
We broke up, but I found someone else


Kiseop's POV

Oh my God..Did...my childhood friend kiss me just now?..No..He couldn't possibly love me..He still loves Kevin, that's it. I looked up to Jaeseop who was smiling. I blinked and blinked in confusion.

"But...we're..childhood friends...How can you say that?" He laughed and ruffled my hair.

"Before I even met Kevin, I had a huge crush on you. I knew you didn't realise it so I decided to give up. And I made myself one promise: If anything happens to me and Kevin, I will have to confess to my biggest crush ever." His hand was on my cheek and all the heat from his palm went on my cheek as I felt it burning up. I looked down.

"Oh..I see.. And you took 21 years just to tell me that?" He laughed quietly.

"I made a wrong move before. But at least, now, you're here with me." He smiled and I smiled back.

"AJ! The manager wants to see you!" I heard Soohyun-hyung shout from the living room. I smiled wider.

"You should go.. Good luck!" I gave him a hug before walking away. Suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back towards him. Just after doing pulling me back, he kissed me gently and my mind was spinning. How many times does this guy kiss someone? He pulled away and cat-grinned at me before running to Soohyun-hyung who was shocked. I ran to Eli's room. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it? If it's you, Kevin, can I talk to you later? Now's not the time." I laughed.

"Nope, it's Kiseop."

"Oh..sure. Come in, Kiseoppie." I opened the door to see his clean room...in a mess. My eyes widened.

"What in the world happened here? Did a monster throw your stuffs around?" Eli laughed while scratching his head.

"No..I was..Um..stressing out." I frowned slightly.

"Is it about Kevin?" He shook his head.

"It is not about Kevin, it's just..Kevin. He just gets all clingy when he sees me and kisses me all the time." I nodded and sat next to him.

"AJ's probably the same. Although he uttered the three letter word..I didn't think saying to him just now was the right time so I kept quiet. And after 21 years, he just told me that he had a big crush on me before he met Kevin. I mean, why 21 years?" Eli nodded.

"True.. Kevin said he loves me more than 5 times a day but I know he was sincere since his eyes was telling it. I said it back twice and he ends up jumping onto me and kissing me." My eyes widened.

"Okay.." Eli laughed.

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, where's Kevin?"

"Out. Where's AJ?"

"Out.." After a moment of silence, we both looked at each other.

"Oh no." We both said in unison before running out of the room, finding Jaeseop and Kevin having a cushion fight in the living room where a freaked out Hoon and an angry Soohyun was. We ran towards them and tried to stop them. Firstly, I had to stop Kevin.. No, not because he's hurting AJ. Because he is the one who will keep on hitting. I grabbed Kevin's cushion and he still continued hitting AJ.

"Both of you, stop!" I screamed loudly. Suddenly, Kevin's cushion was meant to hit AJ but instead, it hit..Yeah, you got it. Me. And his hits are really really hard! After he hit me, I fell backwards, earning a loud noise from the floor. I groaned in pain.

"OW! My head...." Kevin screamed.

"Oh my God! Are you okay! I didn't mean to-"

"Kevin, you bastard!" AJ cut him off. After throwing the cushion to the ground, he ran towards me and helped me up. He led me to the couch where Kevin was sitting. Since Jaeseop went to get the ice-pack, I leaned on Kevin's shoulder for a while.

"You said you wouldn't talk to me." He blushed.

"Well..sorry. I guess I was over-reacting a little, wasn't I? But AJ can be this pain in my neck." I smiled at Kevin's rant.

"So tell me, did he confess to you?" He seems interested.

"Well, yeah, he did. But I didn't confess back. Because at that time, I thought he was playing a joke but when he said he had a crush on me before he met you, I got shocked." Kevin laughed.

"We're both leaving separate lives now. I only love my pigeon!" I laughed with Kevin. He got up and patted my head. I winced in pain.

"Whoops, sorry! Got to go now! See you, Kiseoppie!" He is probably going to where Eli is. I laughed and switched the TV on. Suddenly, something cold was on my head. I looked up to see Jaeseop smiling at me. I blushed.

"Thanks for the ice-pack." He pecked me on the lips.

"Welcome." Then suddenly, a loud scream was from the owner..Who else? Shin Soohyun, who was standing at the doorway.

"SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY IS JAEVIN NOT TOGETHER BUT INSTEAD ELVIN AND 2SEOP!!" We both flinched at his scream and Soohyun approached me.

"Kiseop, tell me. Everything."

"Um.." Suddenly, he whacked me on the head and I fell on the couch.

"Tell me!"

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!" I screamed louder than him and he gave a confused look.

"YOU HIT THE SPOT WHERE I BANGED MY HEAD ON THE FLOORRR! AHHH! I FEEL LIKE I'M DYING!!" Jaeseop was finding every way to comfort me. Soohyun's eyes widened and he apologized. I smiled and shook my head. After he went to pester Elvin, AJ grabbed a new ice-pack and placed it on my head.

"Was his whack that hard?"

"I think by his finger, a fly would die." I mumbled, making Jaeseop laugh.

"Ahahaha, that's cute, Kiseoppie." We both laughed, confusing Hoony Bunny who just casually walked to the bathroom.

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Choivita97 #1
Chapter 4: update please
Chapter 4: this story is funny!

update update i want update!
Chapter 4: i want jaevin
Chapter 4: BWAHWAHWA! XD Poor kiseop though
Soohyuns whacks are a bit too strong
Chapter 4: Lol this is entertaining xD