 
"Well this is the first time I'm actually at a carnival with you. I usually chill with Daniel when we come to these." 
"That's true. Well maybe I can getcha on one today. I'll be your knight in shining armor from the big bad Ferris Wheel." 
"I highly doubt that." 
"You have some stuff on your face." 
"Let me get it." he said as he raised his finger to my lips. 
He gently wiped the sugar that was on me. 
His eyes lingered connected with mine for what seemed like forever. But it didn't feel weird at all. I could slowly feel my body getting closer to his. And just the same he was getting closer to me. But I didn't want this moment to stop. 
Slowly but surely, our lips connected. It was only a split second later Youngwon was appoligizing. 
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that." he said turning away from me so I couldn't see his cheeks blush. 
I grabbed his chin and turned him to me. 
"Don't be sorry. It's just as much my fault as it is yours." 
"This probably isn't the best time, or place to say this, but I really like you. Ever since that day we went bowling, I just can't get you off my mind."
"I know what you mean." I responded quietly. "What are we going to do?"
"What can we possibly do? Do you know how weird that will be for the hyungs?" 
"I know. I know." 
"Well, there is one thing we can try. That I've actually been thinking of." 
"And what is that?" 
"A down-low relationship."
"What do you mean by this?"
"Well, if you want to I mean, we can get into a relationship. But only we can know. We can't tell anyone. It will be like an experiment."
"How so?" I was very interested in his answer. 
"We can see if we can last in a relationship. No need to get everyone all worked up about something if WE don't even know if it will last." 
"So we can get together, but we'll be the only ones who know. Like, we can't show that we're a couple to the others. It can only be when we're alone." 
"That's going to be hard." 
"I agree. It's going to be very hard. But if we last, it will all be worth it."
"So how long do we have to be dating until we can let everyone else know."
"I don't know. How does a couple months sound?" 
"Yeah. A couple months sounds good. Not too short, but not too long for me to be keeping secrets from them. I hate that." 
"I know you do. Do you know how hard it's going to be keeping this from Jisu? We live in the same house."
"Yeah. We just have to be careful. And if any of them catch on and ask questions, I'm going to tell them. Technically in my mind, it's not lying if they don't ask any questions." 
"I gotcha." 
"So are we a thing now?"
"That, my dear is up to you. Do you wanna be?"
"Before we get too emotional, or it gets too late, let's go ride something."
"Yeah. Let's."

So me and Youngwon are officially a couple.

So me and Em are officially a couple. 

This is crazy. Who would have ever thought? 
Hopefully I can get her on the ferris wheel later. It will make tonight at least a little more romantic.  Waiting in line to get on their one rollercoaster-technically it wasn't a rollercoaster, it was just the fastest ride there-I grabed her hand. It felt so right. Everything felt so right with the world now. I couldn't wait for this month to be over so we could tell the guys. I hope they'll accept it. 

It felt so good being here with Youngwon. On our way to the banana stand I got a message from Daniel. 
It said;
I hope you're having fun with Wonnie. Yoseob says hi! 

Suddenly I felt bad.
I wanted to tell him that I'm with Youngwon. Like as a couple.
But I have no idea how he'd react. And would Youngwon be mad at me since we weren't supposed to tell anyone? But I tell Daniel everything. Goodness. I'll worry about this later. I'm going to finish this night off wonderfully with my amazing boyfriend. 

"Guess what." I said in between bites of my snack. 
"What monkey?" he replied.
"Keep calling me names and I won't tell you." I kidded. 
"I'm sorry. Tell me."
"First dance to Sorry Sorry." 
"Ugh. Fine." he said as he let go of my hand. 

"sorry sorry sorry sorry
naega naega naega meonjeo
nege nege nege ppajyeo ppajyeo
ppajyeo beoryeo baby
shawty shawty shawty shawty
nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
sumi makhyeo makhyeo makhyeo
naega michyeo michyeo baby"
he sang as he danced. 

People that were walking by laughed not knowing what he was doing. 
"Okay, okay. I'll tell you."
"Thank you!"
"I was thinking, since we only have time for like, one more ride. I'd let you take me on the ferris wheel."
"Sweet. Let's go. Because I want to look at some of the booths too." he said as he dragged me behind him like a child does to their parent. 

As we waited for the ferris wheel to come around again, we stopped at a booth that was selling bracelets. We got matching wood beaded ones. They were cute. 

Of course since I was scared of this ride, it would stop us on the very top. 

"I really don't like this." I said as I buried my face into his chest. 
"It's okay. I'll protect you." he said as he gently lifted my head and kissed me on the forehead.
I held his hand so tightly, but strangely, I really did feel protected. 

She was holding my hand so tight, but it felt right. She looked so cute scared.
As soon as we touched the ground, she loosened her grip. 

"Thank you for doing that. And don't worry, I wont make you go through that again." I said to her sympathetically. 
"Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be not scared of that ride. I don't know what it is. I can go on the craziest roller coaster, but not the damn ferris wheel?"
"It's no biggy. We're all scared of something."

She held my hand the whole rest of the way home.
Even though she fell asleep in the car, she never let go.

Comments are greatly appreciated (:
& sorry about the layout of this chapter.
I got a little to happy with the enter button.



Credit for Main&Background Images::
Kris from
Playful Melody (<--clicky click)

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I have like three more chapters already planned! I hope you stick with me!


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My comp is being a troll. I just now been seeing that you updated! Gosh, my stupid comp. Seriously though, i love this. But I'm rooting for Team Daniel! Lolol
Btw, are u going to add Simon?
i'm feeling so alive when I read this. LOL
Hahahaha Oh I see. <br />
Kay~! ^_^<br />
Yeah I agree the whiteness is overwhelming LMAO
@-foolwithoutfood of course that's not your fault.<br />
I wanted the background and image "dark". I'm sick of being blinded by the whiteness. Aha. <br />
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@KMLZee Haha I like the buttons too. aha.<br />
I got that from his twitter. He tweeted something like "YesterDayDay." <br />
& I thought it was cute. <br />
And an update should be up soon :D
Lol. 3. I know there is a drop down menu and there is also a next button. For some odd reason I like using the side thing. I'm a very odd person like that LMAO. <br />
<br />
4. Oooh. Day day said that part. Makes sense now. <br />
<br />
I can't wait to read the story soon. Update soon~
The review was very good! ^^ congratz~ :3 NOW UPDATE RIGHT NOW WOMAN! :D aha. but seriously :) can't wait to read on :P (about the background image making it hard to see the chapters, that's actually not even my fault for making it like that, right? lets blame AFF for not putting a white background for the "chapter menu" or however you call it lol. xD I remember when it used to be like that :P)
I liiike!^^ youngwon is sweet!(: but Aw, Daniel is writing a song for her ;~~~; why do I feel bad for him ;__; . but I still like her more with Youngwon. (:
Awwwww. They're together. <3333 I wanted Youngwon to be with her. ;)<br />
Poor Danny though. Writing a song just for her... </3
3MILYJOY You must update soon i see you working on the chapters all time and im all like sggfgfbbhhfgt5ysyij9userikj Whats going to happen i try to read it when your not looking but i don't know your password fml lol jp em
twinkletoe #10
OMG please update :)) i hope youngwon ends up with em :D