[03] One Day

Love Pain

*The things in [~~~) or (~~~] are thoughts*

**Purple=Me: Green=Daniel**

***Sorry it took so long.***
****And this is no longer a 'you' story. I'm sorry. It was just easier for me to use my name. Even though the character is fictional.****

It felt like the first day of kindergarten all over again. But worse. I had the
the boys already, and I was open to having friends. I actually wanted them. Now,
I just want to run into Daniel's arms and cry. The only reason I'm trying to
make at least one new friend, is so I don't dump everything on him. 

There was no such luck at it today, I tried talking to some people. But all I
got was a "Hi." or "You're close with Dayday/Dari/Jisu etc. right?" If I was
going to make any new friends, it wasn't going to be here. 

I decided to walk home. I didn't feel up to hanging out with the guys. 

"EM! Wait up!" I heard from behind me.
I turned around even though I knew who it was.
"Hi Daniel." I said as I gave him a hug. "What are you doing here?"
"You didn't think I was gonna let you walk home alone right?"
"You know there's all kinds of freaks out here. And they're not getting my best
friend. No sir."
"You're so crazy."
"But you love it." he said as he put his arm around me.
[this is how it's supposed to feel. normal and fun. He really is my best friend)
"Okay, what is the real reason you're walking me home?"
"To make sure you're okay. Em, you know you can talk to me about anything
"Yeah I know. But it just seems weird that I don't have any girlfriends."
"I understand. But you're not going to find any when you're looking for some.
They have to find you."
"Yeah. I get you."
Suddenly an awkward silence fell between us.
"Okay. I can tell you anything right?"
He nodded.
"You have to promise not to tell ANYone. "
"Cross my heart."
I explained my situation.
"That's what's been making you feel like this?"
"That's nothing to worry about. It was just one little feeling. You're just
thinking about it too much."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. It's fine. Just don't think about it like that."
"I'll try. Thank you. This makes me feel a whole lot better."
"No problem. You know I love you right?"
"Of course darling." I kidded. "I love you too. I love all of you to death,
that's why this situation was bothering me so."

(if only she knew that I really love her. and how jealous of Youngwon I am that
he ever crossed her mind like that. one day I will be able to tell her. One day.]



Credit for Main&Background Images::
Kris from
Playful Melody (<--clicky click)

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I have like three more chapters already planned! I hope you stick with me!


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My comp is being a troll. I just now been seeing that you updated! Gosh, my stupid comp. Seriously though, i love this. But I'm rooting for Team Daniel! Lolol
Btw, are u going to add Simon?
i'm feeling so alive when I read this. LOL
Hahahaha Oh I see. <br />
Kay~! ^_^<br />
Yeah I agree the whiteness is overwhelming LMAO
@-foolwithoutfood of course that's not your fault.<br />
I wanted the background and image "dark". I'm sick of being blinded by the whiteness. Aha. <br />
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@KMLZee Haha I like the buttons too. aha.<br />
I got that from his twitter. He tweeted something like "YesterDayDay." <br />
& I thought it was cute. <br />
And an update should be up soon :D
Lol. 3. I know there is a drop down menu and there is also a next button. For some odd reason I like using the side thing. I'm a very odd person like that LMAO. <br />
<br />
4. Oooh. Day day said that part. Makes sense now. <br />
<br />
I can't wait to read the story soon. Update soon~
The review was very good! ^^ congratz~ :3 NOW UPDATE RIGHT NOW WOMAN! :D aha. but seriously :) can't wait to read on :P (about the background image making it hard to see the chapters, that's actually not even my fault for making it like that, right? lets blame AFF for not putting a white background for the "chapter menu" or however you call it lol. xD I remember when it used to be like that :P)
I liiike!^^ youngwon is sweet!(: but Aw, Daniel is writing a song for her ;~~~; why do I feel bad for him ;__; . but I still like her more with Youngwon. (:
Awwwww. They're together. <3333 I wanted Youngwon to be with her. ;)<br />
Poor Danny though. Writing a song just for her... </3
3MILYJOY You must update soon i see you working on the chapters all time and im all like sggfgfbbhhfgt5ysyij9userikj Whats going to happen i try to read it when your not looking but i don't know your password fml lol jp em
twinkletoe #10
OMG please update :)) i hope youngwon ends up with em :D