[04] Beautiful

Love Pain

*AN; FINALLY Chapter 4. I'm so sorry it took so long. I've been really busy. Also, I hate the layout of this. But thw computer I'm on, for some reason won't let me edit it atm.

**And again; the purple is Me. Green is Daniel**
***Comments are encouraged :D***
****Enjoy (: ****


I was so glad it was the weekend. Being at school would be the worst thing right

now. Today I'm going bowling with the twins and Dari. The other three were going
to the gym. I think it's good for us to do things separately, it feels good with
less people around once in a while.

We decided to make bowling a little more interesting by upping the stakes. The
loser of the game would buy lunch for us all. Youngwon went first. He got a
strike. Followed by Dari who also got a strike.
"Oh man. This is already looking bad. I've never got a strike before. It's been
so long since I've done this." I said with no confidence.
I slowly walked up to the line, I was about to roll the heavy pink ball when
someone grabbed my hand from behind.
"Here, I'll help you out." Youngwon said as he looked down at me with a smile.
He backed me up a little and kept his body close to mine. I could feel my face
break out in a cold sweat. When he helped me roll, his chest was completely
against my back. I closed my eyes and tried to shake this feeling.
"STRIKE!" Jisu yelled and I snapped back into reality.
"Woo-hoo!" Youngwon said high fiveing me.
Dari gave me a hug and congratulated me on my first strike.
I set myself up for that to happen.
What was I thinking?
I put this incident into the back of my mind, and put wining in the front.
"You faker!" Dari exclaimed when I got the next three strikes.
"Ohh you're bad." Jisu added.
"I'm so bad, bad but I'm so good, good." I sang.
We had a lot of fun. Jisu ended up losing, and taking us out for sushi before
meeting up with the guys to go to the movies.

DayDay and I were on the treadmills chatting while Inati was lifting weights.
"Hyung, can I tell you something?" I asked shyly.
"Of course man."
"But you have to promise not to tell anyone. And by anyone, I mean ANYONE!"
"Okay. What is it?"
"I think I'm in love."
"What? I didn't know you had a girlfriend."
"Uh, I don't."
"Then how the hell are you in love?"
"Well, I have a girlFRIEND that I see everyday."
"And just everything about her makes me happy. Her smile, her smell, her eyes,
her hair, her personality, her laugh, the way she carries herself, the way she
says my name, the glow she gets when she's happy, her voice, the way she cares
for everyone around her. Just everything. She's just so beautiful. Inside and out."
"Have you told her that."
"Well, no. But I'm scared it will ruin our relationship. And I REALLY don't want
that to happen."
"Who is she?"
"Promise you won't freak out?"
"Yea man. Who is it?"
"Yeah man, why would I lie about that?"
"I don't know. It just seems so crazy."
"When did you start having these feelings for her?"
"Well, the fifth grade."
"Seriously? Man that's cute."
"I don't want it to be cute man. She likes someone, and it's tearing me up
"Do you know who?"
"Yes, but I can't tell you that. I promised her."
"Okay. Um. What can you really do in this situation? We're like her brothers."
"There is nothing I can do. Not right now anyway."
"I'm sorry bro."
"Don't worry about it. Thank you for listening."
"Anytime." DayDay finally said before getting Inati so we could go.
We still have the movies to go to too.
I just wanted to go home.

Em fell asleep on the way home from the movies. I carried her upstairs to her
room. Took her shoes off and covered her with her blanket. Before I left the
room, I lightly kissed her perfect forehead and whispered, "Sweet dreams. I love
you." into her ear.

I could barely sleep that night. There was so much on my mind.



Credit for Main&Background Images::
Kris from
Playful Melody (<--clicky click)

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I have like three more chapters already planned! I hope you stick with me!


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My comp is being a troll. I just now been seeing that you updated! Gosh, my stupid comp. Seriously though, i love this. But I'm rooting for Team Daniel! Lolol
Btw, are u going to add Simon?
i'm feeling so alive when I read this. LOL
Hahahaha Oh I see. <br />
Kay~! ^_^<br />
Yeah I agree the whiteness is overwhelming LMAO
@-foolwithoutfood of course that's not your fault.<br />
I wanted the background and image "dark". I'm sick of being blinded by the whiteness. Aha. <br />
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@KMLZee Haha I like the buttons too. aha.<br />
I got that from his twitter. He tweeted something like "YesterDayDay." <br />
& I thought it was cute. <br />
And an update should be up soon :D
Lol. 3. I know there is a drop down menu and there is also a next button. For some odd reason I like using the side thing. I'm a very odd person like that LMAO. <br />
<br />
4. Oooh. Day day said that part. Makes sense now. <br />
<br />
I can't wait to read the story soon. Update soon~
The review was very good! ^^ congratz~ :3 NOW UPDATE RIGHT NOW WOMAN! :D aha. but seriously :) can't wait to read on :P (about the background image making it hard to see the chapters, that's actually not even my fault for making it like that, right? lets blame AFF for not putting a white background for the "chapter menu" or however you call it lol. xD I remember when it used to be like that :P)
I liiike!^^ youngwon is sweet!(: but Aw, Daniel is writing a song for her ;~~~; why do I feel bad for him ;__; . but I still like her more with Youngwon. (:
Awwwww. They're together. <3333 I wanted Youngwon to be with her. ;)<br />
Poor Danny though. Writing a song just for her... </3
3MILYJOY You must update soon i see you working on the chapters all time and im all like sggfgfbbhhfgt5ysyij9userikj Whats going to happen i try to read it when your not looking but i don't know your password fml lol jp em
twinkletoe #10
OMG please update :)) i hope youngwon ends up with em :D