So Curious About Them...

Our Love Story

-My POV-

Ever since yesterday I've been think about Soo Ra and how did Myung Soo and her broke up.. It made me have headaches just by thinking about it... Myung Soo got hurt more, so most probably Soo Ra was the one who broke up with Myung Soo. I pouted while thinking of this, Eun Ji shook me telling me that class had ended and asked me not to worry about the reason they broke up as no one knows.

*I wonder how.. Gah~* I thought and shook my head

While leaving class, my hands were totally full. I packed the things on my hands while walking, not noticing that someone was right in front of me.

I bumped into that person and fell, it was Myung Soo, O.O, I panicked. An unexpected reaction of him shocked me, he help me up. He told me to stand still and he would help me pick up those books of mine.

He apologised and said he would help me to my locker. I blushed immediately, and told him it was okay but he insisted. My heart beat rate is getting faster and faster, I was blushing madly but I hope it was not obvious as he would have know the fact that I have a crush on him...

I was about to walk away when someone grabbed my wrist and I whirled around, it was Woohyun, Myungsoo's best friend. He bend down to my level and looked into my eyes. He stared at me for a few seconds and smiled. 

"See you soon Stephanie." He smiled and walked away while I stood there dumbfounded.

-Myung Soo's POV-

Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean it, since she had so many things to carry let me help her to her locker. She's a new student right? I should make friends with her she seems nice. My rate of heartbeats faster.. I shook my head and I came back to the reality. No. I promised myself to never fall in love anymore!! I don't want to be hurt again...

-Eun Ji's POV-

Aww Stephanie made a fast move to go close to him though it was not on purpose. Raina jumped behind my back and gave me a shock. I told Raina about Stephanie she was happy. 

"They make a cute couple!" Raina clapped her hands and smiled. "I can say the same as you and Byunghun~" I sang and she started blushing. *Haha, this is fun.* "I can say it too! You and Yongguk sunbaenim make a cute couple too!" 

That's when I heard a very familiar laugh. "I spoke too soon, bye unnie~" She sang and pushed me forward and ran away. *Ish! That girl...*

-Raina's POV-

*WOW~ If they are a couple it would be so sweet. Hope they would be together!! I think everybody think so too~ Haha Stephanie's cheeks are so rosey, she's so funny and clumsy when she blush. * I thought when I saw my Eunji unnie.

I sneakily walked behind her and scared her. "BOO!" I shouted and she screamed. I laughed loudly and soon came to a stop. Eunji unnie told me how Stephanie and Myungsoo sunbaenim make a cute couple and I was smiling.

"They make a cute couple!" I clapped my hands and smiled. Eunji unnie looked at me and did a small smirk. "I can say the same as you and Byunghun~" She sang and I immediately blushed.

*Ish, unnie!* I blushed and said, "I can say it too! You and Yongguk sunbaenim make a cute couple too!" And this, she blushed and that's when we heard a familiar laugh. "I spoke to soon, bye unnie~" I sang and pushed her forward and ran away.

*Haha!* I smiled and went to the rooftop.


Nobody's POV

"Hey, Eunji!" Stephanie came into the canteen and saw one of her best friends. Eunji turned around and smiled. She waved her arms and motioned Stephanie to follow her.

Stephanie nodded and quickly ran to her. "So, what are the food here like?" She asked as they sat down. "Fine I guess, I will get my food first, stay here." Eunji took her wallet and went off.

Stephanie and sat there, looking around when screaming was heard. "KYA!!! TEEN TOP, YONGGUK, MYUNGSOO AND WOOHYUN ARE HERE!!!!" One of the fangirls squealed loudly and ran towards the door. 

Stephanie craned her neck to get a better look but she can't. She pouted when Eunji came back with a ham and cheese sandwhich. "Hais... They are here..." Eunji sighed and ate her food.

"Why are you sighing?" Stephanie asked and Eunji swallowed her food. "You see, here in West High, there good Queenkas and bad Queenkas, the good ones are 4 Minute while the bad ones are the Black Angels." Stephanie paused for a moment when the screamings stopped.

"Make way!! Shoo!!" They looked up and saw the Black Angels. "And they are the black Angels." Eunji poitned and ate her food. Stephanie furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head.

*They are horrible.* She thought and scoffed, bad choice. Since they are near the door, some of the Black Angels saw Stephanie scoff. They whispered to one another and walked towards the two girls.

"HEY YOU!" The leader, Hae Min, shouted at Stephanie and Eunji rolled her eyes. "What do you want Hae Min?" Eunji said coldly and Hae Min glared at her. "You too, looks like Little Miss Loser here have a new friend. Come on girls, let's teach this girl what are the rules here." Hae Min smirked and snapped her fingers.

Stephanie stood up and was about to run for it when someone prevented her from running away. Just on time, Raina descended the stairs and heard a commotion. She quickly descended and saw the kingas standing there.

"Excuse me, what is happening?" She asked and Woohyun pushed her forward. "Someone is about to get a punishment from the Queenkas, so childish." He rolled his eyes and Raina became furious.

"Um, noona? Are you okay?" Ricky asked and Raina stomped her way to her best friends. *What is hse doing? She will be killed.* Byunghun looked up and took a close look on Raina.

"HEY! HAE MIN!" Raina threw a paper ball on Hae Min's head and she smirked. Hae Min furiously whirled around and her hands started shaking. "Don't hurt my friends, hurt me instead, if you can catch me!!" Raina shouted and poured water on them.

*Oh no!!* The Kingas and her friends screamed in their heads and Raina made a run for it. "GET HER!!" Hae Min growled and the girls ran after Raina. 

"I didn't know noona was like this... She is so sweet and kind in class but now, she is so furious when she saw her friends about to get punished." Changjo said and Byunghun looked at Raina.

*Why am I so worried?* He asked himself and shook his head. "Stephanie, you alright?" Eunji asked and Stephanie nodded. "I didn't know Raina was like this." Stephanie said and Eunji nodded.

"Yeah, I have never seen her like this before." Eunji commented when Raina came running in. "Haha! This is fun!" She jumped aorund when she heard Hae Min shouting again.

"Gotta Run!!" She stopped jumping and ran off again. "Haha, I think Raina is only half way back to herself." Niel laughed when Black Angels came and everyone started laughing while Myungsoo and Rain chuckled.

"That girl!" Seo Min said and fell on the floor to catch her breath. "Psst! Guys!" Eunji and Stephanie turned around and saw their friend panting. "Raina! You okay?" Eunji asked and Raina nodded.

"Wait a  minute." She said and ran to the Black Angels again. "Looks like you girls need to work out more, look at you, all sweaty, bleh!" Raina joked and everyone laughed harder.

"Bye bye girls, see you soon." Raina smirked and walked away. "Good job Raina noona!" Ricky and Changjo said in unison and Riana stopped walking. "You know my name?" 

"Of course! Who wouldn't know you?" Niel said and Byunghun blushed. *I noticed you the most but I act as if I don't even know you, yes Raina, I have a crush on you...* He sighed and walked away. "Hey Myungsoo, look behind you." Woohyun whispered and Myungsoo turned around and his small smile disappeared.

"Soo Ra..." he mumbled. Stephanie noticed his gaze and saw Soo Ra having the same expression as him. *I'm so curious! I need to know!!* Stephanie thought and continued looking at them.



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Chapter 3: Keep updating!!!AJA AJA Fighting
chikorquotes #3