My Crush ?

Our Love Story

-My POV-

As soon as Eun Ji pulled me in the class, chills went down my spine. The class was so quiet that I was able to hear a pin drop.  I soon spotted a guy who he was cute and has perfect eyes, I fell in love with him immediately, it was love at first sight.

Eunji was about to walk to her seat when she saw me froze on the spot staring at someone and crrped behind me.

"YAH!!" I jumped in shock and held my rapidly beating heart and it seems like Eunji helped me got Myung Soo's attention. He stared but soon looked back into his book, his character is slightly like Rain's but I have a feeling that Myung Soo has a much warmer heart as compared to Rain just by his attractive eyes.

*His eyes are really pretty.* I thought and smiled.


Nobody's POV

"Aish, why am I not in Eunji's class..." Raina pouted as she looked out of the window. *What is taking Mr Lee so long?* She thought and she started humming to a song. "I Love You~" She sang when someone dashed into the class.

"There is noo class today! Mr Lee is on a vacation!" He said and happily went to his seat. She rolled my eyes and took out her mini notebook. She opened it to the page with a bookmark and started shaking her pen while thinking.

*It's hard writing song lyrics, I wish Eunji was here to help me.* She sighed and pouted when someone threw a paper ball at her. She whirled around and a group of boys her snickering at her.

*Ish, they are so annoying.* She shook her head and turned back to her mini book when she dropped her pen. She stood up and reached down when another hand grabbed her's.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She looked up and saw a familiar purple hair. "Oh, i-it's o-okay." She blushed and took her pen. "I think we have been in the same Music Class since last year, I guess I was too busy with my friends that I didn't notice you." L.Joe rubbed his neck and they laughed at the awkwardness.

Just then, the bell rang, it was time for a mini break. "I guess I will see you soon." Raina smiled and walked out with her bag and stuff. *I guess... Why is my heart going faster?* L.Joe blushed and sighed.


-My POV-


Back in Eun Ji and my class, we were talking about Myung Soo and we started to talk about his personality and why was he so cold. After Eun Ji told me about the reason he was so cold, I immediately felt that his Ex-girlfriend, Soo Ra, who was sitting around my area gave us a mixture of curious and sad eyes.

I told Eun Ji how I felt about her, Eun Ji immediately asked me not to hate her as she has a kind heart but she rarely shows it. Nobody knows the reason why did they break-up then. It made me troubled the whole history class.


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Chapter 3: Keep updating!!!AJA AJA Fighting
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